O abandono afetivo inverso
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Rocha, Francielle da Silva Espíndola da
Sant'Ana, Renan Cioff de
O presente trabalho monográfico tem como objeto a análise do cabimento da reparação civil por danos morais pela prática de abandono afetivo inverso. Sendo o principal objetivo deste estudo a caracterização do abandono afetivo como um ato ilícito passível de responsabilização. Para tanto, foi realizada análise do impacto do envelhecimento nas relações familiares, bem como o histórico de proteção ao idoso e os princípios que norteiam esta proteção, dando ênfase nas relações familiares entre pais e filhos e o dever de amparo recíproco entre ambos. Foi também realizado pesquisa em torno do instituto da responsabilidade civil, seu conceito e análise sucinta dos requisitos que ensejam no dever de indenizar, com foco especial na análise da espécie do dano moral e por fim, o estudo da possibilidade de reparação civil por danos morais pela prática do abandono afetivo dos filhos em relação aos pais idosos, e suas hipóteses de viabilidade ou não. Para tanto, foi feita a análise de um projeto de lei, interpretação da jurisprudência e estudo da bibliografia pertinente à matéria. Esvaindo-se o estudo na conclusão que a conduta de abandono afetivo inverso leva a caracterização de ato ilícito pela ofensa a preceito tutelado juridicamente que é passível de responsabilização em decorrência do abalo moral experimentado pela vítima. A pesquisa sustenta-se pelo método dedutivo, onde se empregou o tipo de pesquisa qualitativa e a técnica bibliográfica incidida de conceitos de doutrinadores e análise de periódicos e jurisprudências.
This monographic work has as its object the analysis of the place of civil repair for moral damage by practice of abandonment opposite affective. Being the main objective of this study the characterization of abandonment affective as a tort accountable. For both, analysis was carried out of the impact of aging on family relationships, as well as the history of protection to the elderly and the principles that guide this protection, with emphasis on family relationships between parents and children and the duty of mutual support between both. It has also carried out research around the institute of civil liability, its concept and summary analysis of requirements that foster on the duty to indemnify, with special focus on the analysis of the kind of moral damage and finally, the study of the possibility of civil repair for moral damage by the practice of emotional abandonment of children in relation to elderly parents, and their chances of viability or not. For both, a review was carried out of a project of law, interpretation of law and the study of literature relevant to the field. Dying the study in conclusion that the conduct of abandonment affective opposite leads to characterization of tort by offense to precept protected legally that is accountable as a result of moral shock experienced by the victim. The research is supported by deductive method, which employed the kind of qualitative research and the technical literature to concepts of doutrinadores and analysis of periodic and jurisprudence.
This monographic work has as its object the analysis of the place of civil repair for moral damage by practice of abandonment opposite affective. Being the main objective of this study the characterization of abandonment affective as a tort accountable. For both, analysis was carried out of the impact of aging on family relationships, as well as the history of protection to the elderly and the principles that guide this protection, with emphasis on family relationships between parents and children and the duty of mutual support between both. It has also carried out research around the institute of civil liability, its concept and summary analysis of requirements that foster on the duty to indemnify, with special focus on the analysis of the kind of moral damage and finally, the study of the possibility of civil repair for moral damage by the practice of emotional abandonment of children in relation to elderly parents, and their chances of viability or not. For both, a review was carried out of a project of law, interpretation of law and the study of literature relevant to the field. Dying the study in conclusion that the conduct of abandonment affective opposite leads to characterization of tort by offense to precept protected legally that is accountable as a result of moral shock experienced by the victim. The research is supported by deductive method, which employed the kind of qualitative research and the technical literature to concepts of doutrinadores and analysis of periodic and jurisprudence.
Responsabilidade (Direito), Idosos, Dano moral