Engenharia Elétrica Telemática
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Monografia Acesso aberto Aperfeiçoamento de placas de circuito impresso com técnicas de indutância e capacitância embarcados(2018) Dagostim, DanielThe quick look at the evolutionary history of electronics shows that the huge technological development has brought improvements in different fields, and it has created tools that have contributed to the human evolution by the years. We closely follow the evolution around us day by day and we know that electronics have a fundamental importance on this process. From this context, we are able to say that the printed circuit boards walk side by side to the electronics by following its growing, because of both of them work together. Thus, the idea of starting to study about the layout of the printed circuit boards and their techniques that can boost even more enhancements in this area has motivated this work, which has its main core, the exploration of boards layout design, while it reveals all that has already been researched and developed about the embedded components, in order to explain how it works and also what we can expect from this ascendant technology. Perhaps this study will be taken as an introduction for further researches, or maybe it will also be pointing out the next actions to be taken due to get more knowledge on this area, inside or outside Brazil, in behalf of optimizing circuitry and production economy.Monografia Acesso embargado Corrosão e sistemas de proteção(2018) Gutihá Junior, Marcos LuizABSTRACT This work is to elucidate the phenomenon of galvanic and electrolytic corrosion. In this case, the study is about the deterioration of metals that are part of the vessels made of fiberglass. In view of the propulsion system, direction and other hydraulic systems that assist in navigation, are made in metal, which are conductors of electricity. All are subject to undergo this process, since they are mostly submerged in a medium-conductive electrolyte, which benefits galvanic corrosion and electrolytic. Just like these, other metallic parts need protection to prevent this phenomenon. In this way, with clarification of the fact that occurred, we can benefit and use the cause of the problem as part of the solution. Through methods and applications of the right materials, we can use other metals with certain characteristics and in this way provide protection, ie using some of these metals serve as anodes of sacrifice.Monografia Acesso aberto Sistema embarcado com RTOS: uma abordagem prática e voltada a portabilidade(2018) Back, MaxThe increasing demand for solution development connected between existing systems as well as the increased use of these embedded systems show the importance of robust, real-time solutions with ever shorter development cycles and need for reuse of code. This work presents the selection of the real-time operating system FreeRTOS and the experiment of its use as the basis for the development of a wearable controller on two different hardware platforms, implementing the solution initially in one of them and then porting to the other platform, mainly developing the specific programming of the new hardware and trying to keep the application part unaltered and platform independent. As a result, it was possible to carry out an evaluation of the gains with portability made possible using the operating system and the amount of harnessed code. It was verified that the gain was very positive, with about seventy percent of the code of the ported platform being reused. From this experiment we can conclude that the use of FreeRTOS, besides allowing real-time performance, is an important tool for the development of portable systems.Estudo de Caso Acesso aberto Avaliação de conformidade das instalações elétricas de baixa tensão: sua importância, seu processo de realização e suas vantagens(2018) Silva, FabianoThe topic safety is one of the most relevant factors when the theme is electricity. Any carelessness in the handling and operation of electrical power can have fatal consequences. Based on this, every scope of projects involving the electrical means has its eyes constantly turned to safety. Since the project development, passing through the various installation stages of the electrical components, till the indispensable stage to ensure this safety, which is the inspection. This way, all these processes that compete for the electrical installation are supported by the Brazilian standards pertinent to each segment, serving as a technical basis for the execution of the inspection. This is the tool to guarantee the compliance with the standards, aiming at safety and various secondary benefits. In Brazil, although we have already demonstrated some bills, the electrical inspection on the instalations is still voluntary. Directly connected to this, we can observe a gradual increase in the number of accidents of electrical origin, a fact that could be reversed, if by chance the inspection occurred to be compulsory, as in the example of others countries where there is already mandatory inspection for any movement of the property, aiming at the safety of users.Monografia Acesso aberto Sistema de testes de módulo de paralelismo de transformadores de força(2018) Silva, Diego Pereira daThe parallel operation of power transformers is a technique used by several companies in the electric power sector, worldwide. The need to maintain voltage levels stabilized according to load variation and to meet the increasing demand for power supplied requires a system that monitors the conditions of the transformers in relation to the automatic change of the transformation ratio in a synchronized way when the operation in parallel. The failure in this control and monitoring system directly