Análise dos impactos do treinamento aeróbico na doença de alzheimer em idosos: revisão narrativa de literatura.
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BARROS, Cilene de Lima
OLIVEIRA, Marcella Cabral de
A doença de Alzheimer, doença neurodegenerativa que afeta o sistema nervoso central, atinge em torno de 10% dos indivíduos a partir de 65 anos e 40% daqueles acima de 80 anos, compondo o sexto grupo de doenças mais relevantes em relação ao impacto na funcionalidade e na mortalidade de idosos. O presente estudo apresenta como objetivo revisar as principais evidências disponíveis na literatura e os desfechos sobre os impactos do exercício aeróbico na progressão da Doença de Alzheimer no paciente idoso. Trata-se de uma revisão narrativa de literatura que busca investigar os efeitos e principais impactos do exercício aeróbico em idosos diagnosticados com Alzheimer. A questão norteadora deste estudo buscou responder se existem resultados significativos na progressão da Doença de Alzheimer em idosos através da realização de exercícios aeróbicos. Foram encontrados 56 estudos durante o levantamento realizado na base de dados PUBMED, sendo que destes, apenas 4 se encaixaram nos critérios de inclusão e foram selecionados para compor a revisão narrativa da literatura. Esta revisão narrativa conclui, portanto, que a prática de exercícios aeróbicos apresenta impacto positivo como intervenção no declínio de pacientes com diagnóstico de DA, mostrando eficácia na melhora da cognição global, trazendo manutenção ativa a sistemas, tais como: sistema respiratório, sistema cardiovascular e sistema músculo esquelético.
Alzheimer's disease, a neurodegenerative disease that affects the central nervous system, affects around 10% of individuals over 65 years of age and 40% of those over 80 years of age, making up the sixth most relevant group of diseases in relation to their impact on functionality. and mortality in the elderly. The present study aims to review the main evidence available in the literature and the outcomes on the impacts of aerobic exercise on the progression of Alzheimer's disease in elderly patients. This is a narrative literature review that seeks to investigate the effects and main impacts of aerobic exercise in elderly people diagnosed with Alzheimer's. The guiding question of this study sought to answer whether there are significant results in the progression of Alzheimer's Disease in the elderly through aerobic exercise. 56 studies were found during the survey carried out in the PUBMED database, of which only 4 met the inclusion criteria and were selected to compose the narrative literature review. This narrative review concludes, therefore, that the practice of aerobic exercises has a positive impact as an intervention in the decline of patients diagnosed with AD, showing effectiveness in improving global cognition, bringing active maintenance to systems such as: respiratory system, cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system.
Alzheimer's disease, a neurodegenerative disease that affects the central nervous system, affects around 10% of individuals over 65 years of age and 40% of those over 80 years of age, making up the sixth most relevant group of diseases in relation to their impact on functionality. and mortality in the elderly. The present study aims to review the main evidence available in the literature and the outcomes on the impacts of aerobic exercise on the progression of Alzheimer's disease in elderly patients. This is a narrative literature review that seeks to investigate the effects and main impacts of aerobic exercise in elderly people diagnosed with Alzheimer's. The guiding question of this study sought to answer whether there are significant results in the progression of Alzheimer's Disease in the elderly through aerobic exercise. 56 studies were found during the survey carried out in the PUBMED database, of which only 4 met the inclusion criteria and were selected to compose the narrative literature review. This narrative review concludes, therefore, that the practice of aerobic exercises has a positive impact as an intervention in the decline of patients diagnosed with AD, showing effectiveness in improving global cognition, bringing active maintenance to systems such as: respiratory system, cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system.
doença de alzheimer, saúde do idoso, exercicio aeróbico