Saúde da mulher e os cuidados de enfermagem no período do puerpério
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Pereira, Francisca Josilene Barbosa
Santos, Jaciara de Lima Souza
Ferreira, Caio Fernando Martins
A expectativa em ser mãe e a maternidade é vista como algo inato pela mulher,
faz com que ela se sinta insegura e frágil. A enfermagem vem a desenvolver um papel
importante que é vivenciar e acompanhar essa etapa e fazê-la compreender a
integralidade do cuidado do pré-natal ao puerpério. Identificar se as gestantes e
puérperas com doenças crônicas mais suscetíveis, informar acerca da dimensão do
cuidado de enfermagem às puérperas. E com um olhar clínico de enfermagem,
analisar as gestantes e puérperas visando a teoria do conforto, e uma atenção prénatal
e puerperal de qualidade e humanizada. Trata-se de uma revisão de literatura, com
abordagem qualitativa, utilizou-se a teoria das representações sociais como
referencial teórico. Foram selecionados 20 artigos para a construção do trabalho, a
partir da análise deles, evidenciou-se a carência de práticas educativas do
autocuidado, com ênfase na amamentação e alimentação da nutriz. Sobretudo que a
carência dessas ações acarreta dor e sofrimento. Observa-se que o cuidado de
enfermagem fundamentado no conforto traz segurança e alívio da dor para as
puérperas. Onde permitiu-se identificar fatores de risco no pré-natal ex.: mulheres com
doenças crônicas prévias à gestação aquelas que identificaram no curso da gravidez
alguma condição que irá trazer risco para ela e o bebê. Já no puerpério problemas
associados ao parto, como: dor, sofrimento psíquico (tristeza puerperal, disforia,
depressão pós-parto) cuidados ao recém-nascido e orientações sobre o ato de
amamentar são fundamentais, o que reforça a importância de um planejamento na
perspectiva de promoção da saúde da qualidade de vida da mulher mãe
The expectation of being a mother and motherhood is seen as something innate by women, making them feel insecure and fragile. Nursing comes to play an important role, which is to experience and monitor this stage and make it understand the integrality of care from prenatal to puerperium. Identify whether pregnant and postpartum women with chronic diseases are more susceptible, inform about the dimension of nursing care for postpartum women. And with a clinical view of nursing, analyze pregnant and puerperal women aiming at the theory of comfort, and quality and humanized prenatal and puerperal care. This is a literature review, with a qualitative approach, using the theory of social representations as a theoretical framework. 20 articles were selected for the construction of the work, based on their analysis, the lack of educational practices of self-care was evidenced, with emphasis on breastfeeding and feeding the nursing mother. Above all, the lack of these actions causes pain and suffering. It is observed that nursing care based on comfort brings security and pain relief to puerperal women. Where it was allowed to identify risk factors in prenatal care eg: women with chronic diseases prior to pregnancy, those who identified during pregnancy some condition that will bring risk to her and the baby. In the puerperium, problems associated with childbirth, such as: pain, psychic suffering (puerperal sadness, dysphoria, postpartum depression), care for the newborn and guidance on the act of breastfeeding are fundamental, which reinforces the importance of planning in the perspective promotion of health and quality of life for women and mothers.
The expectation of being a mother and motherhood is seen as something innate by women, making them feel insecure and fragile. Nursing comes to play an important role, which is to experience and monitor this stage and make it understand the integrality of care from prenatal to puerperium. Identify whether pregnant and postpartum women with chronic diseases are more susceptible, inform about the dimension of nursing care for postpartum women. And with a clinical view of nursing, analyze pregnant and puerperal women aiming at the theory of comfort, and quality and humanized prenatal and puerperal care. This is a literature review, with a qualitative approach, using the theory of social representations as a theoretical framework. 20 articles were selected for the construction of the work, based on their analysis, the lack of educational practices of self-care was evidenced, with emphasis on breastfeeding and feeding the nursing mother. Above all, the lack of these actions causes pain and suffering. It is observed that nursing care based on comfort brings security and pain relief to puerperal women. Where it was allowed to identify risk factors in prenatal care eg: women with chronic diseases prior to pregnancy, those who identified during pregnancy some condition that will bring risk to her and the baby. In the puerperium, problems associated with childbirth, such as: pain, psychic suffering (puerperal sadness, dysphoria, postpartum depression), care for the newborn and guidance on the act of breastfeeding are fundamental, which reinforces the importance of planning in the perspective promotion of health and quality of life for women and mothers.
Enfemagem, Saúde da mulher, Período pós-parto, Puepério