Tratamento conservador da tendinopatia patelar em atletas: uma revisão de literatura.
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MENDONÇA, Dayse Samara Batista
FARIAS, Maria José Pimenta de
FONSÊCA, Jéssica Danielle Medeiros da
Introdução: A Tendinopatia Patelar é uma disfunção musculoesquelética caracterizada como
uma dor anterior no joelho, geralmente localizada próxima à inserção do tendão patelar no polo
inferior da patela. Comumente os atletas são os mais acometidos por essa patologia,
principalmente aqueles que praticam atividades que necessitam da extensão súbita do joelho,
como corrida, salto e chutes, levando a micro traumas no tendão patelar. Objetivo: Investigar,
por meio de uma revisão de literatura, as evidências científicas dos métodos de tratamento
conservador da tendinopatia patelar em atletas. Metodologia: Trata-se de uma revisão de
literatura realizada por meio de artigos científicos que tivessem relação com o objetivo do
estudo, sendo usadas as bases de dados Medline, Pubmed, Lilacs, Scielo e PEDro. Resultados
e Discussão: Os métodos mais usados atualmente são os exercícios de fortalecimento
excêntrico, programa de resistência lenta, exercícios isométricos e eletroterapia. Esses
tratamentos possuem diferentes mecanismos teóricos de ação, mas todos têm o mesmo objetivo,
de reduzir a dor e melhorar a função. Considerações finais: Nenhuma estratégia de tratamento
está claramente estabelecida como o padrão ouro no tratamento da tendinopatia patelar, apesar
da variedade de opções de tratamento, são necessárias mais pesquisas para descobrir o
tratamento mais eficaz em pacientes com esse diagnóstico.
Introduction: Patellar tendinopathy is a musculoskeletal disorder characterized as an anterior pain in the knee, usually located close to the insertion of the patellar tendon in the inferior pole of the patella. Athletes are commonly the most affected by this pathology, especially those who practice activities that require sudden knee extension, such as running, jumping and kicking, leading to micro trauma to the patellar tendon. Objective: To investigate, through a literature review, the scientific evidence of conservative treatment methods for patellar tendinopathy in athletes. Methodology: This is a literature review carried out through scientific articles that were related to the objective of the study, using the Medline, Pubmed, Lilacs, Scielo and PEDro databases. Results and Discussion: The most used methods today are eccentric strengthening exercises, slow resistance program, isometric exercises and electrotherapy. These treatments have different theoretical mechanisms of action, but they all have the same goal, to reduce pain and improve function. Final considerations: No treatment strategy is clearly established as the gold standard in the treatment of patellar tendinopathy, despite the variety of treatment options, further research is needed to discover the most effective treatment in patients with this diagnosis.
Introduction: Patellar tendinopathy is a musculoskeletal disorder characterized as an anterior pain in the knee, usually located close to the insertion of the patellar tendon in the inferior pole of the patella. Athletes are commonly the most affected by this pathology, especially those who practice activities that require sudden knee extension, such as running, jumping and kicking, leading to micro trauma to the patellar tendon. Objective: To investigate, through a literature review, the scientific evidence of conservative treatment methods for patellar tendinopathy in athletes. Methodology: This is a literature review carried out through scientific articles that were related to the objective of the study, using the Medline, Pubmed, Lilacs, Scielo and PEDro databases. Results and Discussion: The most used methods today are eccentric strengthening exercises, slow resistance program, isometric exercises and electrotherapy. These treatments have different theoretical mechanisms of action, but they all have the same goal, to reduce pain and improve function. Final considerations: No treatment strategy is clearly established as the gold standard in the treatment of patellar tendinopathy, despite the variety of treatment options, further research is needed to discover the most effective treatment in patients with this diagnosis.
tendinopatia patelar, atletas, jumper’s knee