Quantificação e caracterização da população folicular ovariana na espécie felis catus.
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SOUZA, Flávia Maira de oliveira
MARIANO, Natalia Luiza de Lima
FERREIRA, Sarah de Sousa
PADILHA, Deborah de Melo Magalhães
A espécie Felis Catus possui características filogenéticas semelhantes aos felinos silvestres e semelhanças ultraestruturais da foliculogênese e morfologia oocitária, denotando ter um potencial para ser utilizada como modelo experimental em pesquisas sobre reprodução de felinos silvestres e criação de bancos de germoplasma para espécies ameaçadas de extinção. O objetivo deste estudo foi quantificar e classificar a população folicular da espécie Felis Catus. Na pesquisa, forma utilizados dez ovários provenientes da castração de cinco fêmeas da espécie Felis Catus. Todos os folículos encontrados nas lâminas foram contados para obter a estimativa da população ovariana total. Folículos pré-antrais primordiais, primários, secundários e antrais foram encontrados e a população total estimada foi de 8.857 ± 7.135 folículos ovarianos por ovário. Entre eles, 91% eram primordiais, 4,9% primários, 2,5% secundários e 1,4% antrais. Em conclusão, a análise da população folicular dessa espécie evidenciou uma grande porcentagem de folículos pré-antrais, principalmente folículos primordiais, e baixa porcentagem de folículos antrais.
The Felis Catus species has phylogenetic characteristics similar to wild felines and ultrastructural similarities in folliculogenesis and oocyte morphology, denoting its potential to be used as an experimental model in research on the reproduction of wild felines and the creation of germplasm banks for endangered species. The objective of this study was to quantify and classify the follicular population of the Felis Catus species. In the research, ten ovaries from the castration of five females of the Felis Catus species were used. All follicles found on the slides were counted to obtain an estimate of the total ovarian population. Primordial, primary, secondary and antral preantral follicles were found and the estimated total population was 8,857 ± 7,135 ovarian follicles per ovary. Among them, 91% were primordial, 4.9% primary, 2.5% secondary and 1.4% antral. In conclusion, the analysis of the follicular population of this species showed a large percentage of pre-antral follicles, mainly primordial follicles, and a low percentage of antral follicles.
The Felis Catus species has phylogenetic characteristics similar to wild felines and ultrastructural similarities in folliculogenesis and oocyte morphology, denoting its potential to be used as an experimental model in research on the reproduction of wild felines and the creation of germplasm banks for endangered species. The objective of this study was to quantify and classify the follicular population of the Felis Catus species. In the research, ten ovaries from the castration of five females of the Felis Catus species were used. All follicles found on the slides were counted to obtain an estimate of the total ovarian population. Primordial, primary, secondary and antral preantral follicles were found and the estimated total population was 8,857 ± 7,135 ovarian follicles per ovary. Among them, 91% were primordial, 4.9% primary, 2.5% secondary and 1.4% antral. In conclusion, the analysis of the follicular population of this species showed a large percentage of pre-antral follicles, mainly primordial follicles, and a low percentage of antral follicles.
população folicular, felinos, histologia clássica