As implicações negativas no desenvolvimento infantil causadas pelo uso excessivo de telas: uma revisão sistemática.
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SILVA FILHO, Roberto Rossellini Barbosa da
SANCHES, Iris Callado
Introdução: O uso exagerado de telas por parte das crianças está sendo associado a uma série de problemas que não se limitam apenas ao físico, atingindo também os aspectos sociais, emocionais e cognitivos. A partir disso decidimos identificar quais as implicações negativas no desenvolvimento infantil pelo uso excessivo de telas. Objetivo: identificar as implicações negativas ao desenvolvimento infantil causadas pelo uso excessivo de telas. Metodologia: O presente estudo em formato de revisão sistemática da literatura, foram feitas buscas em várias plataformas onde as principais são Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina dos Estados Unidos, Biblioteca Eletrônica Científica online, Biblioteca Eletrônica Científica online, Repositório universitário da anima, Revista brasileira de implantologia e ciências da saúde, Revista Fiep Bulletin, Revista Eletrônica Acervo saúde. Foram incluídos artigos a partir de 2019 até 2023, completos, gratuitos, em português, espanhol e inglês. Os excluídos foram aqueles que não se encaixavam nos critérios de inclusão. Ao final foram escolhidos 13 artigos para compor o estudo. Resultados: As informações obtidas demonstram que diversas áreas do desenvolvimento infantil podem ser afetadas de forma negativa, quando se faz uso excessivo de tela, quando não há mediação de adultos e quando o conteúdo assistido não é apropriado para a idade. Dessa forma a linguagem, o sono, o emocional, a interação social, o comportamento, o cognitivo, a comunicação, o psicossocial, e o desenvolvimento motor são prejudicados. Conclusão: O desenvolvimento infantil sofre prejuízos com o uso excessivo de telas. É fundamental que pais e responsáveis moderem o uso de telas, a fim de manter o desenvolvimento saudável das crianças.
Introduction: The excessive use of screens by children is being associated with a series of problems that are not limited to the physical, but also affect social, emotional and cognitive aspects. From this we decided to identify the negative implications for child development caused by excessive use of screens. Objective: to identify the negative implications for child development caused by excessive use of screens. Methodology: The present study in the format of a systematic literature review, searches were carried out on several platforms, the main ones being the National Library of Medicine of the United States, Scientific Electronic Library online, Scientific Electronic Library online, Anima university repository, Brazilian journal of implantology and health sciences, Fiep Bulletin Magazine, Electronic Magazine Acervo saúde. Articles were included from 2019 to 2023, complete, free, in Portuguese, Spanish and English. Those excluded were those who did not meet the inclusion criteria. In the end, 13 articles were chosen to compose the study. Results: The information obtained demonstrates that several areas of child development can be negatively affected when excessive screen use is used, when adult mediation is not provided, and when the content watched is not appropriate for their age. In this way, language, sleep, emotional, social interaction, behavior, cognitive, communication, psychosocial, and motor development are harmed. Conclusion: Child development suffers from excessive use of screens. It is essential that parents and guardians moderate the use of screens in order to maintain children's healthy development.
Introduction: The excessive use of screens by children is being associated with a series of problems that are not limited to the physical, but also affect social, emotional and cognitive aspects. From this we decided to identify the negative implications for child development caused by excessive use of screens. Objective: to identify the negative implications for child development caused by excessive use of screens. Methodology: The present study in the format of a systematic literature review, searches were carried out on several platforms, the main ones being the National Library of Medicine of the United States, Scientific Electronic Library online, Scientific Electronic Library online, Anima university repository, Brazilian journal of implantology and health sciences, Fiep Bulletin Magazine, Electronic Magazine Acervo saúde. Articles were included from 2019 to 2023, complete, free, in Portuguese, Spanish and English. Those excluded were those who did not meet the inclusion criteria. In the end, 13 articles were chosen to compose the study. Results: The information obtained demonstrates that several areas of child development can be negatively affected when excessive screen use is used, when adult mediation is not provided, and when the content watched is not appropriate for their age. In this way, language, sleep, emotional, social interaction, behavior, cognitive, communication, psychosocial, and motor development are harmed. Conclusion: Child development suffers from excessive use of screens. It is essential that parents and guardians moderate the use of screens in order to maintain children's healthy development.
Desenvolvimento infantil, tempo de tela, criança