Automedicação na pandemia da covid-19: a importância do farmacêutico no uso racional de medicamentos.
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AYRES, Amanda Valeria Diogo
NASCIMENTO, Beatriz Paiva do
FERREIRA, Caio Fernando Martins
A Organização Mundial de Saúde conceitua pandemia como disseminação global de
uma nova doença. Seu termo passa a ser usado quando uma epidemia ou surto que
afeta uma região, se espalha por diferentes continentes com transmissão
sustentada. A realidade pandêmica, desencadeada pelo novo coronavírus (SarsCoV-2) é até então, desconhecida na maioria dos seus aspectos. De acordo com dados estatísticos da OMS e Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde,
em meados de março de 2020, o número de infectados já havia ultrapassado 214
mil casos e confirmado no mundo 44.888.869 casos de COVID-19 até outubro de
2020. O aspecto clínico da doença varia de pacientes sintomáticos e assintomáticos.
Visto o agravo da atual situação, em virtude do uso errôneo e exacerbado de
medicamentos, é visto a necessidade de discussão sobre a automedicação, seus
riscos e a importância do farmacêutico na promoção do uso racional. Portanto, o
objetivo do estudo consiste em elucidar a importância da assistência farmacêutica
meio a esta situação, bem como o papel do profissional farmacêutico. Trata-se de
um estudo com coleta de dados bibliográficos realizados a partir de fontes
secundárias como PubMed, Scielo e Medline, para a construção de uma revisão
literária de carácter integrativo. Sabe-se que o fármaco pode exercer tanto efeitos
benéficos quanto maléficos dados as mesmas condições, portanto é necessário
haver atenção profissional especializada, a fim de conscientizar os pacientes e
consumidores sobre os verdadeiros riscos da automedicação. Promover o uso
correto e racional de medicamentos é uma das principais e mais importantes
atribuições do farmacêutico.
The World Health Organization conceptualizes a pandemic as the global spread of a new disease. Its term comes to be used when an epidemic or outbreak affecting a region spreads to different continents with sustained transmission. The pandemic reality, triggered by the new coronavirus (Sars-CoV-2) is so far unknown in most of its aspects. According to WHO and Pan American Health Organization statistics, by mid March 2020, the number of infected had surpassed 214,000 cases and 44,888,869 cases of VOCID-19 had been confirmed worldwide by October 2020. The clinical aspect of the disease varies from symptomatic to asymptomatic patients. In view of the current situation, due to the erroneous and exacerbated use of drugs, the need for discussion on self-medication, its risks and the importance of the pharmacist in promoting rational use is seen. Therefore, the objective of the study is to elucidate the importance of pharmaceutical assistance in this situation, as well as the role of the pharmaceutical professional. It is a study with bibliographic data collection from secondary sources such as PubMed, Scielo and Medline, to build an integrative literary review. It is known that the drug can have both beneficial and harmful effects given the same conditions, so it is necessary to have specialized professional attention in order to make patients and consumers aware of the real risks of selfmedication. Promoting the correct and rational use of medicines is one of the main and most important attributions of the pharmacist.
The World Health Organization conceptualizes a pandemic as the global spread of a new disease. Its term comes to be used when an epidemic or outbreak affecting a region spreads to different continents with sustained transmission. The pandemic reality, triggered by the new coronavirus (Sars-CoV-2) is so far unknown in most of its aspects. According to WHO and Pan American Health Organization statistics, by mid March 2020, the number of infected had surpassed 214,000 cases and 44,888,869 cases of VOCID-19 had been confirmed worldwide by October 2020. The clinical aspect of the disease varies from symptomatic to asymptomatic patients. In view of the current situation, due to the erroneous and exacerbated use of drugs, the need for discussion on self-medication, its risks and the importance of the pharmacist in promoting rational use is seen. Therefore, the objective of the study is to elucidate the importance of pharmaceutical assistance in this situation, as well as the role of the pharmaceutical professional. It is a study with bibliographic data collection from secondary sources such as PubMed, Scielo and Medline, to build an integrative literary review. It is known that the drug can have both beneficial and harmful effects given the same conditions, so it is necessary to have specialized professional attention in order to make patients and consumers aware of the real risks of selfmedication. Promoting the correct and rational use of medicines is one of the main and most important attributions of the pharmacist.
pandemia, automedicação, assistência farmacêutica, uso racional