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Navegando Direito por Assunto "Abandono afetivo"
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Monografia Acesso embargado Abandono afetivo de idosos e o direito ao envelhecimento digno(2020) Gomes, Vitória SilvaThe present work aims to analyze the social impacts of the reverse affectional neglect in the dignified, active and healthy aging, and its reflections in the law applicability to supply the difficulties found by the elderly in today’s cultural group. The study was based on a bibliographic research and also brings the aspects of culture in time, and the importance of the family participation on the elderly well-being in this new phase of life, identifying the importance of the legal changes, the state, the society and the family’s obligations. The study highlights the importance of the fraternal and affectional look to this group; thinking about their discrimination and marginalization in society, besides the reflects of ageism to the range of the basic rights of aging people.Monografia Acesso fechado A indenização por dano moral no abandono afetivo(2021-12-13) Borges, Cristina SerafimO presente trabalho aborda a viabilidade da indenização por dano moral no abandono afetivo, analisando-se o tema dentro da Constituição Federal de 1988, do Código Civil vigente, do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente e em jurisprudências. Teve-se, como objetivo, analisar a possibilidade de responsabilização civil do genitor perante os prejuízos causados em desfavor da sua prole, por abandono afetivo. Para isso, utilizou-se da pesquisa bibliográfica e documental em doutrinas e nas legislações até então vigentes, no que concerne ao abandono afetivo e a viabilidade do ressarcimento por dano moral e a responsabilidade civil, além de embasamento nos tribunais brasileiros. Resumidamente, o abandono afetivo é a negligência e a omissão de cuidado e afeto do genitor para com seus filhos. Assim, para a caracterização da indenização por dano moral por abandono afetivo, os requisitos da responsabilidade civil precisam estar bem caracterizados e demonstrados: o dano, a culpa e o nexo de causalidade. Diante desses fatos, foram analisadas jurisprudências acerca do tema de diversos tribunais com o intuito de apurar a possibilidade de indenização, apresentando-se posições contrárias e favoráveis acerca do assunto, corroborando com o quão polêmico é o tema e que deve ser examinado com extrema atenção.Monografia Acesso fechado A responsabilidade civil dos pais por abandono afetivo dos filhos(2017) Martignago, Cláudia AntunesThe family, a group united by affection and respect, has gone through many stages and, at present, it is recognized whatever its formation. There are some cases in which the companions finish their relationship and one of them moves away from the children, for different reasons. When this distancing is voluntary and unjustified, it can configure affective abandonment, which causes emotional imbalance, isolation, learning difficulties, among other negative feelings. Faced with this reality, this study was conducted with the objective of verifying the civil responsibility of the parents through the affective abandonment of the children. Therefore, it is considered essential to define the specific objectives: highlight the evolution of concepts and the social role of the family, the duties of parents towards their children, the concepts of civil responsibility and moral damage, as well as clarifying their effects on children’s life. A literature review was carried out based on different authors, in order to understand their position on the subject, as well as a jurisprudential analysis, as a way of pointing out the decisions of different courts of the country. The jurisprudential analysis made it possible to understand that magistrates are very careful to comply with all the assumptions of civil responsibility, including with the intention of avoiding that the issue becomes only a way of obtaining resources under the pretext of affective abandonment. When these assumptions are met, it is the responsibility of the parent who has abandoned them, and thus they should compensate the victim for moral damages, aiming at the reestablishment of their emotional conditions.