Natação infantil: um meio para o desenvolvimento motor.
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MOISÉS, Marina de Azevedo
SANCHES, Iris Callado
Iris Callado
Este estudo se propõe a investigar a relação entre a prática da natação e a qualidade de vida infantil, com foco no desenvolvimento motor e nas influências familiares. A pesquisa considera a natação não apenas como um esporte, mas também como uma atividade terapêutica, cujos estímulos motores são aprimorados pelo ambiente aquático, proporcionando uma maior leveza e possibilidade de movimentação. A prática, quando conduzida adequadamente, propicia uma transição gradual de movimentos reflexos para voluntários, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor. A pesquisa também discute os diferentes estágios do desenvolvimento psicomotor na natação para bebês, dividindo-os em fases específicas de acordo com a idade. A prática aquática estimula as habilidades básicas, a segurança no meio líquido e os aspectos socioafetivos, contribuindo para a autonomia aquática e o desenvolvimento global das crianças. Os benefícios identificados incluem melhorias no condicionamento físico, aumento da força muscular, flexibilidade e coordenação motora. Além disso, a prática da natação demonstra influenciar positivamente o sono e o apetite dos bebês, evidenciando os benefícios tanto físicos quanto emocionais. Em conclusão, a natação para bebês emerge como uma prática enriquecedora, oferecendo uma variedade de vantagens para o desenvolvimento infantil. No entanto, ressalta-se a importância da supervisão de profissionais qualificados e a consideração de fatores como a idade apropriada e a segurança na decisão de introduzir a natação na vida das crianças. Assim, a prática consciente e responsável da natação para bebês pode ser um caminho valioso para o aprimoramento motor e social das crianças na primeira infância.
This study aims to investigate the relationship between swimming and children's quality of life, focusing on motor development and family influences. The research considers swimming not only as a sport, but also as a therapeutic activity, whose motor stimuli are enhanced by the aquatic environment, providing greater lightness and the possibility of movement. The practice, when conducted properly, provides a gradual transition from reflex to voluntary movements, contributing to neuropsychomotor development. The research also discusses the different stages of psychomotor development in swimming for babies, dividing them into specific phases according to age. Aquatic practice stimulates basic skills, safety in the liquid environment and socioaffective aspects, contributing to aquatic autonomy and the global development of children. The identified benefits include improvements in physical conditioning, increased muscle strength, flexibility and motor coordination. Furthermore, swimming has been shown to positively influence babies' sleep and appetite, highlighting both physical and emotional benefits. In conclusion, swimming for babies emerges as an enriching practice, offering a variety of advantages for child development. However, the importance of supervision by qualified professionals and the consideration of factors such as appropriate age and safety are highlighted when deciding to introduce swimming into children's lives. Therefore, the conscious and responsible practice of swimming for babies can be a valuable path towards the motor and social improvement of children in early childhood.
This study aims to investigate the relationship between swimming and children's quality of life, focusing on motor development and family influences. The research considers swimming not only as a sport, but also as a therapeutic activity, whose motor stimuli are enhanced by the aquatic environment, providing greater lightness and the possibility of movement. The practice, when conducted properly, provides a gradual transition from reflex to voluntary movements, contributing to neuropsychomotor development. The research also discusses the different stages of psychomotor development in swimming for babies, dividing them into specific phases according to age. Aquatic practice stimulates basic skills, safety in the liquid environment and socioaffective aspects, contributing to aquatic autonomy and the global development of children. The identified benefits include improvements in physical conditioning, increased muscle strength, flexibility and motor coordination. Furthermore, swimming has been shown to positively influence babies' sleep and appetite, highlighting both physical and emotional benefits. In conclusion, swimming for babies emerges as an enriching practice, offering a variety of advantages for child development. However, the importance of supervision by qualified professionals and the consideration of factors such as appropriate age and safety are highlighted when deciding to introduce swimming into children's lives. Therefore, the conscious and responsible practice of swimming for babies can be a valuable path towards the motor and social improvement of children in early childhood.
natação, bebês, desenvolvimento motor