Engenharia Elétrica Telemática
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Monografia Acesso aberto Voip com utilização do Asterisk(2009) Pereira, Maicon; Pierdoná, VirgílioA tecnologia VoIP e sua rápida disseminação estão transformando o cenário mundial das telecomunicações. Na esteira destas mudanças surge um software em código aberto, o Asterisk, sobre o qual foi desenvolvido este trabalho, cujo foco é o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia para sua instalação e configuração. Para tal, são introduzidos conceitos fundamentais de Voz sobre IP e seus protocolos mais importantes, além dos princípios de digitalização e compressão de dados. Por fim, o Asterisk é abordado em detalhes, com seções dedicadas à arquitetura do programa, ao hardware disponível para incrementar suas funcionalidades, aos arquivos de configuração e planos de discagem.Monografia Acesso aberto Análise e implementação de política de QoS: priorizando voz em redes IP(2009) Oliveira, Carlos Henrique de; Custódio Júnior, Luiz ApolinárioWith the increasing convergence of the data and voice networks, the use of this net for applications that need guarantees of parameters, as width of band, delay, variations of delay and tax of losses of packages, becomes necessary the use of quality of service. In this work, a management environment was developed to assist in the control of the quality of service through active measurements. These measurements had facilitated the attainment of information that permits us a fast action in the case of fall of the performance waited for the voice segment on IP. The results had been measured in terms of losses of percentile packages and variation of the delay in the packages (jitter). Some sizes of packages for verification of the influences of the use of QoS had been used. The results of the measurements in nets with QoS and without QoS had been compared, showing that the control of the parameters of QoS is efficient to improve the performance of the applications that demand priorities in the traffic. The architecture of marking DiffServ used in the routers revealed effective for maintenance of the quality of service.Monografia Acesso aberto Sistema de microgeração fotovoltaica(2011) Bernd, Ícaro; Tomaz, Rafael AdelinoThis work consists on the study, design and simulation of a DC/AC converter for connecting a photovoltaic array to main grid. It is accomplished by a maximum power point tracker system and a single-phase voltage inverter, operating with three-level SPWM modulation. In the proposed system, two variables are controlled: the output inductor current, in order to obtain low total harmonic distortion and consequently high power factor, and the DC input bus voltage. For achieving the proposed aims, the study begins by a brief introduction about the photovoltaic history and by an analysis concerning the physical and mathematical concepts necessary for understanding the system operation. Furthermore, the system power stages and a detailed analysis of the two employed control loops are also presented. Finally, simulation results are used for validating the theory.Monografia Acesso aberto Projeto de rede via fibra óptica - FTTH(2011) Melo, Leonardo Borges de; Nunes, André LuisWith the exponential growth rate of bandwidth to transmit and receive data in the telecommunications market in recent years, access networks via fiber optics are already a reality today. Therefore, the paper aims to show and exemplify an access network via optical fiber. To achieve these objectives, following all the theoretical foundation, which is renowned optical communication system, as well as a practical illustration by presenting a case study, showing the practical conditions in the implementation of an access network via optical fiber.Monografia Acesso aberto Atendimento elétrico energético na Ilha de Santa Catarina: LT 230 KV Biguaçu - Desterro(2011) Müller, Estela Christina; Dalprá, Makely Regina da SilvaEste trabalho traz um retrato de como ficou o sistema de abastecimento de energia elétrica na Ilha de Santa Catarina, depois do incidente ocorrido em 2003 em que a população ficou sem energia por volta de 55 horas. Ainda são citados os estudos e as soluções adotadas para a confiabilidade do sistema elétrico na ilha e como foco principal a implantação da LT 230kV Biguaçu – Desterro.Monografia Acesso aberto Detecção de movimento na automação dos testes de produção de câmeras CFTV(2011) Silva, Guilherme Schmitt daThis Course Conclusion Work has as goal propose an automated system to expedite the process of final testing of CCTV cameras (acronym for Closed Circuit Tele Vision). This system is based on the theory of motion detection, where the system senses when the user concluded the connection of cameras in the test environment and start assessing the quality of the cameras in question. The system consists of a development's kit by Altera® manufacturer with four inputs, three for cameras connection to be checked and other one to be verified if there no more movement in the test's scenario and so start the test and a standard serial output channel RS232, in which will pass to the user the test result. We used the VHDL synthesis language together the NIOS® processor to compose the system in question.Monografia Acesso aberto Vulnerabilidades VoIP: um estudo de caso sobre algumas vulnerabilidades existentes no