affects the quality indices in the electricity supply, leading to financial losses due to the current legislation of ANEEL power quality indicators. This work deals with the theory involved in the parallel operation of power transformers, their advantages, disadvantages and problems arising from the malfunction of the system, with emphasis on the parallelism simulator module, which allows an accurate diagnosis of defects in the supervisory modules.Monografia Acesso aberto Desenvolvimento de software de monitoramento em uma rede industrial modbus(2018) Casett, Martina KelliSerial communication networks are used to sequentially transfer data through a single path. Among the most employed protocols in this method of digital communications, the MODBUS protocol, on account of its simplicity and wide application, is established as the market standard. This work aims at implement a communication channel using the MODBUS protocol in RTU transmission mode, adopting the RS-485 as the interface standard. This industrial network is composed of elements that integrate a cutting machine, such as variable-frequency drives and an energy analyzer, which are going to be the objects of analysis in this work. With the purpose of monitoring the parameters acquired by the referred devices in an integrated and efficient way, a software will be developed using C# programming language in Visual Studio environment.Monografia Acesso aberto Diagnóstico em transformadores de potência através de ensaios em campo(2012) Sousa, Ismael; dos Santos, Rafael PauloTransformers are vital elements in the electric power systems. Its eventual failure is commonly associated with several problems on the power system and their consumers. Thus, it is necessary to study techniques for diagnose faults in such equipment, avoiding unexpected failures. Initially, this paper discusses about the theory necessary for understanding how a transformer works, emphasizing the power transformers, whose tests are achieved for improving their performance and reducing possible failures. Some field tests, accomplished in order to detect failure in power transformers are detailed, targeting from small problems to hard faults. In addition, these tests may determine the extension of the breakdown on the device under analysis. The results obtained from field tests are commonly employed as parameters to decide if the power transformer returns to operation or not. A case of study is presented for validate the applicability of the field tests on the power transformer failure detection.Monografia Acesso aberto Melhoria de processo produtivo: jiga de testes de produto(2018) Brum, Leonardo Silveira de; Wegener, Lisandro EdgarThe necessity of greater investments in developing solutions that make products and processes more efficient has become a continuous adoption of Brazilian companies. This necessity aims to make production costs feasible in the face of fierce competition, mainly from the Asian market, making the national products manufacturing viable and competitive. In order to attend this necessity, this work proposes a jig test development, a product test device, whose purpose is implementing a system with tests automation and manufacturing process optimization of a video door phone in order to give greater dynamism and efficiency on product manufacturing. This project begins with a study of the factory necessity, followed by the specification and subsequent development of the test device.Monografia Acesso aberto Sistema para controle de iluminação residencial com uso da plataforma Arduino(2018) Fernandes, Dayane Freire; Andrade, Wilson Raphael Tomasi deA person’s daily commitments and obligations require much agility, involvement and discipline. For this reason, society is continuously searching for automated equipment and systems in order to assist us in our daily tasks, due to a great amount of obligations, with the intent of providing more facility, improving household tasks, optimizing time and providing comfort. It is what we call domotics, which is the act of automating a process. The purpose of this research is to develop a low-cost residential automation system using the Arduino® platform to control a few basic tasks in a home. The entire automation system is programmed and compiled into LDmicro software, in Ladder programming language, and later converted into Arduino® programming language, Processing. The solution proposes the use of low-cost sensors and devices for integration with Arduino®, aiming at the possibility of granting affordable residential automation to families with lower purchasing power.Monografia Acesso aberto Análise do efeito das variáveis radiação solar e temperatura ambiente no dimensionamento de um sistema fotovoltaico OFF-GRID(2017) Alexandre Neto, FranciscoIn the current global energy scenario, a demand for alternative energy sources is increasingly needed. Photovoltaic solar energy is one of these alternative sources and consists of the conversion of the energy radiated by the Sun into electrical energy through the use of photovoltaic modules and this is applicable for systems connected in the network of distribution of energy (on-grid or Grid- Tied systems), as well as in isolated systems, commonly referred to as off-grid systems. The energy production of an off-grid photovoltaic system can be affected by the climatic conditions of the system installation site, solar radiation, ambient temperature, as well as by the technical characteristics of the equipment used in the system (photovoltaic module, charger controller and battery). In this context, the present work presents a study of the effect of the variables solar radiation and ambient temperature on the design of an off-grid photovoltaic system, as well as the effects on energy production. Additionally