Legalização do aborto e o direito à vida do nascituro.
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Lima, Isaque Luiz Figueiredo
Santos, João Paulo Silva dos
Zumba, Felipe Macedo
Este Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso aborda a defesa contra a legalização do aborto, utilizando uma metodologia de revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema. Explorando a ética e a moral que envolvem o debate sobre o aborto, considerando diferentes perspectivas e argumentos. Também investigando a perspectiva da saúde pública em relação ao aborto. Com o objetivo de compreender como a saúde pública lida com essa questão complexa. Foram examinados os impactos psicológicos do aborto, com base em estudos e pesquisas que investigam as consequências emocionais e psicológicas e se estão diretamente ligadas ao procedimento abortivo. Por fim, as considerações finais sintetizam as principais conclusões do estudo, falando sobre as complexidades existentes entre a ética e moral, seus efeitos na saúde pública e como todas essas questões refletem na sociedade. Como o Estado pode ser eficiente para diminuir a prática do aborto. Sendo analisado as divergências existentes entre o entendimento jurisprudencial e o levantamento bibliográfico utilizado no presente trabalho. Destacam-se as contribuições para o debate sobre o aborto, ressaltando a importância de uma discussão entre toda a sociedade.
This undergraduate thesis approaches the defense against the legalization of abortion, using a literature review methodology on the topic. Exploring the ethics and morals surrounding the abortion debate, considering different perspectives and arguments. Also investigating the public health perspective on abortion. Aiming to understand how public health deals with this complex issue. The psychological impacts of abortion were examined, based on studies and research that investigate the emotional and psychological consequences and whether they are directly linked to the abortion procedure. Finally, the concluding remarks summarize the main conclusions of the study, talking about the complexities existing between ethics and morality, their effects on public health, and how all these issues reflect on society. How the State can be efficient in reducing the practice of abortion. The existing divergences between the jurisprudential understanding and the bibliographical survey used in the present work are analyzed. The contributions to the debate on abortion are highlighted, emphasizing the importance of a discussion among the whole society.
This undergraduate thesis approaches the defense against the legalization of abortion, using a literature review methodology on the topic. Exploring the ethics and morals surrounding the abortion debate, considering different perspectives and arguments. Also investigating the public health perspective on abortion. Aiming to understand how public health deals with this complex issue. The psychological impacts of abortion were examined, based on studies and research that investigate the emotional and psychological consequences and whether they are directly linked to the abortion procedure. Finally, the concluding remarks summarize the main conclusions of the study, talking about the complexities existing between ethics and morality, their effects on public health, and how all these issues reflect on society. How the State can be efficient in reducing the practice of abortion. The existing divergences between the jurisprudential understanding and the bibliographical survey used in the present work are analyzed. The contributions to the debate on abortion are highlighted, emphasizing the importance of a discussion among the whole society.
Direito à vida, Nascituro, Aborto, Mulher