(In)eficácia do financiamento público exclusivo nas campanhas eleitorais como medida de reforço à democracia brasileira
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Valnier, Bruna Motta
Monteiro, Marcos
O presente trabalho monográfico tem como escopo a análise do financiamento das campanhas eleitorais no Brasil, matéria polêmica e com extrema importância dentro da pretendida reforma política. A pesquisa, que se utiliza do método dedutivo de abordagem, apresenta como tema, portanto, a averiguação da (in)eficácia do financiamento público exclusivo nas campanhas eleitorais como medida de reforço à democracia brasileira, a partir do qual se pretende avaliar a capacidade desta ¿nova¿ estrutura de arrecadação de recursos em diminuir a influência do poder econômico na definição ou direcionamento dos representantes escolhidos pelo povo, a contribuir para a consolidação do Estado Democrático de Direito previsto na Constituição da Republica Federativa do Brasil. Nessa esteira, na pesquisa efetuada procurouse visualizar a eventual influência desse sistema de financiamento de campanhas eleitorais no fortalecimento da igualdade de disputa entre partidos, bem como na própria transparência do processo eleitoral. Para tanto, o trabalho inicia com o estudo da democracia e a conceituação de Estado Democrático de Direito, que é seguida pela descrição dos três modelos básicos de financiamentos de campanhas, quais sejam, o financiamento público, o financiamento privado e o financiamento misto. Por fim, já adentrando ao objetivo específico do trabalho, será analisada a eficácia e os eventuais efeitos que o Projeto de Lei do Senado 268 de 2011 poderá trazer para o sistema político caso seja aprovado, e ainda serão discutidas as maiores divergências doutrinárias acerca deste sistema de financiamento.
This monographic work has as scope the analysis of the financing of electoral campaigns in Brazil, controversial subject and with great importance into the intended political reform. The research which uses the deductive method of approach, presents as a topic,therefore, the investigation of the (in) effectiveness of exclusive public funding in election campaigns as a reinforcement to the Brazilian democracy, from which it is intended to evaluate the hability of this "new" fundraising structure to reduce the influence of economic power in the definition or targeting of representatives chosen by the people to contribute to the consolidation of the democratic State of law laid down in the Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil. On this path, in the conducted research it was tried to show the possible influence of this system election campaigns financing in the strengthening of equal competition among the parties, as well as in the transparency of the electoral process. To this end, the work begins with the study of democracy and the concept of democratic State of law, which is followed by the description of the three basic models of campaigns financing, being the public financing, private financing and joint financing. Finally, entering the specific goal of the work, it will be analyzed the effectiveness and the possible effects that the Law Project of the Senate 268 of 2011 may bring to the political system if it is approved, and they will still be discussed the major doctrinal differences about this system of financing.
This monographic work has as scope the analysis of the financing of electoral campaigns in Brazil, controversial subject and with great importance into the intended political reform. The research which uses the deductive method of approach, presents as a topic,therefore, the investigation of the (in) effectiveness of exclusive public funding in election campaigns as a reinforcement to the Brazilian democracy, from which it is intended to evaluate the hability of this "new" fundraising structure to reduce the influence of economic power in the definition or targeting of representatives chosen by the people to contribute to the consolidation of the democratic State of law laid down in the Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil. On this path, in the conducted research it was tried to show the possible influence of this system election campaigns financing in the strengthening of equal competition among the parties, as well as in the transparency of the electoral process. To this end, the work begins with the study of democracy and the concept of democratic State of law, which is followed by the description of the three basic models of campaigns financing, being the public financing, private financing and joint financing. Finally, entering the specific goal of the work, it will be analyzed the effectiveness and the possible effects that the Law Project of the Senate 268 of 2011 may bring to the political system if it is approved, and they will still be discussed the major doctrinal differences about this system of financing.
Democracia - Brasil, Campanha eleitoral - Brasil