the main components of an off-grid photovoltaic system are described, being: photovoltaic module, charger controller and energy accumulation system (battery), and a design methodology for an off-grid photovoltaic system.Monografia Acesso embargado Ensaios para diagnóstico das falhas em transformadores de potência(2017) Pires Junior, José Nilton; Pacheco, Leandro GonçalvesTransformers are extremely important equipment both in the Brazilian electrical system and inside the companies. Failure of this equipment can have serious consequences both in the financial sphere and in the safety of the people who surround it in carrying out the proper maintenance. This work initially presents the necessary theory to capture the perception of the operation of this equipment, simplifying and giving opportunity for a better understanding of the tests that can be practiced for the analysis and diagnosis of transformer faults, highlighting the importance of conventional field tests and a case study, concerning the chromatographic analysis of gases dissolved in insulating oil in a high voltage power transformer, confirming the applicability of the tests proposed herein, where through the analysis performed an internal insulation failure that could have caused the loss of the transformer.Monografia Acesso aberto Análise da qualidade de energia em sistema fotovoltaico em operação paralela com a rede de distribuição de energia elétrica(2017) Fontão, Marcelo LuizIn a world that is increasingly dependent on electricity, and because of its great demand, it is increasingly indispensable to look for new ways of obtaining it, especially as renewable sources and of little environmental impact. As many sources as possible, photovoltaic solar energy stands out for its practical, reliable and clean shape, and can be inserted into grids, high, medium and low voltage. However, a connection of several micropower plants to the network, tends to bring a possibility of generating disturbances in the same. This work, which is presented, analyzes the quality of electric energy, is not the reference and demonstrates a need to consider the harmonic effects of a photovoltaic plant in networks in the network, through values extracted directly from the network of the plant substation Megawat solar In the city of Florianópolis, SC. Measurements were taken over a period of 8 days with the aid of a power quality analyzer. Arriving at the conclusion that the need to seek alternative sources for a procurement of electricity, should be paved in the quality of procurement energy, so that not implicit in future problems for the network of the utilityMonografia Acesso aberto Subestações digitais: tecnologias para implementação de uma subestação digital(2017) Vieira, João GabrielCom a vinda de novas tecnologias o setor elétrico assim como outros setores que receberam muitas novidades ficaram sem orientações com relação as normas de comunicação entre equipamentos. Com isso a norma IEC 61580 veio para facilitar e resolver alguns problemas que por diversos anos foi muito debatido em grandes obras como, sistema de comunicações (protocolos) e meios físicos de comunicações (cabos). Com a aplicação da norma em subestações, houve-se a necessidade dos fabricantes de aperfeiçoarem os equipamentos já existentes em mercado para atendimento a norma, não somente a aplicação de comunicação, mas também no que se diz a aquisição de dados advindos do pátio. Tendo uma norma tão nova e revolucionaria, grandes concessionárias de energia não acreditam que a mesma possa resolver grandes problemas como o custo de instalação de uma subestação. Com isso projetos pilotos como os que serão apresentados neste trabalho são necessários para a verificação da confiabilidade e robustez do sistema que utiliza a norma IEC 61850. Com esses projetos em andamento, pode-se verificar a confiabilidade da norma e a robustez dos equipamentos já desenvolvidos pelos fabricantes, atestando o crescimento do uso do protocolo em uma subestação.Monografia Acesso aberto Internet das coisas(2017) Silva, Leandro JamirCurrently being connected to the Internet is much more than simple connectivity and messaging. The largest network in the world is wide open and people are constantly adding things to it and it is natural that they want things to interact in a slightly automatic way. Every day a variety of communication solutions among these things emerges. Ideas such as the popular smart city, for example, bring a large number of specific fields such as Transportation, Energy, Environment, Assisted Living, most always pre-fixed with the term "Intelligent" to emphasize the fact that they incorporate a kind of global intelligence and awareness. However, the vast majority focus on specific application domains with specific architectures, with little place left for data exchange with other systems and interoperability. The Internet of Things is aimed at this interoperability. Unfortunately for being an opened environment the Internet is also subject to malicious people who always try to take advantage. Therefore among the most important challenges of the Internet of Things this the security, including identities, authentication and authorization so that an M2M communication can continue to function even under events or people who may somehow want to attack or hinder for pleasure or one’s interest.Monografia Acesso aberto Implementação de um mecanismo TDM para garantir previsibilidade na comunicação da rede SOCIN(2013) Silva, Marcos Roberto daThe growing increase in density of integrated circuits has empowered manufacturers to implement multiple processors of different types in one single chip. This architecture is known as Systems-on-a-Chip (SoC). The use of traditional bus in SoCs with high data processing rate causes