Hipomineralização molar incisivo (HMI) – diagnóstico e tratamento na odontopediatria.
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DIAS, Leandra Gomes
FILOMENO, Nayara Noronha Fernandes
GONZAGA, Ariane Salgado
Introdução: A HMI – Hipomineralização Molar Incisivo é definida como um defeito no esmalte, resultante na falta de fixação de cálcio e fosfato na matriz formados pelos ameloblastos na fase de maturação da amelogênese. Acomete os primeiros molares, com ou sem o envolvimento dos incisivos permanentes. Os dentes afetados normalmente apresentam opacidade, semelhante a um giz, são assimétricos podendo variar na cor, indo de branco até marrom/castanho, com ou sem quebra pós-eruptiva. Objetivos: discutir informações sobre a etiologia e o tratamento da HMI na Odontopediatria. Metodologia: Revisão narrativa da literatura baseada em artigos selecionados a partir das bases Google Acadêmico e Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo). Resultados: foram encontrados 50 artigos relacionados ao tema, com 18 selecionados para leitura completa. Conclusão: A etiologia da HMI é ainda desconhecida, mas está associada a fatores genéticos e ambientais no período pré, peri e pós-natal, podendo inclusive ser acarretada por febre alta, exposição a poluentes, inclusive através do aleitamento materno, doenças respiratórias, complicações no nascimento, baixo peso ao nascer e uso de antibióticos. A abordagem terapêutica da HMI é variável, dependendo do grau de severidade e da localização do dente afetado, indo desde a aplicação de vernizes fluoretados até mesmo a exodontias.
Introduction: MIH – Incisor Molar Hypomineralization is defined as a defect in the enamel, resulting in the lack of calcium and phosphate fixation in the matrix formed by ameloblasts in the maturation phase of amelogenesis . Affects the first molars, with or without the involvement of the permanent incisors. Affected teeth typically present opacity, similar to chalk, are asymmetrical and may vary in color, ranging from white to brown/brown, with or without post-eruptive breakage. Objectives: to discuss information about the etiology and treatment of MIH in Pediatric Dentistry. Methodology: Narrative review of the literature based on articles selected from the Google Scholar and Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo) databases. Results: 50 articles related to the topic were found, with 18 selected for full reading. Conclusion: The etiology of MIH is still unknown, but it is associated with genetic and environmental factors in the pre-, peri- and post-natal period, and may even be caused by high fever, exposure to pollutants, including through breastfeeding, respiratory diseases, complications at birth, low birth weight and use of antibiotics. The therapeutic approach to MIH is variable, depending on the degree of severity and the location of the affected tooth, ranging from the application of fluoride varnishes to extractions.
Introduction: MIH – Incisor Molar Hypomineralization is defined as a defect in the enamel, resulting in the lack of calcium and phosphate fixation in the matrix formed by ameloblasts in the maturation phase of amelogenesis . Affects the first molars, with or without the involvement of the permanent incisors. Affected teeth typically present opacity, similar to chalk, are asymmetrical and may vary in color, ranging from white to brown/brown, with or without post-eruptive breakage. Objectives: to discuss information about the etiology and treatment of MIH in Pediatric Dentistry. Methodology: Narrative review of the literature based on articles selected from the Google Scholar and Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo) databases. Results: 50 articles related to the topic were found, with 18 selected for full reading. Conclusion: The etiology of MIH is still unknown, but it is associated with genetic and environmental factors in the pre-, peri- and post-natal period, and may even be caused by high fever, exposure to pollutants, including through breastfeeding, respiratory diseases, complications at birth, low birth weight and use of antibiotics. The therapeutic approach to MIH is variable, depending on the degree of severity and the location of the affected tooth, ranging from the application of fluoride varnishes to extractions.
HMI, amelogênese, esmalte dentário, hipomineralização, estratégia de busca