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Artigo Científico Acesso embargado Avaliação das mudanças quanto à adequação do uso dos dispositivos de retenção infantil em automóveis na cidade de Florianópolis(2018) Klingelfus, Felipe SilvaObjective: The aim of this study was to analyze the adequacy changes in children transportation after 10 years of implementing the Resolution CONTRAN nº 277/08 and associated factors, in the city of Florianópolis / SC. Methods: An observational cross-sectional study was carried out through interviews with car drivers transporting children from zero to 14 years old in the city of Florianópolis / SC. Regarding the ideal transportation of the children, the adequacy or not, according to the Resolution CONTRAN nº 277/08, was analyzed. The information collected on these interviews was compared to data from a 2009 study. Differences in the occurrence of the outcome (adequate transport) according to the independent variables were tested using the chi-square test. Results: A total of 201 drivers, transporting children, were interviewed, with a mean of 1.07 children per car. The transport adequacy was found in 62.2% of cases. Mothers presented 65% of the transportation adequacy and fathers 63.5%. The drivers graduated in 2nd and 3rd grade had 62.8% and 66.6%, respectively. It was observed that 43.1% of the children were between 13 and 48 months old and that the transport was adequate in 77.5% of the vehicles in this same age group. Between 49 and 84 months old the transport was adequate in only 25.6% of the vehicles. The booster seat presented 86.7% of adequacy and the child safety seat 70.4%. As to the reason for inadequate transport, 36.1% of the drivers were not aware of the proper form of transportation; 11.1% knew, but did not find it important; and 13.9% knew, but did not have the financial condition to buy Child Retention Devices. Conclusion: The prevalence of transportation adequacy increased in the last decade in the city of Florianópolis. However, the lack of knowledge about Child Retention Devices still remains a determinant of inadequate transportation. Thus socio-educational measures, greater financial access to Child Retention Devices and the improvement of traffic safety policies should be encouraged.Artigo Científico Acesso embargado Tendência temporal de internações hospitalares por fratura pediátrica em Santa Catarina de 2013 a 2022(2024-06) BRUSCHI, Fernanda TaísObjetivo: Analisar a tendência temporal de internações hospitalares por fratura pediátrica em Santa Catarina de 2013 a 2022. Método: Estudo de tendência temporal de internações hospitalares por fraturas pediátricas, a partir do banco de dados do Sistema de Informações Hospitalares (SIH-SUS), realizado no estado de Santa Catarina, disponibilizado pelo Departamento de Informática do Sistema Único de Saúde (DATASUS). Análise estatística por regressão linear simples, com variação média anual das taxas (β) e variação percentual, considerando significativo p<0,05. Resultados: Analisadas 29.682 internações. Observada tendência de estabilidade na taxa geral de internação por fratura pediátrica no estado de Santa Catarina (β= 0,176; p= 0,342) com 21,55 internações por 10 mil habitantes. Mantém-se estabilidade nas macrorregiões do estado de Santa Catarina, sendo Sul (β= 0,257; p= 1,703), Planalto Norte/Nordeste (β= 0,381; p= 4,721), Meio Oeste/Serra Catarinense (β= 0,483; p= 0,303), Foz do Rio Itajaí (β= 0,428; p= 0,946), Alto vale do Itajaí (β= 0,289; p= 5,550), Grande Oeste (β= 0,623; p= 13,365), Grande Florianópolis (β= 0,276; p= 1,005). Estabilidade em ambos os sexos, feminino (β= 0,117; p= 0,089) e masculino (β= 0,273; p= 0,754), o mesmo analisado nas internações segundo faixa etária por sexo. Conclusão: O presente estudo mantém tendência de estabilidade em todos os dados analisados, com maior incidência no sexo masculino, faixa etária escolar e macrorregião do Grande Oeste do estado Catarinense.