Especialização Gestão de Mídias Sociais e Marketing Digital


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  • Artigo Científico Acesso fechado
    A análise da propaganda digital de produto sustentável: Estudo de caso da empresa Renault
    (2019) Mota, Renata de Oliveira
    The research aims to present factors that explain how marketing developed, addressing digital marketing along with sustainability, exposing the stages of change through bibliographic concepts, and understand the importance of sustainable marketing today. To this end, the work had bibliographical references from renowned authors, such as Philip Kotler (marketing expert), who discusses, through his works, many thoughts and explanations about the marketing trajectory to the present day, and other scholars in the field. That explain the concepts and trajectory of advertising in the world. A case study was also carried out with the Renault company, which is involved in the automotive segment, and has some work related to sustainability, presenting how the company's positioning, ideas and sustainable projects through digital marketing.
  • Artigo Científico Acesso aberto
    Como as Lojas Renner se tornaram a principal rede de varejo de moda do Brasil
    (2019) Martins, Carolina
    O Artigo vai tratar das estratégias de Marketing que a Lojas Renner utilizou para se tornar a principal rede de varejo do Brasil
  • Artigo Científico Acesso aberto
    Neuromarketing: A viabilidade da implementação desse recurso em pequenas e médias empresas
    (2019) Cabral, Luiz Felipe Garagorry de Mesquita
    In a Market so competitve, new companies and products are born in a matter of minutes, and for that reason, all the companies need to reinvent to mantain a competitive vantage. The marketing always have as main objective the creation of value to the consumer, the problem is how this value operate in the consumer subconscious. To remove this gap, the neuromarketing studies the subconscious to unravel the consumer logic. Increasingly in the global Market, this area is still Young and the costs to use the tools for research are expensive. Therefore, this article has as objective analyze the price charged of the companies of in Brazil to understand if companies with a limited budge can use the neuromarketing in their organizations. To find this information, bibliographic searches were made to understand this new area and a direct contact with the companies that perform neuromarketing researchs with the objective to budget the main tools. The findings were positive, showing that is possible to companies with a low budged to use the neuromarketing.
  • Artigo Científico Acesso aberto
    A inteligência coletiva praticada na mídia ninja
    (2019) Ribeiro, Lidiane Vitor
    Esta pesquisa busca compreender a inteligência coletiva no uso da criação colaborativa de conteúdo em meio digital a partir da página da Mídia Ninja no Facebook. No que diz respeito à metodologia, utilizou-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica, tendo como principais referências as obras de Pierre Lévy, como também um estudo descritivo-analítico de três vídeos veiculados ao vivo pelo canal da Mídia Ninja. Como resultado, foram identificados no objeto deste estudo diferentes manifestações que compõem a inteligência coletiva como a interação, o compartilhamento de informação e a construção colaborativa.
  • Artigo Científico Acesso aberto
    Marketing de relacionamento: sua importância para a fidelização de clientes
    (2019) Souza, Pâmela Libânia de
    This scientific article presents information and analysis on the importance of relationship marketing in customer loyalty and engagement. In an increasingly connected era, turning new buyers into brand advocates involves a range of engagement strategies. In this sense, developing innovative relationship management strategies can mean the success or failure of the image, message or values that the company wants to convey regarding its digital presence. Social media plays a key role in building a close relationship with customers. In these media, consumers are active and react, interpret, distribute or even block and can respond to stimuli as they see fit. Therefore, relationship marketing strategies should consider the consumer as the center and focus of all their actions. To be able to define an efficient digital presence strategy requires a thorough knowledge of the business and market, so this article addresses strategy suggestions that can contribute to the goal of engaging and building loyalty customers.