Análise da abordagem do tratamento conservador em hérnias de disco lombar: uma revisão de literatura.
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CAVALCANTE, Julio Ferreira Bisneto
LEITE, Willian Gustavo Alves
RODRIGUEZ, João Paulo de Sá
ANDRADE, Ito Ferreira
Objetivos: Abordar a fisioterapia no tratamento conservador em hérnia de disco lombar,
mostrando a eficácia dos métodos não invasivos.
Métodos: Análise de ensaios clínicos randomizados publicadas nos últimos 10 anos sobre
hérnia de disco lombar, utilizando bases de dados nacionais e internacionais.
Resultados: Tendo em vista o caráter geralmente benigno desta doença, os artigos mostram
a há sim a possibilidade de regressão ou reabsorção da hérnia de forma autógena. Que
embora possa ser alcançado com o repouso absoluto, o uso de eletroterapia, compressas
térmicas, exercícios físicos mobilizações e manipulações das estruturas musculares e
articulares da região lombar e MMII fazem com que essa reabilitação seja menos dolorosa
ou incapacitantes os usos de práticas integrativas podem aumentar a eficiência do tratamento
Conclusões: A hérnia de disco é uma patologia extremamente comum. Os pacientes
portadores de hérnia discal apresentam sinais e sintomas clínicos característicos, conforme
a região de acometimento. Tendo em vista que são inúmeros fatores de risco, oriundos de
um sedentarismo, fator genético ou transporte de cargas excessivas associadas a má postura.
O tratamento varia de acordo com o nível da lesão, associada a limitação dos seus afazeres
do dia a dia. Tendo em vista que os métodos conservadores funcionam, o tratamento
cirúrgico só entra em último caso.
Objective: To approach physiotherapy in the conservative treatment of lumbar disc herniation, showing the effectiveness of non-invasive methods. Methods: Analysis of randomized controlled trial and observational studies published in last 10 years on lumbar dis herniation, using international databases. Results: in view of the generally benign character of this disease. The articles show the possibility of regression or resorption of the hernia in an autogenous manner. That although it can be achieved with absolute rest, the use of electrotherapy, thermal compresses, physical exercises mobilizations manipulations of muscle and joint structures of the lumbar region and lower members make this rehabilitation less painful or disabling. The uses of integrative practices can increase the efficiency of the conservative treatment. Conclusions: Herniated disc is an extremely common pathology. Patients with disc herniation have characteristic clinical signs and symptoms, depending on the region of the area. Considering that there are numerous risk factors, arising from a sedentary life style, genetic factor or transport of excessive loads associated with bad posture. Treatment varies according to the level of the injury, associated with the limitation of its day-to-day tasks. Considering that conservative methods work, surgical treatment comes in last case.
Objective: To approach physiotherapy in the conservative treatment of lumbar disc herniation, showing the effectiveness of non-invasive methods. Methods: Analysis of randomized controlled trial and observational studies published in last 10 years on lumbar dis herniation, using international databases. Results: in view of the generally benign character of this disease. The articles show the possibility of regression or resorption of the hernia in an autogenous manner. That although it can be achieved with absolute rest, the use of electrotherapy, thermal compresses, physical exercises mobilizations manipulations of muscle and joint structures of the lumbar region and lower members make this rehabilitation less painful or disabling. The uses of integrative practices can increase the efficiency of the conservative treatment. Conclusions: Herniated disc is an extremely common pathology. Patients with disc herniation have characteristic clinical signs and symptoms, depending on the region of the area. Considering that there are numerous risk factors, arising from a sedentary life style, genetic factor or transport of excessive loads associated with bad posture. Treatment varies according to the level of the injury, associated with the limitation of its day-to-day tasks. Considering that conservative methods work, surgical treatment comes in last case.
intervertebral disc displacement, conservative treatment, musculoskeletal manipulations, physical therapy