Avaliação da eficiência da estação de tratamento de efluentes de uma indústria de beneficiamento de arroz da cidade de Meleiro no sul de Santa Catarina
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Martins, Giovane Scardueli
Silva, José Gabriel da
Cada vez mais a humanidade assimila que nem todo recurso é infinito e que suas ações podem ter um efeito muito negativo a si e a natureza, no contexto do espaço de tempo do ciclo de vida humano. Já passamos do ponto de servir-nos a vontade dos recursos naturais. A água apesar de ser extremamente abundante na terra, não está mais sendo facilmente encontrada em sua forma potável como eram tempos atrás. Por isso, uma indústria de beneficiamento de arroz a qual consume muita água e conseqüentemente gera grande volume de efluente, tem o dever de fazer o seu tratamento correto antes da disposição final no corpo receptor. Verificase que a Estação de Tratamento de Efluente (ETE) cumpre essa função de conversão do efluente bruto para o efluente passível de ser lançado a natureza e seu correto funcionamento e operação tem relação direta com a qualidade final do efluente tratado. Sendo assim, este trabalho teve como base a verificação da eficiência do tratamento da ETE de uma indústria de beneficiamento de arroz localizado na cidade de Meleiro, no extremo sul de Santa Catarina. A ETE da empresa trabalha com o sistema de coagulação/floculação, decantação e filtração visando remover os poluentes encontrados no efluente. Os parâmetros físico-químicos levados em consideração para realizar as análises laboratoriais e o cálculo da eficiência de suas remoções, foram os mesmos que a Fundação do Meio Ambiente (FATMA) exigiu como condicionantes da Licença Ambiental de Operação (LO). A FATMA, através de um laboratório independente que envia tais análises para ela e para a empresa, faz uma verificação semestral da qualidade do efluente tratado desta indústria a partir do diagnóstico de tais parâmetros físico-químicos que são: pH, DQO (???? ??), DBO5 (???? ??), Sólidos Totais (???? ??) e Sólidos Sedimentáveis (???? ??). Os valores máximos permitidos destes parâmetros foram retirados da Resolução do CONAMA n° 430 de 13 de Maio de 2011 e do Código Estadual do Meio Ambiente, Lei 14.675 de 13 de Abril de 2009. Com o monitoramento do sistema de tratamento, torna-se possível afirmar que ele está sendo eficaz na remoção da maioria dos parâmetros estudados mas peca no que diz respeito à remoção de DBO5, o que é muito negativo pois ela é um dos parâmetros de maior peso na verificação da eficácia ou ineficácia de uma ETE
Increasingly mankind learns that not every feature is infinite and that their actions can have a very negative effect itself and the nature in the context of the human life cycle timeframe. We have passed the point of serving us the will of natural resources. The water despite being extremely abundant in the earth, is no longer being easily found in your drinking way was long ago. Therefore, a rice processing industry that consumes a lot of water and therefore generates enough effluent has a duty to make the correct treatment before the final disposition of the receiving body. It appears that the Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) fulfills that the raw wastewater conversion function for the effluent that can be released to nature, and its correct functioning and operation is directly related to the final quality of the treated effluent. Thus, this work was based on the verification of the ETP treatment efficiency of a rice processing industry located in Meleiro at the south of Santa Catarina State. The ETP company works with the coagulation/flocculation, sedimentation and filtration system in order to remove the pollutants found in wastewater physicochemical parameters taken into consideration to perform the calculation of the efficiency of their removal, were the same as the Environment Foundation (FATMA) required as removing parameters of the company's ETP. The FATMA through an independent lab that sends such analyzes for her and the company, is a biannual check the quality of the treated effluent of this industry from the diagnosis of such physical and chemical parameters, that as a condition of Environmental Operational License (LO). These parameters are: pH, COD (???? ??), BOD5 (???? ??), Total Solids (???? ??) and Solid Sedimentable (???? ??). The maximum allowable values of these parameters were removed from the resolution of CONAMA nº 430 of May 13, 2011 and the State Environmental Code, Law 14.675 of April 13, 2009. With the monitoring of the treatment system, it becomes possible to state that it is being effective in removing most of the studied parameters but suffers as regards the removal of BOD5, which is very detrimental since it is a more weight parameters in verifying the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of a ETP
Increasingly mankind learns that not every feature is infinite and that their actions can have a very negative effect itself and the nature in the context of the human life cycle timeframe. We have passed the point of serving us the will of natural resources. The water despite being extremely abundant in the earth, is no longer being easily found in your drinking way was long ago. Therefore, a rice processing industry that consumes a lot of water and therefore generates enough effluent has a duty to make the correct treatment before the final disposition of the receiving body. It appears that the Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) fulfills that the raw wastewater conversion function for the effluent that can be released to nature, and its correct functioning and operation is directly related to the final quality of the treated effluent. Thus, this work was based on the verification of the ETP treatment efficiency of a rice processing industry located in Meleiro at the south of Santa Catarina State. The ETP company works with the coagulation/flocculation, sedimentation and filtration system in order to remove the pollutants found in wastewater physicochemical parameters taken into consideration to perform the calculation of the efficiency of their removal, were the same as the Environment Foundation (FATMA) required as removing parameters of the company's ETP. The FATMA through an independent lab that sends such analyzes for her and the company, is a biannual check the quality of the treated effluent of this industry from the diagnosis of such physical and chemical parameters, that as a condition of Environmental Operational License (LO). These parameters are: pH, COD (???? ??), BOD5 (???? ??), Total Solids (???? ??) and Solid Sedimentable (???? ??). The maximum allowable values of these parameters were removed from the resolution of CONAMA nº 430 of May 13, 2011 and the State Environmental Code, Law 14.675 of April 13, 2009. With the monitoring of the treatment system, it becomes possible to state that it is being effective in removing most of the studied parameters but suffers as regards the removal of BOD5, which is very detrimental since it is a more weight parameters in verifying the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of a ETP
Água - purificação, Resíduos industriais