O fenômeno da “Pejotização” na área médica
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PAULA, Pedro Henrique Ribeiro de
CALDEIRA, Fátima Hassan
A pejotização é o termo que descreve a contratação de profissionais por meio de uma pessoa jurídica. Esse fenômeno tem-se tornado cada vez mais comum, tendo em vista a redução de responsabilidades com o empregado e a redução de encargos. Essa situação tem se tornado cada vez mais comum na área médica. Diante disso, esse trabalho tem o objetivo de compreender a pejotização na classe médica e suas consequências. A metodologia adotada é de pesquisa básica e exploratória, utilizando abordagem quali-quantitativa por meio de dados bibliográficos e documentais. A análise dos dados será apresentada de maneira crítica e descritiva. O estudo será dividido em quatro partes: definição de conceitos, análise da reforma trabalhista, caracterização da relação de trabalho para médicos e exposição de um caso concreto em Santa Catarina. A pesquisa busca contribuir para a compreensão do fenômeno, destacando seus impactos nos direitos trabalhistas dos médicos e na sociedade, considerando a relevância social e econômica da profissão médica. Ao final, restou concluso que a pejotização se relaciona com a flexibilização da relação de trabalho e redução de direitos trabalhistas.
“Pejotização” is a term that describes the hiring of professionals through a legal person. This phenomenon has become increasingly common, with a view to reducing employee responsibilities and reducing taxes. This situation has become increasingly common in the medical field. Therefore, this study aims to understand “Pejotização” in the medical profession and its consequences. The methodology adopted is basic and exploratory research, using a qualitative-quantitative approach through literature review on platforms such as Google Scholar, Portal Capes and Scielo. Data analysis will be presented in a critical and descriptive manner. The study will be divided into four parts: definition of concepts, analysis of labor reform, characterization of the employment relationship for doctors and presentation of a specific case in Santa Catarina - Brazil. The research seeks to contribute to the understanding of the phenomenon, highlighting its impacts on doctor’s labor rights and on society, considering the social and economic relevance of the medical profession. Therefore, it was concluded that pejotization is related to the flexibilization of the employment relationship and the reduction of labor rights.
“Pejotização” is a term that describes the hiring of professionals through a legal person. This phenomenon has become increasingly common, with a view to reducing employee responsibilities and reducing taxes. This situation has become increasingly common in the medical field. Therefore, this study aims to understand “Pejotização” in the medical profession and its consequences. The methodology adopted is basic and exploratory research, using a qualitative-quantitative approach through literature review on platforms such as Google Scholar, Portal Capes and Scielo. Data analysis will be presented in a critical and descriptive manner. The study will be divided into four parts: definition of concepts, analysis of labor reform, characterization of the employment relationship for doctors and presentation of a specific case in Santa Catarina - Brazil. The research seeks to contribute to the understanding of the phenomenon, highlighting its impacts on doctor’s labor rights and on society, considering the social and economic relevance of the medical profession. Therefore, it was concluded that pejotization is related to the flexibilization of the employment relationship and the reduction of labor rights.
Pejotização, Medicina, Médico