A importância do profissional farmacêutico na farmacoterapia dos pacientes com doença de parkinson.
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SILVA , Atelania Roberta da
GONÇALVES, Millena Lariny da Silva
DUARTE, Gabriella Mendes
A doença de Parkinson (DP) foi relatada pela primeira vez em 1817 pelo inglês
graduado em medicina James Parkinson, sendo caracterizada como uma doença de
caráter degenerativo, a qual compromete de forma progressiva o Sistema Nervoso
Central (SNC). Devido à degradação da dopamina, há o aparecimento de sintomas
que acometem os sistemas locomotores e psíquicos, como: tremores, rigidez, lentidão
ao realizar movimentos e desvios posturais que comprometem o equilíbrio dos
portadores. Para o diagnóstico, é necessário fazer uma análise clínica minuciosa, já
que, até então, não se tem testes que confirmem a existência da doença. O tratamento
farmacológico consiste em controlar a sintomatologia da doença, sendo a levodopa o
medicamento mais utilizado, associando-se a um tratamento não-farmacológico como
fisioterapia, de modo a melhorar a qualidade de vida do paciente. Vale salientar a
importância do profissional farmacêutico no auxílio de pacientes com DP, já que o
mesmo é responsável por potencializar os resultados farmacológicos, através da
orientação do uso correto, horários de tomada, possíveis interações medicamentosas
e efeitos adversos, além de incentivá-los para o não abandonamento do tratamento,
já que será de extrema importância para a melhora progressiva da sintomatologia da
doença. O presente estudo tem como objetivo contribuir para difusão do conhecimento
sobre a DP, mostrando o seu histórico, características e a farmacoterapia utilizada, de
forma a entender como a atenção farmacêutica pode contribuir para a melhoria da
qualidade de vida desses pacientes. Para revisão bibliográfica deste trabalho, foram
utilizadas as plataformas Ebsco, Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, Medline e Scielo.
Parkinson's disease (PD) was first reported in 1817 by English medical graduate James Parkinson, being characterized as a degenerative disease, which progressively compromises the Central Nervous System (CNS). Due to dopamine degradation, there is the appearance of symptoms that affect locomotor and psychic systems, such as: tremors, stiffness, slow ness when performing movements and postural deviations that compromise the balance of carriers. For the diagnosis, it is necessary to make a thorough clinical analysis, since, until then, there are no tests to confirm the existence of the disease. Pharmacological treatment consists of controlling the symptomatology of the disease, levodopa being the most used drug, associated with a nonpharmacological treatment such as physiotherapy, in order to improve the quality of life of the patient. It is worth noting the importance of the pharmaceutical professional in the aid of pd patients, since it is responsible for potentiating pharmacological results, through the orientation of correct use, decision-making times, possible drug interactions and adverse effects, besides encourage them not to abandon treatment, since it will be extremely important for the progressive improvement of the disease symptomatology. The present study aims to contribute to the dissemination of knowledge about PD, showing its history, characteristics and pharmacotherapy used, in order to understand how pharmaceutical care can contribute to improving the quality of life of these patients. For bibliographic review of this work, the Ebsco, Virtual Health Library, Medline and Scielo platforms were used.
Parkinson's disease (PD) was first reported in 1817 by English medical graduate James Parkinson, being characterized as a degenerative disease, which progressively compromises the Central Nervous System (CNS). Due to dopamine degradation, there is the appearance of symptoms that affect locomotor and psychic systems, such as: tremors, stiffness, slow ness when performing movements and postural deviations that compromise the balance of carriers. For the diagnosis, it is necessary to make a thorough clinical analysis, since, until then, there are no tests to confirm the existence of the disease. Pharmacological treatment consists of controlling the symptomatology of the disease, levodopa being the most used drug, associated with a nonpharmacological treatment such as physiotherapy, in order to improve the quality of life of the patient. It is worth noting the importance of the pharmaceutical professional in the aid of pd patients, since it is responsible for potentiating pharmacological results, through the orientation of correct use, decision-making times, possible drug interactions and adverse effects, besides encourage them not to abandon treatment, since it will be extremely important for the progressive improvement of the disease symptomatology. The present study aims to contribute to the dissemination of knowledge about PD, showing its history, characteristics and pharmacotherapy used, in order to understand how pharmaceutical care can contribute to improving the quality of life of these patients. For bibliographic review of this work, the Ebsco, Virtual Health Library, Medline and Scielo platforms were used.
doença de parkinson, farmacoterapia, atenção farmacêutica