Atuação da fisioterapia e o uso do lúdico para melhora do déficit motor em indivíduos com transtorno do espectro autista (tea): uma revisão de literatura.
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CÂMARA, Arthur Andrew Carneiro
PIMENTA, Beatriz Germano de Oliveira
OLIVEIRA, Marcella Cabral de , Marcella Cabral de Oliveira
BARBOSA, Viviane Bulção Barbosa
Introdução: O Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA) é um transtorno do neurodesenvolvimento com alterações na interação social, comunicação e comportamentos repetitivos. O diagnóstico, baseado no DSM-V, depende de avaliação clínica. A fisioterapia e o lúdico vem sendo utilizado no tratamento, auxiliando no desenvolmento motor. Objetivo: Identificar e avaliar o uso da fisioterapia e de atividades lúdicas na melhoria do déficit motor em indivíduos com TEA. Metodologia: Essa revisão de literatura foi realizada por meio das bases de dados eletrônicas: Scielo, pubMED, semantic scholar e researchgate, selecionando estudos de 2010 a 2023. Resultados e discussão: Foram selecionados 10 artigos que abordam sobre o déficit motor e como a fisioterapia e o lúdico auxiliam no tratamento de crianças com TEA. Os resultados encontrados foram satisfatórios tanto para a fisioterapia quanto para o lúdico e a combinação delas também. Conclusão: Conclui-se que a fisioterapia e o lúdico são práticas importantes e eficientes para crianças com TEA que possuem déficit motor. Entretanto, a literatura ainda é escassa, e sugere-se a realização de novos estudos abordando essa temática.
Introduction: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder with changes in social interaction, communication and repetitive behaviors. The diagnosis, based on DSM-V, depends on clinical assessment. Physiotherapy and play have been used in treatment, helping with motor development. Objective: Identify and evaluate the use of physiotherapy and playful activities to improve motor deficits in individuals with ASD. Methodology: This literature review was carried out using electronic databases: Scielo, pubMED, semantic scholar and researchgate, selecting studies from 2010 to 2023. Results and discussion: 10 articles were selected that address motor deficits and how physiotherapy and play help in the treatment of children with ASD. The results found were satisfactory for both physiotherapy and play and the combination of them as well. Conclusion: It is concluded that physiotherapy and play are important and efficient practices for children with ASD who have motor deficits. However, literature is still scarce, and new studies addressing this topic are suggested.
Introduction: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder with changes in social interaction, communication and repetitive behaviors. The diagnosis, based on DSM-V, depends on clinical assessment. Physiotherapy and play have been used in treatment, helping with motor development. Objective: Identify and evaluate the use of physiotherapy and playful activities to improve motor deficits in individuals with ASD. Methodology: This literature review was carried out using electronic databases: Scielo, pubMED, semantic scholar and researchgate, selecting studies from 2010 to 2023. Results and discussion: 10 articles were selected that address motor deficits and how physiotherapy and play help in the treatment of children with ASD. The results found were satisfactory for both physiotherapy and play and the combination of them as well. Conclusion: It is concluded that physiotherapy and play are important and efficient practices for children with ASD who have motor deficits. However, literature is still scarce, and new studies addressing this topic are suggested.
fisioterapia, jogos e brinquedos, habilidade motora, transtorno do espectro autista