protocolo SIP(2011) Sousa, Bruno Bresciani de; Espíndola, RaulThe VoIP technology is an increasingly widespread and used today. In organizations has become a trend and has increased its growth among users with Internet access. Due to its rise, many changes are made to improve communication, especially the creation of SIP (Session Initial Protocol) able to initiate, modify and terminate multimedia sessions by means of messages transmitted in plain text over the network. Despite the advantages offered by this technology, it brought some concerns, mainly related to the integrity of the information provided in the SIP protocol. Attacks that use vulnerabilities in this protocol may generate various damages, losses and bring those who use this type of communication. In this sense, the present work was to study and analyze some of these vulnerabilities in VoIP systems, focusing only on attacks on the SIP protocol. This analysis was performed using a scenario set up to simulate three vulnerabilities studied during the development, they are: theft record, flood attack and malicious messages. As a result of these simulations, it became apparent that the SIP protocol is a very fragile when it is unprotected, and these weaknesses can cause serious damage to the structure in that it provides communication. It is concluded that VoIP platforms using SIP for transport of information, should be implemented taking into account an added protection for this protocol, thus preventing malicious users will enjoy the same information.Monografia Acesso aberto Smart Grid: os primeiros passos para implantação do conceito no Brasil(2012) Espindola, Bruno Filippe; Demoro, Luciano PedroCurrently, new electrical equipments reach the residences around the planet, whose access is only possible due to the expansion of the generation and distribution electrical system. It is important to emphasize that the Brazilian power system is out of date, remaining based on concentrated generation through large plants. Although in Brazil the electricity generation system is predominately composed by renewable sources, it is necessary to invest in distributed generation, located near the consumption centers. The Smart Grid concept will allow the implementation of distributed generation, improving the power system control, planning, operation and bidirectionality, thus, the consumer will be able to provide active power to the system, when needed. This work consists in to analyze how the Smart Grids may impact on the Brazilian power system as well as, the applicable standards and legislations and the current Brazil situation in front this new technology, where, in order to perform some real information, LIGHT S.A, COPEL, CEMIG and CELESC S.A , were explored.Monografia Acesso aberto Diagnóstico em transformadores de potência através de ensaios em campo(2012) Sousa, Ismael; dos Santos, Rafael PauloTransformers are vital elements in the electric power systems. Its eventual failure is commonly associated with several problems on the power system and their consumers. Thus, it is necessary to study techniques for diagnose faults in such equipment, avoiding unexpected failures. Initially, this paper discusses about the theory necessary for understanding how a transformer works, emphasizing the power transformers, whose tests are achieved for improving their performance and reducing possible failures. Some field tests, accomplished in order to detect failure in power transformers are detailed, targeting from small problems to hard faults. In addition, these tests may determine the extension of the breakdown on the device under analysis. The results obtained from field tests are commonly employed as parameters to decide if the power transformer returns to operation or not. A case of study is presented for validate the applicability of the field tests on the power transformer failure detection.Monografia Acesso aberto Protocolos de comunicação(2012) Lila, FernandoO Sistema de Supervisão e Controle (SSC) é responsável pela aquisição dos dados dos dispositivos de proteção e supervisão, e também por processar e responder a essas informações adquiridas. A esta etapa compreende o sistema supervisório com as lógicas de controle inseridas nas Unidades de Aquisição e Controle (UAC) responsáveis pela seleção das atuações com lógicas pré-determinadas. O presente trabalho de conclusão de curso terá como objetivo descrever o funcionamento do SSC, citando as suas características e funcionalidades, conceituando os protocolos básicos, na sequência identificando os protocolos utilizados no setor elétrico, e por fim caracterizando um dos protocolos mais utilizado na automação de Usinas Hidrelétricas (UHE). Com isto, espera-se que ao final deste trabalho se possa oferecer um guia para os SSCs e seus protocolos, apontando as características de acordo com suas especificações, características e vantagens.Monografia Acesso aberto Análise de falha do sistema supervisório de unidades geradoras hidráulicas devido a surtos de descargas atmosféricas(2012) Santos, Cleber Jandir dos; Cidade Junior, DarciHydroelectric power plants are structures designed to generate electricity. The continued operation of a HPP (Hydroelectric Power Plant) is a desired condition, the proper function of the plant has become extremely dependent on the performance of digital and electronic equipments of the supervision