noise and power consumption issues. A new conception for cores connection based on switched networks, known as Network-on-Chip (NoCs), was developed to minimize these problems. Parallel communications, scalable bandwidth and modularity are the main advantages of the NoCs technology. However, SoCs with real-time characteristics demands communication time between its components that meet strict deadlines. A solution presented in order to fulfill real-time systems requirements is the TDM technique (acronym of Time Division Multiplexing). The network SoCIN (System on Chip Interconnection Network) is a NoC which uses some of these solutions to assure QoS (Quality of Service), and yet packet delivering issues are found when a core requests the communication channel for a long period. This study proposes a solution to those problems by means of the TDM technique.Monografia Acesso aberto Detecção de movimento na automação dos testes de produção de câmeras CFTV(2011) Silva, Guilherme Schmitt daThis Course Conclusion Work has as goal propose an automated system to expedite the process of final testing of CCTV cameras (acronym for Closed Circuit Tele Vision). This system is based on the theory of motion detection, where the system senses when the user concluded the connection of cameras in the test environment and start assessing the quality of the cameras in question. The system consists of a development's kit by Altera® manufacturer with four inputs, three for cameras connection to be checked and other one to be verified if there no more movement in the test's scenario and so start the test and a standard serial output channel RS232, in which will pass to the user the test result. We used the VHDL synthesis language together the NIOS® processor to compose the system in question.Monografia Acesso aberto Geração solar para edifícios comerciais(2014) Rodrigues, Fernando; Espindola, Maicon RodrigoRenewable energy sources began to be performed from the triggering of the firsts economic crisis and environmental issues on fuels utilization and exploration applied on electric energy production. Among the promising alternatives and inexhaustible sources stands out the solar energy. The culture of photovoltaic energy generation systems implementation in Brazil is little disseminated yet, due its high cost of implementation and lack of regulatory technical standards, looking to change this scenario the regulatory organizations and research sectors have been working hard on the existents issues. Inside this scenario, this course conclusion work presents as basis the solar energy use and the parts that constitute a photovoltaic generation system. Points the existent procedures of energy generation by independent producers. Its analyze a implementation case of photovoltaic generation connected on the energy network at the Digitro Tecnologia Ltda. headquarter. And, at the end, based on this building installation, presents the calculations and the necessary conditions to transform that generation in a isolate system.Monografia Acesso aberto Estudo da implementação de redes Long Term Evolution em Florianópolis/SC(2013) Pereira, Leandro; Sens Junior, NiltoThe chapter Architecture of Cellular Networks, presents the evolution of network releases of 3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project), the logical architecture of the E-UTRA (Evolved - Universal Terrestrial Rádio Access) with interfaces and protocols associated with it as well as the logical architecture of the EPC (Evolved Packet Core). While in LTE (Long Term Evolution) Air Interface Principles, we describe the techniques used in rádio interface for uplink and dowlink considering the principles of OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) and its channel structure of the air interface. It's also detailed the time domain structure of the rádio interface in the uplink and downlink for FDD (Frequency Division Duplex) and TDD (Time Division Duplex), the principles of OFDMA in downlink, SC-FDMA (Single Carrier Frequency Division Multiplexing) in uplink, MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) and the role of MBMS (Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service) in LTE. The case study on the activation of LTE network in Florianópolis, exposes the motivation for the implementation of 4G service in Brazil, the frequencies tendered for this purpose, the equipment used for signal transmission, coverage simulations and evaluation of the results obtained after activation of the network.Monografia Acesso aberto Projeto de rede via fibra óptica - FTTH(2011) Melo, Leonardo Borges de; Nunes, André LuisWith the exponential growth rate of bandwidth to transmit and receive data in the telecommunications market in recent years, access networks via fiber optics are already a reality today. Therefore, the paper aims to show and exemplify an access network via optical fiber. To achieve these objectives, following all the theoretical foundation, which is renowned optical communication system, as well as a practical illustration by presenting a case study, showing the practical conditions in the implementation of an access network via optical fiber.Monografia Acesso aberto Atendimento elétrico energético na Ilha de Santa Catarina: LT 230 KV Biguaçu - Desterro(2011) Müller, Estela Christina; Dalprá, Makely Regina da SilvaEste trabalho traz um retrato de como ficou o sistema de abastecimento de energia elétrica na Ilha de Santa Catarina, depois do incidente ocorrido em 2003 em que a população ficou sem energia por volta de 55 horas. Ainda são citados os estudos e as soluções adotadas para a confiabilidade do sistema elétrico na ilha e como foco principal a implantação da LT 230kV Biguaçu – Desterro.
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