Cadeia de custódia da prova penal: o descarte de imagens de pornografia infantil e o direito constitucional à contraprova.
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REBESSI, Conrado Pinto
VILELA, Janaina Alcântara
Desde a promulgação da lei 13.964, em 24 de dezembro de 2019, as Polícias Judiciárias, o Ministério Público, os Institutos de Criminalística e o próprio Judiciário vem tentando se adequar aos ditames da lei, discutindo e implementando uma variedade de medidas e controles que garantam seu cumprimento, buscando respeitar o devido processo legal, e o direito constitucional do réu à contraprova. Quando as evidências pertinentes ao crime são digitais, há um segundo complicador, que é a segunda cadeia de custódia, a cadeia de custódia da evidência digital. Por ser um conjunto probatório via de regra muito robusto, manter a idoneidade dessas evidências é importantíssimo para o processo do qual elas fazem parte. Mesmo assim, não é incomum que as decisões proferidas por magistrados, por vezes querendo resguardar as vítimas, por vezes por desconhecimento das características de tais evidências, comandarem a sua destruição sumária, ainda anteriormente ao trânsito em julgado da ação penal. Este trabalho visa iniciar a discussão sobre a legalidade e constitucionalidade de tais decisões.
Since the promulgation of law 13,964, on December 24th, 2019, the Judiciary Police, the Public Ministry, the Criminalistics Institutes and the Judiciary itself have been trying to adapt to the dictates of the law, discussing and implementing a variety of measures and controls that guarantee its fullfillment, seeking compliance with due legal process, and the defendant's constitutional right to rebuttal. When the evidence pertinent to the crime is digital, there is a second complicator, which is the second chain of custody, the digital evidence chain of custody. As it is generally a very robust set of evidence, maintaining the suitability of this evidence is important for the process of which it forms part. Even so, it is not uncommon for decisions handed down by magistrates, sometimes aiming to protect the victims, sometimes due to lack of knowledge about the characteristics of such evidence, ordering its summary destruction, even before the criminal action becomes final. This work aims to initiate a discussion about the legality and constitutionality of such decisions.
Since the promulgation of law 13,964, on December 24th, 2019, the Judiciary Police, the Public Ministry, the Criminalistics Institutes and the Judiciary itself have been trying to adapt to the dictates of the law, discussing and implementing a variety of measures and controls that guarantee its fullfillment, seeking compliance with due legal process, and the defendant's constitutional right to rebuttal. When the evidence pertinent to the crime is digital, there is a second complicator, which is the second chain of custody, the digital evidence chain of custody. As it is generally a very robust set of evidence, maintaining the suitability of this evidence is important for the process of which it forms part. Even so, it is not uncommon for decisions handed down by magistrates, sometimes aiming to protect the victims, sometimes due to lack of knowledge about the characteristics of such evidence, ordering its summary destruction, even before the criminal action becomes final. This work aims to initiate a discussion about the legality and constitutionality of such decisions.
cadeia de custódia, descarte, evidência digital, contraprova, pornografia infantil