A responsabilidade civil dos pais pelo abandono socioafetivo dos filhos
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SOUZA, Cristina dos Santos
OLIVEIRA, Ana Clara Alves
SOALHEIRO, Luiza Helene Messias
O presente trabalho tem como principal objetivo entender a aplicação do fenômeno da responsabilidade civil ao Direito das Famílias, especificamente, em casos que ocorrem o abandono socioafetivo. Nesse diapasão, será analisado se o dano advindo do abandono afetivo cuida-se da responsabilidade civil objetiva ou da responsabilidade subjetiva, buscando esclarecer esses citados conceitos, explicando a aplicabilidade de cada um deles, principalmente no que concerne em relação as indenizações nos casos em que o dano decorre daquele(a) que possui o dever de cuidar e zelar pelo bem-estar dos filhos. Para tanto, a fim de enfrentar o problema de pesquisa apresentado, se utilizará da pesquisa bibliográfico e apresentação de alguns julgados dos tribunais pátrios para ilustrar a aplicação da temática no judiciário brasileiro.
The main objective of this work is to understand the application of the characteristics of civil liability to Family Law, specifically in cases involving socio-affective abandonment. In this sense, it will be analyzed whether the damage resulting from emotional abandonment falls under objective civil liability or subjective liability, seeking to clarify these reported concepts, explaining the applicability of each of them, especially with regard to compensation in cases in which that the damage arises from those who have the duty to care for and ensure the well-being of their children. To this end, in order to face the problem of the research presented, bibliographical research will be used and the presentation of some judgments from Brazilian courts will be used to illustrate the application of the theme in the Brazilian judiciary.
The main objective of this work is to understand the application of the characteristics of civil liability to Family Law, specifically in cases involving socio-affective abandonment. In this sense, it will be analyzed whether the damage resulting from emotional abandonment falls under objective civil liability or subjective liability, seeking to clarify these reported concepts, explaining the applicability of each of them, especially with regard to compensation in cases in which that the damage arises from those who have the duty to care for and ensure the well-being of their children. To this end, in order to face the problem of the research presented, bibliographical research will be used and the presentation of some judgments from Brazilian courts will be used to illustrate the application of the theme in the Brazilian judiciary.
pais, filho, abandono socioafetivo, dano