Os impactos do covid-19 no sistema prisional brasileiro
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SANTOS, Hilda dos
HASSAN, Nádila da Silva
A presente monografia teve como finalidade analisar o impacto do Coronavírus no sistema prisional brasileiro, as medidas propostas para a sua contenção e a responsabilidade do Estado por mortes decorrentes do vírus dentro desse ambiente. Por meio do método qualitativo com pesquisa documental e bibliográfica, constatou- se que o sistema prisional brasileiro é um local insalubre, superlotado e desumano na maioria das vezes, sendo inclusive objeto de menção a ação de descumprimento de preceito fundamental ADPF 347, sendo que com o surgimento do Covid-19 a situação calamitosa desses espaços foi ainda pior, ocorrendo milhares de mortes em decorrência da falta de estrutura e cuidados básicos coma pessoa presa, diante disso foi elaborado uma série de recomendações a fim de diminuir os índices de contaminação pelo vírus, que se mostrou até certo ponto eficaz, mas não conteve totalmente o problema.
The purpose of this monograph was to analyze the impact of the Coronavirus on the Brazilian prison system, the measures proposed for its containment and the State's responsibility for deaths resulting from the virus in this environment. Through the qualitative method with documentary and bibliographical research, it was found that the Brazilian prison system is an unhealthy, overcrowded and inhumane place in most cases, including the subject of action for non-compliance with the fundamental precept ADPF 347, with the emergence of Covid-19 the calamitous situation these gaps were even worse, with thousands of deaths occurring due to the lack of structure and basic care as a prisoner, a series of recommendations were soon made in order to reduce the rates of contamination by the virus, which proved to be effective to some extent, but did not completely contain the problem.
The purpose of this monograph was to analyze the impact of the Coronavirus on the Brazilian prison system, the measures proposed for its containment and the State's responsibility for deaths resulting from the virus in this environment. Through the qualitative method with documentary and bibliographical research, it was found that the Brazilian prison system is an unhealthy, overcrowded and inhumane place in most cases, including the subject of action for non-compliance with the fundamental precept ADPF 347, with the emergence of Covid-19 the calamitous situation these gaps were even worse, with thousands of deaths occurring due to the lack of structure and basic care as a prisoner, a series of recommendations were soon made in order to reduce the rates of contamination by the virus, which proved to be effective to some extent, but did not completely contain the problem.
sistema prisional brasileira, coronavírus, responsabilidade civil do estado