and control system. Atmospheric discharges are sources of disturbance that can affect the operation of a HPP. This paper presents a study on protection of damage to electronic equipment of the supervisory system of hydropower plants and substations (SE) due to lightning surges, presenting installation level measures to minimize such damage.Monografia Acesso aberto Energias renováveis(2012) Silva, Ronaldo AlvesA evolução da economia e a melhoria da qualidade de vida da população estão relacionadas à crescente demanda de energia elétrica. Nos próximos anos, com os eventos esportivos como a Copa do Mundo de Futebol, em 2014, e os Jogos Olímpicos, em 2016, esta demanda crescerá ainda mais. Uma forma de ampliar a atual matriz energética é a inserção de outras formas de geração de energia elétrica a partir de fontes renováveis. A fonte solar fotovoltaica destaca-se, pois além de poder gerar energia de forma distribuída, é inesgotável, silenciosa, simples e limpa, contribuindo com o meio ambiente. O Objetivo deste trabalho consiste na realização de um estudo concernente a esta tecnologia, com pesquisa bibliográfica, para avaliar sua evolução, e sua aplicação em edificações, de modo a verificar sua viabilidade em estádios e arenas desportivas, por exemplo, integrando estes edifícios ao sistema como usinas de geração elétrica e, portanto, aliviando sua cargaMonografia Acesso aberto Sistema de detecção de efluentes em redes pluviais(2013) Ferreti, Luís Renato; Aguiar Filho, Lourival Borges deIn recent years, the increasingly prevalent concern, especially in the new generation sources, is related to the preservation and maintenance of the environment so that future generations can also enjoy what there is still today in terms of quality of life. This fact, which is connected directly to the conservation and prevention of the environmental damages, has brought the inspiration for this final paper. The contamination of rain, rivers and seas water networks cause the degradation of the environment that we want to keep. The propose of this project is to develop a device that performs measurements of hydrogen sulfide gas and transmit them for the institutions associated, mainly aiming to limit the period of action against this type of environmental crime, as well as the prevention and constant monitoring of the rain water network. To the implementation, the design and manufacture of the printed circuit board has been made from the application of components such as microcontroller, GPRS module and sensor for detecting of hydrogen sulfide, besides the programming of a server, database and specific programming languages for online access of information. The tests have been performed in a demonstrative mode. For a final product some parameters need to be informed by the relevant bodies for a specific calibration of the device sensorMonografia Acesso aberto Análise sistêmica dos benefícios da automação da rede de distribuição de energia elétrica(2013) Silva, Zenildo Feliciano daA automação de sistemas elétricos de distribuição está cada vez mais ganhando força de mercado. A diretriz da Automação complementa outros três segmentos não menos importantes: Geração, transmissão e distribuição de energia elétrica. Como tentativa para a diminuição de falhas na rede de distribuição de energia é instalados equipamentos de proteção que possuem o objetivo principal de manter a integridade física da rede, dos consumidores, dos prestadores de serviços e dos equipamentos inseridos no sistema. Assim, este trabalho tem por objetivo fazer uma análise dos benefícios da automação dos sistemas de distribuição de energia elétrica utilizando os dados passados por uma concessionária de energia elétrica de Santa Catarina, buscando valores monetários para justificar os investimentos para tal segmento. Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória, prática, na forma de estudo de caso e com abordagem quantitativa sendo que a fonte de dados é primária. O custo total da operação anual de um sistema sem automação foi comparado a um sistema com automação para que fosse possível a verificação da atratividade do investimento, ou seja, o benefício adquirido. Os resultados evidenciam que o benefício trazido pela automação da rede foi de 62% representando o montante de R$ 214.892,38. A pesquisa desenvolvida neste trabalho auxilia as áreas de planejamento, operação e manutenção das concessionárias de energia elétrica na avaliação de seus investimentos em automação considerando os custos de forma sistêmica.Monografia Acesso aberto Sistema de iluminação para rodovias durante incidência de neblina e chuva(2013) Leonardo, Glauco Silva; Silva, Pedro de BemThis work presents a system of illumination for highways during an incident of fog and rain, since these climactic conditions increase the number of deaths on highways. Therefore, the objective was to create and implement a solution that could assist drivers and possibly decrease such death rates. Above all, the methods used in this project looked for independence, efficiency, and low costs from the system, considering a possible commercialization in the future. For this project, a system that consists of a microcontroller was used and after a humidity and temperature reading, a circuit is signaled while the rest of the system is fed by a battery charged by solar panels. In the end, the obtained results from