Nanotecnologia para controle eficaz da diabetes.
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SOUZA, Artur Fernandes Araújo de
OLIVEIRA, Matthieu Christian Emerenciano de
FERREIRA, Sarah de Sousa
O texto contextualiza o impacto da diabetes no cenário global, salientando sua crescente incidência e os desafios socioeconômicos e de saúde pública associados. Detalhes sobre diferentes tipos de diabetes, incluindo suas características, complicações e fatores de risco são apresentados. Destaca-se a relevância de estratégias de tratamento e prevenção, bem como os esforços do Ministério da Saúde para lidar com a questão. Sendo uma revisão sistemática da literatura científica, utilizando fontes como PUBMED/MEDLINE, GOOGLE ACADÊMICO e SCIELO. Foram analisados 15 artigos científicos de um total de 35, publicados entre 1999 e 2023, em inglês e português. O objetivo é evidenciar as tecnologias de nanossensores de glicose disponíveis no mercado e explorar o potencial da nanotecnologia para aprimorar o controle eficaz da diabetes. Sobre a nanotecnologia, são discutidas suas aplicações em saúde, como nanoemulsões e nanopartículas, evidenciando seu potencial para diagnóstico precoce, aprimoramento de biossensores, terapias mais direcionadas e métodos de detecção de biomarcadores específicos. Apesar dos benefícios, são apontadas preocupações éticas, custos elevados, toxicidade e desafios regulatórios associados à nanotecnologia. A pesquisa destaca o potencial transformador da nanotecnologia no manejo da diabetes, oferecendo caminhos promissores para terapias mais eficazes e precisas. No entanto, ressalta-se a necessidade de pesquisas contínuas, regulamentações robustas e esforços colaborativos para maximizar os benefícios e mitigar os desafios da aplicação da nanotecnologia na saúde.
The text contextualizes the impact of diabetes on the global stage, highlighting its growing incidence and the associated socioeconomic and public health challenges. Details about different types of diabetes, including their characteristics, complications and risk factors are presented. The relevance of treatment and prevention strategies is highlighted, as well as the efforts of the Ministry of Health to deal with the issue. Being a systematic review of scientific literature, using sources such as PUBMED/MEDLINE, GOOGLE ACADÊMICO and SCIELO. 15 scientific articles out of a total of 35, published between 1999 and 2023, in English and Portuguese were analyzed. The objective is to highlight glucose nanosensor technologies available on the market and explore the potential of nanotechnology to improve the effective control of diabetes. Regarding nanotechnology, its applications in health are discussed, such as nanoemulsions and nanoparticles, highlighting their potential for early diagnosis, improvement of biosensors, more targeted therapies and methods for detecting specific biomarkers. Despite the benefits, ethical concerns, high costs, toxicity and regulatory challenges associated with nanotechnology are highlighted. The research highlights the transformative potential of nanotechnology in the management of diabetes, offering promising avenues for more effective and precise therapies. However, the need for continued research, robust regulations and collaborative efforts to maximize the benefits and mitigate the challenges of applying nanotechnology in healthcare is highlighted.
The text contextualizes the impact of diabetes on the global stage, highlighting its growing incidence and the associated socioeconomic and public health challenges. Details about different types of diabetes, including their characteristics, complications and risk factors are presented. The relevance of treatment and prevention strategies is highlighted, as well as the efforts of the Ministry of Health to deal with the issue. Being a systematic review of scientific literature, using sources such as PUBMED/MEDLINE, GOOGLE ACADÊMICO and SCIELO. 15 scientific articles out of a total of 35, published between 1999 and 2023, in English and Portuguese were analyzed. The objective is to highlight glucose nanosensor technologies available on the market and explore the potential of nanotechnology to improve the effective control of diabetes. Regarding nanotechnology, its applications in health are discussed, such as nanoemulsions and nanoparticles, highlighting their potential for early diagnosis, improvement of biosensors, more targeted therapies and methods for detecting specific biomarkers. Despite the benefits, ethical concerns, high costs, toxicity and regulatory challenges associated with nanotechnology are highlighted. The research highlights the transformative potential of nanotechnology in the management of diabetes, offering promising avenues for more effective and precise therapies. However, the need for continued research, robust regulations and collaborative efforts to maximize the benefits and mitigate the challenges of applying nanotechnology in healthcare is highlighted.
biossensores, diabetes, gestão da saúde, nanopartículas, nanotecnologia