A inserção da China nas cadeias globais de valor no século XX
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Oliveira, Emerson Araujo
Macedo, Murilo Costa
Varella , Rafael Bernascon
Popp, Ricardo Battaglia
Conte , Vitor Toreta
Oliveira, Alessandra Cavalcante de
Oliveira, Henrique Campos de
O objetivo desta monografia é analisar como a República Popular da China utilizou
das vantagens e processos de upgrade das Cadeias Globais de Valor para se tornar
uma potência econômica industrial no século XX. Este objetivo é cumprido por meio
de uma metodologia de pesquisa e revisão bibliográfica acerca das principais reformas
e políticas públicas implementadas pelo governo chinês durante este período. Partindo
de um levantamento teórico sobre as Cadeias Globais de Valor e seus impactos
socioeconômicos, a proposta é elencar como este sistema de produção
interconectado possibilita a ascensão por meio de etapas de maior valor agregado. A
experiência chinesa é um ponto de virada para a indústria moderna, e sua
compreensão é essencial para a análise da conjuntura econômica mundial. Os fatos
analisados levam a conclusão de que, por meio de uma forte intervenção política e
reformas no sistema educacional, a China foi capaz de se inserir com sucesso nas
Cadeias Globais de Valor. Assim, elevou rapidamente o patamar de sua economia,
de predominantemente rural para industrial, atingindo o posto de segunda maior
economia do planeta. Todos os sinais apontam para um futuro promissor, indicando
que o desenvolvimento econômico chinês continuará avançando.
The aim of this monograph is to analyze how the People's Republic of China leveraged the advantages and upgrading processes of Global Value Chains to become an industrial economic powerhouse in the 20th century. This objective is achieved through a research methodology and literature review on the main reforms and public policies implemented by the Chinese government during this period. Beginning with a theoretical overview of Global Value Chains and their socio-economic impacts, the intention is to outline how this interconnected production system enables advancement through stages of higher value addition. The Chinese experience represents a turning point for modern industry, and its understanding is essential for the analysis of the global economic scenario. The analyzed facts lead to the conclusion that, through strong political intervention and reforms in the educational system, China was successful in integrating into Global Value Chains. Thus, it rapidly elevated its economic status from predominantly rural to industrial, securing the position of the world's second-largest economy. All signs point to a promising future, indicating that Chinese economic development will continue to advance.
The aim of this monograph is to analyze how the People's Republic of China leveraged the advantages and upgrading processes of Global Value Chains to become an industrial economic powerhouse in the 20th century. This objective is achieved through a research methodology and literature review on the main reforms and public policies implemented by the Chinese government during this period. Beginning with a theoretical overview of Global Value Chains and their socio-economic impacts, the intention is to outline how this interconnected production system enables advancement through stages of higher value addition. The Chinese experience represents a turning point for modern industry, and its understanding is essential for the analysis of the global economic scenario. The analyzed facts lead to the conclusion that, through strong political intervention and reforms in the educational system, China was successful in integrating into Global Value Chains. Thus, it rapidly elevated its economic status from predominantly rural to industrial, securing the position of the world's second-largest economy. All signs point to a promising future, indicating that Chinese economic development will continue to advance.
China, Cadeias Globais de Valor, Reformas, Indústria, Upgrade