Asma felina: relato de caso
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Dedoni, Alessandra
Sena, Daise
Gomes, Lethicia
Dworachek, Natália
Dallago, Rafaela
Feijó, Vanessa
A asma felina é uma doença do trato respiratório posterior, que recebe esse nome por se assemelhar à asma humana, desencadeando uma reação de hipersensibilidade do tipo l após contato com o alérgeno, podendo ser ele poeira, areia sanitária, pólen, perfumes, incensos, fumaças e/ou spray aerossol. O processo alérgico desencadeado resulta em tosse, espirros, sibilos, produção de muco, variando de alterações brandas a graves. Devido à angústia respiratória, o felino tende a se manter em posição ortopneica, buscando conforto respiratório. O diagnóstico é realizado através de radiografia torácica, junto ao exame físico e hemograma, porém podem ser realizados outros exames para exclusão de diagnósticos diferenciais, como coproparasitológico, broncoscopia, lavado broncoalveolar, tomografia computadorizada, e teste de função pulmonar. O tratamento se baseia na utilização de broncodilatadores, corticosteróides e, em casos de crise, oxigenoterapia, o manejo ambiental também é necessário e acompanhamento constante do paciente.
Feline asthma is a disease of the posterior respiratory tract, it receives this name because it resembles human asthma, triggering a type I hypersensitivity reaction after contact with the allergen, which may be dust, sanitary sand, pollen, perfumes, incense, fumes and/or aerosol spray. Contact with the allergen results in coughing, sneezing, wheezing, mucus production, ranging from mild to severe changes, due to respiratory distress the feline tends to remain in an orthopneic position, seeking respiratory comfort. The diagnosis is made through chest radiography, along with the physical examination and blood test, but other tests can be done to exclude differential diagnoses, such as coproparasitological examination, bronchoscopy, bronchoalveolar lavage, computed tomography, pulmonary function test. Treatment is based on the use of bronchodilators, corticosteroids and, in cases of oxygen therapy crisis, environmental management is also necessary and constant monitoring of the patient.
Feline asthma is a disease of the posterior respiratory tract, it receives this name because it resembles human asthma, triggering a type I hypersensitivity reaction after contact with the allergen, which may be dust, sanitary sand, pollen, perfumes, incense, fumes and/or aerosol spray. Contact with the allergen results in coughing, sneezing, wheezing, mucus production, ranging from mild to severe changes, due to respiratory distress the feline tends to remain in an orthopneic position, seeking respiratory comfort. The diagnosis is made through chest radiography, along with the physical examination and blood test, but other tests can be done to exclude differential diagnoses, such as coproparasitological examination, bronchoscopy, bronchoalveolar lavage, computed tomography, pulmonary function test. Treatment is based on the use of bronchodilators, corticosteroids and, in cases of oxygen therapy crisis, environmental management is also necessary and constant monitoring of the patient.
Asma, alergia, dispnéia, posição ortopneica