A importância da atenção farmacêutica na farmacoterapia em idosos: fundamentos e propostas.
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DUARTE, Daniel Hallyson de Sousa
MENDONÇA, Mayra Lícia Fernandes
DUARTE, Gabriella Mendes
O envelhecimento é um processo natural e gradual que envolve alterações
fisiológicas e funcionais capazes de interferir diretamente na farmacocinética e
farmacodinâmica dos medicamentos, o que explica a maior susceptibilidade dos
idosos aos efeitos farmacológicos e adversos a estes. Nesse contexto, é notório a
importância do profissional farmacêutico para auxiliar na farmacoterapia dos idosos.
Desta forma, o referido trabalho propõe analisar o que abordam os estudos
científicos sobre as consequências que o processo de envelhecimento pode trazer,
de forma a apontar a necessidade da atenção farmacêutica na farmacoterapia da
população de terceira idade. O artigos acadêmicos utilizados para a construção
dessa revisão de literatura, foram selecionados através de cinco bases de dados,
sendo elas: Scielo, Medline, Micromedex, Lilacs e PubMed, no qual, os resultados
indicaram que muitas podem ser as complicações advindas desse processo, entre
elas, o uso da polifarmácia, que pode acarretar o aumento de reações adversas,
erros de medicação, elevação no risco de hospitalização e dos custos com a saúde
e a redução da adesão ao tratamento farmacológico. Conclui-se que, apesar dos
artigos científicos abordarem que a polifarmácia é elevada na população idosa e que
acarreta inúmeros impactos negativos, é possível observar escassez da prática de
atenção farmacêutica na população da terceira idade, em vista disso, foram
apresentadas estratégias e ações capazes de contribuir na redução destes
Aging is a natural and gradual process that involves physiological and functional changes capable of directly interfering in the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of medications, which explains the greater susceptibility of the elderly to pharmacological and adverse effects to them. In this context, the importance of the pharmaceutical professional to assist in the pharmacotherapy of the elderly is notorious. Thus, this paper proposes to analyze what scientific studies approach on the consequences that the aging process can bring, in order to point out the need for pharmaceutical care in the pharmacotherapy of the elderly population. This is a literature review, in which the results indicated that many may be the complications resulting from this process, among them, the use of polypharmacy, which can lead to increased adverse reactions, medication errors, increased risk of hospitalization and health costs, reducing the treatment of pharmacological treatment. It is concluded that, although scientific articles address that polypharmacy is high in the elderly population and that it causes numerous negative impacts, it is possible to observe scarcity of the practice of pharmaceutical care in the elderly population, in view of this, strategies and actions capable of contributing to the reduction of these impacts were presented.
Aging is a natural and gradual process that involves physiological and functional changes capable of directly interfering in the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of medications, which explains the greater susceptibility of the elderly to pharmacological and adverse effects to them. In this context, the importance of the pharmaceutical professional to assist in the pharmacotherapy of the elderly is notorious. Thus, this paper proposes to analyze what scientific studies approach on the consequences that the aging process can bring, in order to point out the need for pharmaceutical care in the pharmacotherapy of the elderly population. This is a literature review, in which the results indicated that many may be the complications resulting from this process, among them, the use of polypharmacy, which can lead to increased adverse reactions, medication errors, increased risk of hospitalization and health costs, reducing the treatment of pharmacological treatment. It is concluded that, although scientific articles address that polypharmacy is high in the elderly population and that it causes numerous negative impacts, it is possible to observe scarcity of the practice of pharmaceutical care in the elderly population, in view of this, strategies and actions capable of contributing to the reduction of these impacts were presented.
farmacoterapia, idosos, polifarmácia, atenção farmacêutica, reações adversas