Manguezais: um patrimônio natural ameaçado pela ação antrópica.
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SOUZA, Edivandson André Silva de
MELO, Yuri Lima
Os manguezais são ecossistemas típicos de regiões tropicais e subtropicais. Eles são definidos como zonas de transição entre o ambiente marinho e o terrestre. A existência de manguezais é uma das bases de um ecossistema biologicamente diversificado, rico e produtivo. Um manguezal é formado por árvores de raízes aéreas e outras espécies arbustivas que são capazes de resistir ao fluxo marítimo e, consequentemente, ao sal da água do mar. Os mangues em geral estão sujeitos a impactos antrópicos, sendo um ecossistema deposicional, e seus sedimentos contêm registros da história ambiental. A poluição e o avanço urbano desordenado ameaçam manguezais no Brasil. Considerados berçários marinhos para inúmeras espécies, os manguezais têm importância social, cultural e econômica e ainda ajudam a proteger a zona costeira da força das tempestades e das marés. A poluição tem suas causas antrópicas e são suas principais fontes a queima de combustíveis fósseis, a produção industrial e a geração de energia por usinas. Já suas causas naturais são as erupções vulcânicas, as queimadas naturais, os animais e a decomposição da matéria orgânica. A poluição causa a degradação do ambiente, afetando os organismos que ali vivem, além de desencadear problemas econômicos, já que diversas atividades dependem de um meio ambiente equilibrado para que possam ser desenvolvidas.
Mangroves are typical ecosystems of tropical and subtropical regions. They are defined as transition zones between the marine and terrestrial environment. The existence of mangroves is one of the foundations of a biologically diverse, rich and productive ecosystem. A mangrove is formed by trees with aerial roots and other shrub species that are able to resist the sea flow and, consequently, the salt of the sea water. Mangroves in general are subject to anthropogenic impacts, being a depositional ecosystem, and their sediments contain records of environmental history. Pollution and disorderly urban advance threaten mangroves in Brazil. Considered marine nurseries for numerous species, mangroves have social, cultural and economic importance and still help protect the coastal zone from the force of storms and tides. Pollution has its anthropogenic causes, and its main sources are the burning of fossil fuels, industrial production and power generation by power plants. Its natural causes are volcanic eruptions, natural fires, animals and the decomposition of organic matter. Pollution causes the degradation of the environment, affecting the organisms that live there, in addition to triggering economic problems, since several activities depend on a balanced environment so that they can be Developed.
Mangroves are typical ecosystems of tropical and subtropical regions. They are defined as transition zones between the marine and terrestrial environment. The existence of mangroves is one of the foundations of a biologically diverse, rich and productive ecosystem. A mangrove is formed by trees with aerial roots and other shrub species that are able to resist the sea flow and, consequently, the salt of the sea water. Mangroves in general are subject to anthropogenic impacts, being a depositional ecosystem, and their sediments contain records of environmental history. Pollution and disorderly urban advance threaten mangroves in Brazil. Considered marine nurseries for numerous species, mangroves have social, cultural and economic importance and still help protect the coastal zone from the force of storms and tides. Pollution has its anthropogenic causes, and its main sources are the burning of fossil fuels, industrial production and power generation by power plants. Its natural causes are volcanic eruptions, natural fires, animals and the decomposition of organic matter. Pollution causes the degradation of the environment, affecting the organisms that live there, in addition to triggering economic problems, since several activities depend on a balanced environment so that they can be Developed.
manguezais, ecossistema costeiro, impactos antrópicos, poluição em manguezais, conservação costeira