Microagulhamento no tratamento do envelhecimento facial: revisão descritiva de literatura
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CUNHA, Carlos Alexandre Martins
ROCHA, Cristina de Moura Luz
LIDUINO, Janine Pelicione
PINHEIRO, Michelle de Mendonça
FIGUEIREDO, Priscila Rueles
O processo de envelhecimento é um fenômeno natural e inevitável que costuma impactar a autoestima das pessoas tanto a nível individual quanto no contexto social. A busca por serviços estéticos que retardam os danos do tempo principalmente na face lideram o mercado da beleza. Uma das opções disponíveis é o microagulhamento facial, onde através de um dispositivo agulhado são causadas micro lesões nas camadas mais superficiais da pele, gerando um processo inflamatório controlado que serve de estímulo a produção de colágeno e elastina. É possível potencializar esse resultado permeando ativos cosmetológicos. Objetiva-se com esse estudo fundamentar com a literatura o uso do microagulhamento na aplicabilidade clínica relacionada ao rejuvenescimento facial, ancorado por revisão descritiva da literatura como metodologia utilizada. Frente aos achados, o microagulhamento é uma técnica simples, promissora, de baixo custo, de fácil aplicação e uma excelente opção terapêutica por induzir a produção de colágeno através de perfurações com microagulhas, contribuindo no retardo do processo de envelhecimento facial. Como todo procedimento estético, é válido o aprofundamento do conhecimento da técnica e de suas associações para que sejam estabelecidos protocolos cada vez mais eficazes para o rejuvenescimento facial.
The ageing process is a natural and unavoidable phenomenon that usually has an impact on people's self-esteem, both on an individual level and in the social context. The search for aesthetic services that slow down the damage of time, especially on the face, is leading the beauty market. One of the options available is facial microneedling, where a needled device causes micro-injuries in the most superficial layers of the skin, generating a controlled inflammatory process that stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. It is possible to enhance this result by permeating cosmetological actives. The aim of this study is to provide a literature base for the use of microneedling in clinical applications related to facial rejuvenation, anchored by a descriptive literature review as the methodology used. In view of the findings, microneedling is a simple, promising, low-cost technique that is easy to apply and an excellent therapeutic option for inducing collagen production through punctures with microneedles, helping to delay the facial ageing process. As with all aesthetic procedures, it is important to deepen our knowledge of the technique and its associations to establish increasingly effective protocols for facial rejuvenation.
The ageing process is a natural and unavoidable phenomenon that usually has an impact on people's self-esteem, both on an individual level and in the social context. The search for aesthetic services that slow down the damage of time, especially on the face, is leading the beauty market. One of the options available is facial microneedling, where a needled device causes micro-injuries in the most superficial layers of the skin, generating a controlled inflammatory process that stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. It is possible to enhance this result by permeating cosmetological actives. The aim of this study is to provide a literature base for the use of microneedling in clinical applications related to facial rejuvenation, anchored by a descriptive literature review as the methodology used. In view of the findings, microneedling is a simple, promising, low-cost technique that is easy to apply and an excellent therapeutic option for inducing collagen production through punctures with microneedles, helping to delay the facial ageing process. As with all aesthetic procedures, it is important to deepen our knowledge of the technique and its associations to establish increasingly effective protocols for facial rejuvenation.
Microagulhamento, Procedimentos estéticos, Rejuvenescimento facial, Colágeno