Aquilo que cultivo
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Ramos, Ana Beatriz
Rossoni, Camila
Siqueira, Dener
Gemignani, Gabriella
Moreira, Julia
Camargo, Sophia
Santos, Tiago Eugênio dos
Ao longo dos anos percebe-se que as relações e as habilidades sociais entre indivíduos refletem em seus estilos de vida, e em como isso os afetará como pessoas. O objetivo da animação “Aquilo que cultivo” é o de expor essas relações e habilidades de maneira intrínseca e a importância de desenvolvê-las, ressaltando o impacto que isso causa em cada indivíduo. Para alcançar o propósito do projeto foram feitas explorações dos conceitos de relações e habilidades sociais, listagem de obras com temas semelhantes, consultas com especialistas e profissionais bem como de obras literárias da área. “Aquilo que cultivo” se passa em um universo fictício, é uma animação 2D sobre o convívio social e de relações de confiança de uma família de espíritos para com seu fazendeiro, a fim de instigar o espectador a se questionar sobre relações ao entorno dele. A validação da hipótese se dá em pesquisas e análises de formulários preenchidos pelo público-alvo e opiniões de profissionais da área, confirmando a importância de se analisar as relações e habilidades sociais.
Over the years it has been noticed that the relationships and social skills between individuals reflect on their lifestyles, and on how it will affect them as people. The purpose of the animation “What I Cultivate” is to expose these relationships and skills in an intrinsic way and the importance of developing them, highlighting the impact this has on everyone. To achieve the project's purpose, explorations of the concepts of social relations and skills were made, listing of works with similar themes, consultations with specialists and professionals as well as literary works in the area. “What I cultivate” takes place in a fictional universe, it is a 2D animation about the social and trusting relationships of a family of spirits with their farmer, to instigate the viewer to question about relationships around him. The hypothesis is validated through research and analysis of forms filled out by the target audience and the opinions of professionals in the area, confirming the importance of analyzing social relationships and skills.
Over the years it has been noticed that the relationships and social skills between individuals reflect on their lifestyles, and on how it will affect them as people. The purpose of the animation “What I Cultivate” is to expose these relationships and skills in an intrinsic way and the importance of developing them, highlighting the impact this has on everyone. To achieve the project's purpose, explorations of the concepts of social relations and skills were made, listing of works with similar themes, consultations with specialists and professionals as well as literary works in the area. “What I cultivate” takes place in a fictional universe, it is a 2D animation about the social and trusting relationships of a family of spirits with their farmer, to instigate the viewer to question about relationships around him. The hypothesis is validated through research and analysis of forms filled out by the target audience and the opinions of professionals in the area, confirming the importance of analyzing social relationships and skills.
Design de Animação, Relações sociais, Habilidades sociais, Desenho animado