Avaliação da dispnéia pós covid através do shuttle run test em bombeiros militares do Rio Grande do Norte.
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DIAS, Alana Klicia dos Reses
FARIAS, Ana Lívia Eufrázio de Medeiros
RODRIGUEZ, João Paulo De Sá
CUNHA, Daniela Gibson
Há uma variedade de sequelas que a COVID-19 é capaz de proporcionar às pessoas que
foram infectadas, resultante de sua abordagem multissistêmica que acomete não só o
tecido pulmonar, mas sistemas subjacentes e vitais como o músculo esquelético,
neurológico, psicológico e o cardiovascular. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar
o impacto da dispneia referida pelos bombeiros militares do Rio Grande do Norte que
apresentaram covid-19 durante a pandemia. Trata-se de um estudo o observacional
longitudinal. Aprovado pelo comitê de ética da Universidade Potiguar do Rio Grande do
Norte, pelo parecer de número: 5.007.855 e CAAE: 47663221.9.0000.5296. Foram
selecionados 11 Bombeiros Militares do Rio Grande do Norte que testaram positivo para
SARS-CoV-2 e 11 que não foram infectados pelo vírus da Covid-19, totalizando 22
militares selecionados por conveniência, para ser incluído na pesquisa precisava ser
bombeiro militar do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, apresentar exame RT-PCR, ter
apresentado sintomas de leves a “alto” e ser ativo na corporação. Para a coleta de dados
foi realizado uma avaliação com duração média 30 minutos, através da realização do
shuttle run test; e aplicação da escala de Borg modificada para classificação da dispneia
antes e após a execução do teste. Para análise de dados, aplicados teste de Shapiro-Wilk
para analisar a distribuição de normalidade e teste de Mann-Whitney para comparar as
variáveis independentes com a variável dependente (histórico de infecção por COVID-19),
as análises foram realizadas no programa Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
(SPSS), p<0,05. Houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos nas
medidas de dispneia e pressão diastólica no repouso e após o shuttle run test. Frente a essas
observações e afirmações, a sensação de dispneia encontrada quando aplicada a escala de
borg modificada nesses bombeiros militares e a alteração da PAD, tem como característica
o baixo condicionamento cardiopulmonar desse grupo que ficaram sequelados pela covid
There are a variety of sequelae that COVID-19 is capable of causing to people who have been infected, resulting from its multisystem approach that affects not only lung tissue, but underlying and vital systems such as skeletal, neurological, psychological and cardiovascular muscle. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of dyspnea reported by military firefighters in Rio Grande do Norte who presented covid-19 during the pandemic. This is a longitudinal observational study. Approved by the ethics committee of the Potiguar University of Rio Grande do Norte, by opinion number: 5.007,855 and CAAE: 47663221.9.0000.5296. Eleven Military Firefighters from Rio Grande do Norte who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 and 11 who were not infected by the Covid-19 virus were selected, totaling 22 military personnel selected for convenience, to be included in the research, they needed to be a military firefighter in the state from Rio Grande do Norte, present RT-PCR exam, have presented symptoms ranging from mild to “high” and be active in the corporation. For data collection, an assessment with an average duration of 30 minutes was performed, through the performance of the shuttle run test; and application of the modified Borg scale to classify dyspnea before and after performing the test. For data analysis, the Shapiro-Wilk test was applied to analyze the distribution of normality and the Mann-Whitney test to compare the independent variables with the dependent variable (history of COVID-19 infection), the analyzes were performed using the Statistical Package program for the Social Sciences (SPSS), p<0.05. There was a statistically significant difference between the groups in the measures of dyspnea and diastolic pressure at rest and after the shuttle run test. In view of these observations and statements, the sensation of dyspnea found when the modified Borg scale was applied to these military firefighters and the alteration in DBP, is characterized by the low cardiopulmonary conditioning of this group, which were sequelae by covid 19.
There are a variety of sequelae that COVID-19 is capable of causing to people who have been infected, resulting from its multisystem approach that affects not only lung tissue, but underlying and vital systems such as skeletal, neurological, psychological and cardiovascular muscle. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of dyspnea reported by military firefighters in Rio Grande do Norte who presented covid-19 during the pandemic. This is a longitudinal observational study. Approved by the ethics committee of the Potiguar University of Rio Grande do Norte, by opinion number: 5.007,855 and CAAE: 47663221.9.0000.5296. Eleven Military Firefighters from Rio Grande do Norte who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 and 11 who were not infected by the Covid-19 virus were selected, totaling 22 military personnel selected for convenience, to be included in the research, they needed to be a military firefighter in the state from Rio Grande do Norte, present RT-PCR exam, have presented symptoms ranging from mild to “high” and be active in the corporation. For data collection, an assessment with an average duration of 30 minutes was performed, through the performance of the shuttle run test; and application of the modified Borg scale to classify dyspnea before and after performing the test. For data analysis, the Shapiro-Wilk test was applied to analyze the distribution of normality and the Mann-Whitney test to compare the independent variables with the dependent variable (history of COVID-19 infection), the analyzes were performed using the Statistical Package program for the Social Sciences (SPSS), p<0.05. There was a statistically significant difference between the groups in the measures of dyspnea and diastolic pressure at rest and after the shuttle run test. In view of these observations and statements, the sensation of dyspnea found when the modified Borg scale was applied to these military firefighters and the alteration in DBP, is characterized by the low cardiopulmonary conditioning of this group, which were sequelae by covid 19.
sars-cov-2, shuttle run test, bombeiro militar