Análise clínica, epidemiológica e de fatores associados a tentativa de suicídio em pacientes ambulatoriais de psiquiatria em uma universidade do sul do Brasil.
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Almeida, Ana Paula Matos
Cardoso, Victor Natale
Bello, Alexandre Ferreira
Silva, Franciele Cascaes da
O estudo teve como objetivo analisar o perfil sociodemográfico e os fatores clínicos associados a
tentativa de suicídio dos pacientes de um ambulatório-escola de psiquiatria no sul do Brasil. É um
estudo de caráter transversal, com a coleta de dados em prontuários do ambulatório de especialidade
de uma universidade privada do estado de Santa Catarina, no período de setembro a dezembro de
2021. Os critérios de inclusão corresponderam aos prontuários de pacientes que utilizaram o serviço
entre 2015 e 2021, de todas as faixas etárias e ambos os sexos. A amostra final correspondeu a 460
prontuários. Os dados foram tratados por meio da estatística descritiva e por associações entre
tentativa de suicídio em relação às hipóteses diagnósticas mais prevalentes encontradas pelo estudo,
o histórico familiar de doença psiquiátrica e internação psiquiátrica prévia, utilizando-se as razões
de prevalência (RP) e seus respectivos intervalos de confiança (IC 95%) por meio do teste
Qui-quadrado ou Prova Exata de Fisher. A pesquisa expôs que o perfil sociodemográfico é
formando por mulheres (72%), com média de idade de 47,24 anos, de etnia branca (82,7%), com
parceiro afetivo (51,5%), desempregados ou aposentados (50,8%) e a maioria relatou não consumir
de álcool, tabaco e/ou outras substâncias psicoativas (56,7%). Na análise bivariada encontrou-se
associação estatisticamente significativa (p<0,05) em relação a tentativa prévia de suicídio quando
foram avaliadas as variáveis: presença de transtorno afetivo bipolar, histórico familiar psiquiátrico
positivo e internação psiquiátrica prévia.
This study had as objective to analyse the sociodemographic profile and the clinical factors associated with attempted suicide in the patients of a psychiatric outpatient school clinic in the south of Brazil. It’s a cross-sectional study, with data collection from medical records of the specialty outpatient clinic of a private university in the state of Santa Catarina, from September to December 2021. The inclusion criteria corresponded to the medical records of patients who attended the service between 2015 and 2021, of all ages and both sexes. The final sample depicted 460 medical records. The data were processed through descriptive statistic and through associations between attempted suicide with the most prevalent diagnostic hypothesis, family history and previous psychiatric hospitalization, utilizing prevalence ratio (PR) and it’s respectives confidence intervals (CI 95%) through Chi-square Test or Fisher’s Exact Test. This research has exposed that the sociodemographic profile is contemplated by women (72%), with a median age of 42,74 years, of white ethnicity (82,7%), with an affective partner (51,5%), unemployed or retired (50,8%) and most reported to not consume alcohol, tobacco and/or other psychoactives substances (56,7%). In the bivariate analysis it was found significant statistically association (p<0,05) when compared previous attempted suicide with the following variables: bipolar affective disorder, positive psychiatric family history and previous psychiatric hospitalization.
This study had as objective to analyse the sociodemographic profile and the clinical factors associated with attempted suicide in the patients of a psychiatric outpatient school clinic in the south of Brazil. It’s a cross-sectional study, with data collection from medical records of the specialty outpatient clinic of a private university in the state of Santa Catarina, from September to December 2021. The inclusion criteria corresponded to the medical records of patients who attended the service between 2015 and 2021, of all ages and both sexes. The final sample depicted 460 medical records. The data were processed through descriptive statistic and through associations between attempted suicide with the most prevalent diagnostic hypothesis, family history and previous psychiatric hospitalization, utilizing prevalence ratio (PR) and it’s respectives confidence intervals (CI 95%) through Chi-square Test or Fisher’s Exact Test. This research has exposed that the sociodemographic profile is contemplated by women (72%), with a median age of 42,74 years, of white ethnicity (82,7%), with an affective partner (51,5%), unemployed or retired (50,8%) and most reported to not consume alcohol, tobacco and/or other psychoactives substances (56,7%). In the bivariate analysis it was found significant statistically association (p<0,05) when compared previous attempted suicide with the following variables: bipolar affective disorder, positive psychiatric family history and previous psychiatric hospitalization.
Psiquiatria, Saúde Mental, Perfil de Saúde, Centro Médico Universitário, Tentativa de Suicídio