Benefícios do exercício resistido nas funções cognitivas de idosos com a doença de Alzheimer.
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ALMEIDA, Vitória Virginio da Costa Antunes
SILVA, Leandro Medeiros da
SANCHES, Iris Callado
O aumento da expectativa de vida na população idosa traz consigo o desafio crescente das doenças crônicas, incluindo a Doença de Alzheimer (DA), caracterizada por degeneração cerebral. O exercício resistido (ER) é amplamente recomendado para o envelhecimento, oferecendo benefícios para a saúde muscular, óssea e cognitiva. Diante disso, este estudo investiga a literatura sobre os efeitos do ER em idosos com DA, com foco na cognição. A revisão bibliográfica, realizada nas bases de dados PubMed, LILACS e Google acadêmico selecionou cuidadosamente 6 artigos para análise. Os resultados indicam que o Treinamento Resistido é uma estratégia eficaz, fornecendo uma abordagem não farmacológica promissora no tratamento da DA. Contudo, destaca-se a necessidade de estudos mais abrangentes para uma discussão mais robusta sobre o tema. Essas descobertas reforçam a importância do ER como ferramenta multifacetada no enfrentamento dos desafios do envelhecimento cognitivo e da DA.
The increase in life expectancy among the elderly population brings with it the growing challenge of chronic diseases, including Alzheimer's Disease (AD), characterized by brain degeneration. Resistance exercise (RE) is widely recommended for aging, offering benefits for muscular, bone, and cognitive health. In light of this, this study investigates the literature on the effects of RE on elderly individuals with AD, focusing on cognition. The literature review, conducted on the PubMed, LILACS and Google Scholar databases, carefully selected 6 articles for analysis. The results indicate that Resistance Training is an effective strategy, providing a promising non-pharmacological approach in the treatment of AD. However, there is a need for more comprehensive studies for a more robust discussion on the topic. These findings reinforce the importance of RE as a multifaceted tool in addressing the challenges of cognitive aging and AD.
The increase in life expectancy among the elderly population brings with it the growing challenge of chronic diseases, including Alzheimer's Disease (AD), characterized by brain degeneration. Resistance exercise (RE) is widely recommended for aging, offering benefits for muscular, bone, and cognitive health. In light of this, this study investigates the literature on the effects of RE on elderly individuals with AD, focusing on cognition. The literature review, conducted on the PubMed, LILACS and Google Scholar databases, carefully selected 6 articles for analysis. The results indicate that Resistance Training is an effective strategy, providing a promising non-pharmacological approach in the treatment of AD. However, there is a need for more comprehensive studies for a more robust discussion on the topic. These findings reinforce the importance of RE as a multifaceted tool in addressing the challenges of cognitive aging and AD.
Alzheimer, exercício físico, treinamento resistido, demência