A Terapia cognitivo funcional na dor lombar crônica.
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DANTAS, Rildo Bruno Rodrigues
TOMAS, Victor Samuel da Silva
OLIVEIRA, Marcella Cabral de
A Terapia cognitivo Funcional (TCF) é uma abordagem biopsicossocial apresentada por profissionais da fisioterapia, que representa um novo modelo de intervenção que consiste em domínios intitulados a dor, controle, e mudanças de vida, que são considerados fundamentos de psicologia, centrados no paciente em modo geral. O objetivo desse estudo foi mostrar, por meio de uma revisão de literatura, o bom prognóstico que a terapia cognitivo funcional tem quando aplicada na dor lombar crônica. Essa abordagem multidimensional tem como objetivo adquirir um tratamento na reabilitação de pacientes com dor lombar crônica, nos estudos realizados em diferentes localidades, apresentou adultos de 18 a 65 anos de idade como público-alvo para o tratamento, foi apresentado melhores resultados e mais eficaz na redução da incapacidade, depressão/ansiedade relacionados a dor, e outros aspectos relacionados a funcionalidade.
The Functional Cognitive Therapy (FCT) is a biopsychosocial approach presented by physiotherapy professionals, which represents a new intervention model that consists of domains entitled pain, control, and life changes, which are considered fundamentals of psychology, centered on the patient in general. The objective of this study was to show, through a literature review, the good prognosis that functional cognitive therapy has when applied to chronic low back pain. This multidimensional approach aims to acquire a treatment in the rehabilitation of patients with chronic low back pain. In studies carried out in different locations, adults aged 18 to 65 years were presented as the target audience for treatment, presenting better results and being more effective in reducing disability, depression/anxiety related to pain, and other aspects related to functionality. Keywords: Low back pain, Chronic, Functional cognitive therapy.
The Functional Cognitive Therapy (FCT) is a biopsychosocial approach presented by physiotherapy professionals, which represents a new intervention model that consists of domains entitled pain, control, and life changes, which are considered fundamentals of psychology, centered on the patient in general. The objective of this study was to show, through a literature review, the good prognosis that functional cognitive therapy has when applied to chronic low back pain. This multidimensional approach aims to acquire a treatment in the rehabilitation of patients with chronic low back pain. In studies carried out in different locations, adults aged 18 to 65 years were presented as the target audience for treatment, presenting better results and being more effective in reducing disability, depression/anxiety related to pain, and other aspects related to functionality. Keywords: Low back pain, Chronic, Functional cognitive therapy.
dor lombar, crônica, terapia cognitivo Funcional