simulations showed that the system performed as proposed. Therefore, with this confirmed functioning, we concluded that the absence of such a system in the market and after future studies, a consolidation of this project would be technically viable.Monografia Acesso aberto Projeto de subestação para atendimento de uma carga crítica com sistema de supervisão(2013) Piva, Ednei; Andrade, Luiz Henrique Villela de AbreuWith the increasing need to meet demand loads in facilities that can not run out of power, the study of arrangements of substations for critical loads is gaining momentum in the market and this approach should take into account some important variables. We will present a case study of a substation project facing the care of critical loads, also addresses itself to its core topologies, devices that make up its layout, showing the reliability calculations MTFB (Mean Time Between Failures) and their ratings. There will also be a project substation to meet critical load, where you can check all the variables needed to build this type of substation. Data validation will be done by theoretical simulations.Monografia Acesso aberto Estudo, desenvolvimento e implementação de conversor estático tipo buck em malha fechada(2013) Anselmo, Aliny; Martins, Priscila Gomes dos SantosThe main purpose of this work is to study, design and implementation of a type converter dc-dc buck that from a continuous source of 24 V, will supply loads in 12 Vdc, with powers up to 12 W. Therefore, will be realized a detailed theoretical and a study on the characteristics of this converter, followed by simulations, assembly and testing of a prototype. Finally, in order to validate the concepts, will be present both results from simulation and experimentation, simultaneously.Monografia Acesso aberto Integração de geração eólica na rede elétrica: desafios do Brasil(2013) Corrêa, Kleber CostaNeste trabalho busca-se fazer uma abordagem sobre os impactos da integração da geração eólica na rede elétrica, e os desafios do Brasil sob aspectos técnicos e também sobre o ponto de vista regulatório. Primeiramente, é apresentada a estrutura do Setor Elétrico Brasileiro e os conceitos básicos da Energia Eólica e seus componentes. Em seguida, são apresentados os desafios, técnicos e regulatórios, da integração da geração eólica no sistema elétrico brasileiro. Ao final do trabalho é apresentado um estudo de caso, retratando a experiência da Eletrosul neste tema, referente a integração dos parques eólicos Geribatu e Chuí, localizados no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, que se encontram atualmente em implantaçãoMonografia Acesso aberto Implementação de um mecanismo TDM para garantir previsibilidade na comunicação da rede SOCIN(2013) Silva, Marcos Roberto daThe growing increase in density of integrated circuits has empowered manufacturers to implement multiple processors of different types in one single chip. This architecture is known as Systems-on-a-Chip (SoC). The use of traditional bus in SoCs with high data processing rate causes noise and power consumption issues. A new conception for cores connection based on switched networks, known as Network-on-Chip (NoCs), was developed to minimize these problems. Parallel communications, scalable bandwidth and modularity are the main advantages of the NoCs technology. However, SoCs with real-time characteristics demands communication time between its components that meet strict deadlines. A solution presented in order to fulfill real-time systems requirements is the TDM technique (acronym of Time Division Multiplexing). The network SoCIN (System on Chip Interconnection Network) is a NoC which uses some of these solutions to assure QoS (Quality of Service), and yet packet delivering issues are found when a core requests the communication channel for a long period. This study proposes a solution to those problems by means of the TDM technique.Monografia Acesso aberto Análise e projeto de filtros passivos para mitigação de harmônicas em sistemas residenciais(2013) Sartori, Graziela Philippi; Silva, Kleytton Osny Amaral Belarmino daIn the last few years, the increasingly presence of electronic equipment in homes and commercial enterprises caused the consumer demand for better quality energy has been growing and solidifying between the different user profiles. This fact has transformed the profile of the loads of the electricity consumers; with linear loads before and now predominantly with non-linear loads. These non-linear loads insert harmonic currents frequency on the power grids, causing hence the distortion in the waveform of the current supplied. Such distortion impacts on investments in solutions by the electric utilities and the consumers, in order to decrease the circulation of these components in the electric power grid. This paper aims to develop a design and an analysis under the passive filters tuned to residential systems for reduction of harmonic frequencies, which aims to limit the motion of these currents in the power grid, especially the influence of the harmonic component of 3rd order. For this purpose, the insertion of passive filters (shunt type and block) including specific topologies, which have reduced volume, weight and costs in comparison to most conventional arrangements employed and established in the literature.
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