Imparcialidade e efetividade da ONU e dos tribunais internacionais nos julgamentos de conflitos entre Estados
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TEIXEIRA, Yuri Emerim
HASSAN, Nádila da Silva
As nações estabelecem relações entre si em busca de diferentes objetivos, como laços econômicos, políticas, manutenção da diplomacia, entre outros. Nessas relações, porém, é preciso entender que deve haver a aplicação de princípios e normas que possam atender às demandas e especificidades dessas diferentes nações sem que uma delas seja beneficiada em detrimento da outra. Nessa seara, surge o direito internacional, de modo a formular normas que se apliquem tanto nas relações quanto em possíveis julgamentos internacionais. Este estudo foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de analisar estudos sobre decisões da ONU, do Conselho de Segurança, da corte internacional de justiça, assim como de outros tribunais internacionais criados para casos específicos dentro do ordenamento jurídico global. Procedeu-se de uma revisão bibliográfica da literatura nacional e internacional, conduzindo-se uma análise qualitativa dos dados. Há muitos estudos que suspeitam que os juízes internacionais tenderão a identificar-se naturalmente com o seu Estado ou, pelo menos, com Estados situados de forma semelhante. Na verdade, parece haver algo envolvido para além dos pontos de análise e identificação específicos que vai para a definição e, de fato, para a própria possibilidade de imparcialidade internacional. O desenvolvimento deste estudo deixou evidente que existem inúmeros levantamentos e pesquisas com foco na capacidade dos tribunais internacionais de serem imparciais, todavia, a realidade é que não existe qualquer homogeneidade nos resultados. Enquanto alguns autores percebem imparcialidade nas cortes e tribunais internacionais, outros evidenciam que alcançar essa imparcialidade é essencial, porém, extremamente difícil, por questões como a identificação dos juízes internacionais com determinados países, políticas, culturas, entre outros fatores que podem interferir na forma como conduzem seus julgamentos
Nations establish relationships with each other in pursuit of different objectives, such as economic ties, policies, maintaining diplomacy, among others. In these relationships, however, it is necessary to understand that there must be the application of principles and norms that can meet the demands and specificities of these different nations without one of them benefiting to the detriment of the other. In this area, international law emerges, in order to formulate norms that apply both in relations and in possible international judgments. This study was developed with the general objective of analyzing studies on decisions by the UN, the Security Council, the international court of justice, as well as other international courts created for specific cases within the global legal system. A bibliographical review of national and international literature was carried out, conducting a qualitative analysis of the data. There are many studies that suspect that international judges will tend to identify naturally with their State or at least with similarly situated States. In fact, there appears to be something involved beyond the specific points of analysis and identification that goes into the definition and, indeed, the very possibility of international impartiality. The development of this study made it clear that there are numerous surveys and research focusing on the ability of international courts to be impartial, however, the reality is that there is no homogeneity in the results. While some authors perceive impartiality in international courts and tribunals, others show that achieving this impartiality is essential, however, extremely difficult, due to issues such as the identification of international judges with certain countries, policies, cultures, among other factors that can interfere in the way conduct their judgments.
Nations establish relationships with each other in pursuit of different objectives, such as economic ties, policies, maintaining diplomacy, among others. In these relationships, however, it is necessary to understand that there must be the application of principles and norms that can meet the demands and specificities of these different nations without one of them benefiting to the detriment of the other. In this area, international law emerges, in order to formulate norms that apply both in relations and in possible international judgments. This study was developed with the general objective of analyzing studies on decisions by the UN, the Security Council, the international court of justice, as well as other international courts created for specific cases within the global legal system. A bibliographical review of national and international literature was carried out, conducting a qualitative analysis of the data. There are many studies that suspect that international judges will tend to identify naturally with their State or at least with similarly situated States. In fact, there appears to be something involved beyond the specific points of analysis and identification that goes into the definition and, indeed, the very possibility of international impartiality. The development of this study made it clear that there are numerous surveys and research focusing on the ability of international courts to be impartial, however, the reality is that there is no homogeneity in the results. While some authors perceive impartiality in international courts and tribunals, others show that achieving this impartiality is essential, however, extremely difficult, due to issues such as the identification of international judges with certain countries, policies, cultures, among other factors that can interfere in the way conduct their judgments.
direito internacional, cortes internacionais, imparcialidade