Atuação dos micronutrientes na fertilidade humana.
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ALVES, Antônia Thayanne
LIMA, Ellen Cristina Oliveira de
GALDINO, Emmanuela de Araújo Leite
OLIVEIRA, Laís Arianne Santos de
TIBIANO, Lícia Gabriela de Oliveira
GUZEN, Fausto Pierdoná
A definição de infertilidade se relaciona com a incapacidade de obter uma gestação nas condições habituais e naturais, que considera o prazo de 12 meses nas quais as relações sexuais acontecem de forma constante e sem contracepção. Por incidir em impactos de diversas ordens e apresentar alta incidência, a infertilidade é tratada como problema de saúde pública, e, sendo multicausal, sugere a análise dos fatores de risco que tendem a potencializar essa condição. Esse estudo se interessa em especial pela forma como os aspectos nutricionais podem impactar, positiva ou negativamente, na saúde reprodutiva humana. Nesse sentido, o objetivo é discutir sobre o papel da alimentação adequada na reprodução humana, correlacionando aspectos nutricionais na infertilidade. Trata-se de uma revisão narrativa, com recorte temporal que considera artigos publicados desde 2010, e alcançados através de busca nas bases de dados Pubmed, SciELO, Sciencedirect, Oxford Academic, Google Acadêmico, além de Repositórios Institucionais e Científicos e fontes oficiais de informação. A literatura utilizada evidenciou que uma alimentação adequada e saudável baseada na ingestão de micronutrientes e antioxidantes destaca-se entre as recomendações nutricionais que potencializam a fertilidade. Conclui-se, portanto, que os aspectos nutricionais se apresentam como um dos fatores modificáveis que podem influenciar nos níveis de fertilidade humana.
The definition of infertility relates to the inability to achieve pregnancy under normal and natural conditions, which considers the period of 12 months in which sexual relations take place constantly and without contraception. Because it has a wide range 7 of impacts and a high incidence, infertility is treated as a public health problem and, being multi-causal, suggests analyzing the risk factors that tend to increase this condition. This study is particularly interested in how nutritional aspects can have a positive or negative impact on human reproductive health. In this sense, the aim is to discuss the role of adequate nutrition in human reproduction, correlating nutritional aspects with infertility. This is a review study, with a time frame that considers articles published since 2010, and reached through a search in the Pubmed, SciELO, Sciencedirect, Oxford Academic, Google Scholar databases, as well as Institutional and Scientific Repositories and official sources of information. The literature used showed that an adequate and healthy diet based on the intake of micronutrients and antioxidants stands out among the nutritional recommendations that enhance fertility. It is therefore concluded that nutritional aspects are one of the modifiable factors that can influence human fertility levels.
The definition of infertility relates to the inability to achieve pregnancy under normal and natural conditions, which considers the period of 12 months in which sexual relations take place constantly and without contraception. Because it has a wide range 7 of impacts and a high incidence, infertility is treated as a public health problem and, being multi-causal, suggests analyzing the risk factors that tend to increase this condition. This study is particularly interested in how nutritional aspects can have a positive or negative impact on human reproductive health. In this sense, the aim is to discuss the role of adequate nutrition in human reproduction, correlating nutritional aspects with infertility. This is a review study, with a time frame that considers articles published since 2010, and reached through a search in the Pubmed, SciELO, Sciencedirect, Oxford Academic, Google Scholar databases, as well as Institutional and Scientific Repositories and official sources of information. The literature used showed that an adequate and healthy diet based on the intake of micronutrients and antioxidants stands out among the nutritional recommendations that enhance fertility. It is therefore concluded that nutritional aspects are one of the modifiable factors that can influence human fertility levels.
reprodução humana, infertilidade, nutrição, micronutrientes