Reabilitação oral através de prótese parcial removível por fluxo digital: um relato de caso clínico.
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MACHADO, Marina Guimaraes da Cunha
VERÍSSIMO, Aretha Heitor
Introdução: O presente estudo traz um planejamento sobre Próteses Parciais Removíveis – PPR restabelecendo fatores funcionais e estéticos. A odontologia digital apresenta-se como ferramenta promissora, sendo simplificada do planejamento à reabilitação final. Objetivo: Apresentar um caso clínico através da reabilitação oral bimaxilar com próteses removíveis utilizando o fluxo digital e comparando com a técnica convencional. Descrição do caso: Paciente T.C, gênero feminino, 66 anos, costureira, natural de Macau/RN, procurou atendimento com queixa de insatisfação da prótese. Inicialmente, foi realizado exame clínico e exames de imagens para avaliação. Posteriormente após o planejamento, foi realizada a reabilitação oral através de próteses parciais por fluxo digital consistindo nas etapas: moldagem analógica/digital, delineamento analógico/digital, preparo de boca, planejamento digital e impressão de estrutura metálica em resina calcinável e fundição em Co-Cr. Em seguida, escaneamento facial, e enceramento digital 3D, Digital Smile Desing – DSD para previsibilidade do sorriso, e posteriormente realizado ajuste de plano de cera das PPRs. Em seguida, enviado ao laboratório montagem de dentes em plano de cera seguindo o planejamento do DSD. Após a aprovação da paciente as próteses seguiram para acrilização e posterior instalação, em adição realizada orientação de higiene e controle das próteses. Conclusões: O resultado proveniente do planejamento digital e execução das próteses no fluxo misto, foi satisfatório, com tempo e previsibilidade otimizada, alcançando estética e funcionalidade.
Introduction: This study presents a plan for Removable Partial Prostheses (RPP), restoring functional and aesthetic factors. Digital dentistry is a promising tool, simplifying the process from planning to final rehabilitation. Objective: To present a clinical case of bimaxillary oral rehabilitation with removable prostheses using digital flow and comparing it with the conventional technique. Case description: Patient T.C, female, 66 years old, seamstress, from Macau/RN, sought care complaining of dissatisfaction with her prosthesis. Initially, a clinical examination and imaging tests were carried out. After planning, oral rehabilitation was carried out using digital flow partial dentures, consisting of the following steps: analog/digital molding, analog/digital outlining, mouth preparation, digital planning and impression of the metal framework in calcined resin and Co-Cr casting. This was followed by facial scanning and 3D digital wax-up, Digital Smile Desing - DSD for smile predictability, and then the wax plane of the PPRs was adjusted. Next, the teeth were mounted on the wax plan in accordance with the DSD plan. After the patient's approval, the prostheses were acrylicized for subsequent installation, in addition to hygiene guidance and prosthesis control. Conclusions: The result of the digital planning and execution of the prostheses in mixed flow was satisfactory, with optimized time and predictability, achieving aesthetics and functionality.
Introduction: This study presents a plan for Removable Partial Prostheses (RPP), restoring functional and aesthetic factors. Digital dentistry is a promising tool, simplifying the process from planning to final rehabilitation. Objective: To present a clinical case of bimaxillary oral rehabilitation with removable prostheses using digital flow and comparing it with the conventional technique. Case description: Patient T.C, female, 66 years old, seamstress, from Macau/RN, sought care complaining of dissatisfaction with her prosthesis. Initially, a clinical examination and imaging tests were carried out. After planning, oral rehabilitation was carried out using digital flow partial dentures, consisting of the following steps: analog/digital molding, analog/digital outlining, mouth preparation, digital planning and impression of the metal framework in calcined resin and Co-Cr casting. This was followed by facial scanning and 3D digital wax-up, Digital Smile Desing - DSD for smile predictability, and then the wax plane of the PPRs was adjusted. Next, the teeth were mounted on the wax plan in accordance with the DSD plan. After the patient's approval, the prostheses were acrylicized for subsequent installation, in addition to hygiene guidance and prosthesis control. Conclusions: The result of the digital planning and execution of the prostheses in mixed flow was satisfactory, with optimized time and predictability, achieving aesthetics and functionality.
fluxo digital, CAD/CAM, prótese