O abandono das mulheres encarceradas: a violação de direitos e a dificuldade no processo de ressocialização.
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LIMA, Patrícia Emmanuela da Costa
OLIVEIRA, Sidney Gomes de
SILVA, Vivian Gabriella Barroso da
Este trabalho tem como objetivo abordar o tema do abandono das mulheres encarceradas no Brasil. A partir de uma revisão bibliográfica, foram identificados os principais problemas enfrentados por essas mulheres, como a falta de suporte emocional e financeiro por parte das famílias, a violação de direitos e a dificuldade no processo de ressocialização. Para investigar essa realidade, foram estabelecidos objetivos específicos, como analisar as causas e consequências do abandono das mulheres encarceradas, bem como as políticas públicas e estratégias práticas para combater essa realidade. A metodologia da pesquisa consistiu em uma revisão bibliográfica e análise de dados de organizações governamentais e nãogovernamentais. Os resultados da pesquisa indicaram que o abandono das mulheres encarceradas é uma realidade que afeta significativamente a vida dessas detentas, violando sua dignidade humana e dificultando sua reintegração social. Foi possível identificar as principais causas do abandono e suas consequências na vida das detentas, bem como as políticas e estratégias necessárias para combater essa realidade. Por fim, a conclusão aponta para a necessidade de se desenvolver ações efetivas para garantir os direitos das mulheres encarceradas, promovendo a reintegração social e a ressocialização. A implementação de políticas públicas e estratégias práticas é fundamental para construir um sistema prisional mais justo e humano, que respeite os direitos fundamentais das pessoas privadas de liberdade.
This paper aims to address the issue of abandonment of incarcerated women in Brazil. Through a literature review, the main problems faced by these women were identified, such as lack of emotional and financial support from families, violation of rights, and difficulty in the process of social reintegration. To investigate this reality, specific objectives were established, such as analyzing the causes and consequences of the abandonment of incarcerated women, as well as public policies and practical strategies to combat this reality. The research methodology consisted of a literature review and analysis of data from governmental and non-governmental organizations. The research results indicated that the abandonment of incarcerated women is a reality that significantly affects the lives of these inmates, violating their human dignity and hindering their social reintegration. It was possible to identify the main causes of abandonment and its consequences in the lives of inmates, as well as the policies and strategies necessary to combat this reality. Finally, the conclusion points to the need to develop effective actions to guarantee the rights of incarcerated women, promoting social reintegration and rehabilitation. The implementation of public policies and practical strategies is essential to build a more just and humane prison system that respects the fundamental rights of people deprived of their liberty.
This paper aims to address the issue of abandonment of incarcerated women in Brazil. Through a literature review, the main problems faced by these women were identified, such as lack of emotional and financial support from families, violation of rights, and difficulty in the process of social reintegration. To investigate this reality, specific objectives were established, such as analyzing the causes and consequences of the abandonment of incarcerated women, as well as public policies and practical strategies to combat this reality. The research methodology consisted of a literature review and analysis of data from governmental and non-governmental organizations. The research results indicated that the abandonment of incarcerated women is a reality that significantly affects the lives of these inmates, violating their human dignity and hindering their social reintegration. It was possible to identify the main causes of abandonment and its consequences in the lives of inmates, as well as the policies and strategies necessary to combat this reality. Finally, the conclusion points to the need to develop effective actions to guarantee the rights of incarcerated women, promoting social reintegration and rehabilitation. The implementation of public policies and practical strategies is essential to build a more just and humane prison system that respects the fundamental rights of people deprived of their liberty.
impacto do abandono, direitos das mulheres, mulheres encarceradas