O potencial dos canabinoides como alternativa terapêutica para o tratamento do autismo.
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DANTAS, Letícia Lima Dantas
OLIVEIRA, Maria De Lourdes Ambrósio de
PINHEIRO, Ilanna Tainá Medeiros Gurgel
Cannabis sativa é uma planta popularmente nominada no Brasil como maconha,
bastante conhecida pelo seu poder psicoativo que pode ser utilizada de forma
ilícita ou terapêutica. Dentre as substâncias psicoativas presentes na planta as
principais representantes são: o Delta-9-tetrahidrocanabinol (Δ9- THC), que se
atribui os efeitos alucinógenos, e o Canabidiol (CBD) ao qual se atribui as
propriedades terapêuticas e foi através do sistema endocanabinoide (SECB) que
se abriu espaço para pesquisa sobre o uso do CBD no tratamento do Autismo.
Dessa forma, através de uma revisão bibliográfica, o presente trabalho visa
discutir o potencial uso dos canabinoides como alternativa terapêutica para o
tratamento do autismo utilizando para a pesquisa as bases de dados: SCIELO,
PUBMED, Science Direct e Google Acadêmico. Este trabalho ofereceu a
elucidação do uso terapêutico do CBD e Δ9- THC, que tem se tornado relevante,
eficaz e com grandes potenciais de sucesso, trazendo expectativas a pacientes
e suas famílias que hoje sofrem com o Transtorno do Espectro Autismo (TEA).
Cannabis sativa is a plant popularly named in Brazil a marijuana, well known for its psychoactive power that can be used illicitly or therapeutically. Among the psychoactive substances present in the plant as main representatives are: Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC), which is attributed to hallucinogenic effects, and Cannabidiol (CBD), which is attributed as therapeutic properties and through the endocannabinoid system ( SECB) that opens space for research on the use of CBD in the treatment of Autism. Thus, through a bibliographic review, this paper aims to discuss the potential use of cannabinoids as a therapeutic alternative for the treatment of autism, using for a search as databases: SCIELO, PUBMED, Science Direct and Google Scholar. This work offered the elucidation of the therapeutic use of CBD and Δ9-THC, which has become relevant, effective and with great potential for success, bringing the expectations of patients and their families who nowadays with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
Cannabis sativa is a plant popularly named in Brazil a marijuana, well known for its psychoactive power that can be used illicitly or therapeutically. Among the psychoactive substances present in the plant as main representatives are: Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC), which is attributed to hallucinogenic effects, and Cannabidiol (CBD), which is attributed as therapeutic properties and through the endocannabinoid system ( SECB) that opens space for research on the use of CBD in the treatment of Autism. Thus, through a bibliographic review, this paper aims to discuss the potential use of cannabinoids as a therapeutic alternative for the treatment of autism, using for a search as databases: SCIELO, PUBMED, Science Direct and Google Scholar. This work offered the elucidation of the therapeutic use of CBD and Δ9-THC, which has become relevant, effective and with great potential for success, bringing the expectations of patients and their families who nowadays with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
cannabis sativa, autismo, endocanabinóides, sistema endocanabinoide