O uso do peeling de Ácido Tricloroacético como alternativa aos procedimentos tradicionais do rejuvenescimento cutâneo.
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REIS, Lívia da Cunha
OLIVEIRA, Marcely Louise Costa de
FERREIRA, Sarah de Souza
O envelhecimento cutâneo é um processo natural que se dá através da ação conjunta de fatores endógenos e exógenos. Com isso, muitos indivíduos estão à procura de procedimentos estéticos que tenham a melhora da aparência da pele, proporcionando a renovação celular, estimulando as proteínas de colágeno e elastina da área, contribuindo para o rejuvenescimento. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar a aplicação do ácido tricloroacético na forma de peeling químico e a sua contribuição para o rejuvenescimento cutâneo. Esse ativo tornou-se um dos principais recursos para o tratamento dessa queixa, já que o mesmo gera a renovação tecidual, descamando controladamente a epiderme através da aplicação tópica. Foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica abrangente utilizando diversas bases de dados, além de fontes adicionais. Este trabalho contribuirá complementando e somando aos estudos acadêmicos acerca do assunto tratado, validando a eficácia e segurando do peeling de ácido tricloroacético no que se refere ao rejuvenescimento.
Skin aging is a natural process that occurs through the joint action of endogenous and exogenous factors. As a result, many individuals are looking for aesthetic procedures that improve the appearance of the skin, providing cell renewal, stimulating collagen and elastin proteins in the area, contributing to rejuvenation. The objective of this study is to evaluate the application of trichloroacetic acid in the form of chemical peeling and its contribution to skin rejuvenation. This active ingredient has become one of the main resources for treating this complaint, as it generates tissue renewal, controlling the desquamation of the epidermis through topical application. A comprehensive literature review was carried out using several databases, as well as additional sources. This work contributes to helping to highlight how promising chemical peeling can be for rejuvenation treatment, being able to restore the patient's health and self-esteem.
Skin aging is a natural process that occurs through the joint action of endogenous and exogenous factors. As a result, many individuals are looking for aesthetic procedures that improve the appearance of the skin, providing cell renewal, stimulating collagen and elastin proteins in the area, contributing to rejuvenation. The objective of this study is to evaluate the application of trichloroacetic acid in the form of chemical peeling and its contribution to skin rejuvenation. This active ingredient has become one of the main resources for treating this complaint, as it generates tissue renewal, controlling the desquamation of the epidermis through topical application. A comprehensive literature review was carried out using several databases, as well as additional sources. This work contributes to helping to highlight how promising chemical peeling can be for rejuvenation treatment, being able to restore the patient's health and self-esteem.
rejuvenescimento, ácido tricloroacético, peelings químicos