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  • Artigo completo publicado em periódico Acesso aberto
    Lesões endo-periodontais: um relato de caso
    (2024-02) SOUZA, Darlete Oliveira de; FONSESCA, Giovanna Fernandes; ALVES, Kaliane Santana; TEIXEIRA, Laine Karen Fernandes; TAVARES, Ludmila Nery; FERNANDES, Natália Alves Bezerra do Prado; MELO, Maria José Lopes de
    Objetivo: Relatar o caso de um paciente com lesão endo-periodontal primariamente endodôntica com envolvimento periodontal secundário em segundo pré-molar inferior esquerdo, revisando cientificamente o diagnóstico e suas interrelações. Detalhamento do caso: Paciente feminino, 42 anos, sem qualquer alteração sistêmica, relatando dor ao mastigar no elemento 35. Foram realizado, exame clínico, sondagem, testes de sensibilidade pulpar, de palpação e percussão na hemi-arcada inferior esquerda e exames radiográficos. Ao avaliar radiograficamente, notou-se, extensa lesão associada ao periápice do elemento 35, estendendo-se desde a cortical óssea distal até a lingual. Foi diagnosticado lesão endo-periodontal primariamente endodôntica com envolvimento periodontal secundário. O tratamento abordado foi o endodôntico associado ao periodontal, realizados simultaneamente, avaliados através de exames radiográficos por período de 3 meses. Considerações finais: O tratamento endodôntico e periodontal simultâneos em lesão endo-periodontal primariamente endodôntica com envolvimento periodontal secundário, podem otimizar o sucesso do tratamento, levando um melhor prognóstico em curto período de tempo.
  • Artigo completo publicado em periódico Acesso aberto
    Association between prenatal and neonatal factors and occurrence of asthma symptoms in six-year-old children
    (2022-01) Esmeraldino, Leonardo; Traebert, Eliane; Nunes, Rodrigo Dias; Traebert, Jefferson
    The objective was to estimate association between prenatal and neonatal factors and asthma symptoms in children at six years of age. A cross-sectional study using secondary data from a cohort study with a sample of 578 children was carried out. Data were analyzed using three levels hierarchical Poisson Regression. Of the 578 children included in the study, 43.4% (95% CI 39.4; 47.4) had asthma symptoms. The variables with significantly higher prevalence of symptoms and asthma at six years of age were: male gender, with 5% higher prevalence (PR = 1.05 95% CI 1.01; 1.11) (p = 0.043); children of pregnant women presenting infectious diseases with 7% higher prevalence (PR = 1.07; 95% CI 1.02; 1.13) (p = 0.011); children who were not breastfed, with a 12% higher prevalence (PR = 1.12; 95% CI 1.02; 1.24) (p = 0.022) and children with respiratory problems in the first month of life, with a 14% higher prevalence (PR = 1.14; 95% CI 1.01; 1.29) (p = 0.033). It could be concluded that male gender, time-independent breastfeeding deprivation and respiratory problems in the first month of life were independently associated with asthma symptoms at six years of age. The occurrence of infectious diseases during pregnancy was the only factor with intrauterine physiology that was associated with the occurrence of asthma symptoms at six years of age.
  • Artigo completo publicado em periódico Acesso aberto
    Maternal and early childhood factors associated with asthma and obesity in children aged 6 to 7 years: a case control study
    (2022-02) Silva, Bruna Becker; Silva, Jane da; Traebert, Jefferson; Schlindwein, Aline Daiane
    Objective: To determine the maternal and early childhood factors associated with asthma and obesity in children aged 6 to 7 years. Methods: A case-control study conducted with children aged 6 to 7 years. Applications with questions about asthma symptoms in the last 12 months, maternal and childhood data in the first 2 years of life, and anthropometric data were collected. Children who presented asthma symptoms were considered as cases and those without asthma symptoms were considered as controls, later divided into two subgroups that were eutrophic or overweight/obesity. Logistic regression was performed to estimate the association between asthma symptoms (adequate weight and overweight/obesity) and gestational and personal factors, calculating odds ratio and 95% confidence interval (95%CI). Values of p<0.05 were considered significant. Results: Two hundred and one children were evaluated, 25.4% had asthma symptoms, 37.2% of them were overweight/obesity. Waist circumference, triceps skinfold, and body mass index were higher in the group with overweight/obesity asthma symptoms compared to no asthma symptoms (p<0.05). Factors significantly associated with asthma and overweight/obesity symptoms included: the maternal history of asthma (odds ratio of 3.73; 95%CI: 1.10-12.6) and hypertension during pregnancy (odds ratio of 3.29; 95%CI: 1.08-9.94). Conclusion: Maternal history of asthma and hypertension during pregnancy increased the chances of children, at 6 and 7 years of age, having symptoms of asthma and obesity.
  • Artigo completo publicado em periódico Acesso aberto
    Modeling and Accomplishing the BEREC Network Neutrality Policy
    (2021-07-01) Barreto, David S.; Reale, Rafael F.; Martins, Joberto S. B.
    Network neutrality (NN) is a principle of equal treatment of data in network infrastructures with fairness and universality being the primary outcomes of the NN management practice. For networks, the accomplishment of NN management practice is essential to deal with heterogeneous user requirements and the ever-increasing data traffic. Current tools and methods address the NN problem by detecting network neutrality violations and detecting traffic differentiation. This paper proposes the NN-PCM (Network Neutrality Policy Conformance Module) that deploys the BEREC network neutrality policy using a bandwidth allocation model (BAM). The NN-PCM new approach allocates bandwidth to network users and accomplishes the BEREC NN policy concomitantly. Network neutrality is achieved by grouping users with similar traffic requirements in classes and leveraging the bandwidth allocation model’s characteristics. The conceptual analysis and simulation results indicate that NN-PCM allocates bandwidth to users and accomplishes BEREC network neutrality conformance by design with transparent, non-discriminatory, exceptional, and proportional management practices.
  • Artigo completo publicado em periódico Acesso aberto
    Occurrence of infectious diseases during the first two years and symptoms of asthma in six-year-old children
    (2022-02) Andrade, Jackson Felipe de Lima; Traebert, Eliane; Garcia, Leandro Pereira; Traebert, Jefferson
    Objective: To observe possible association between the occurrence of infectious diseases during the first two years of life and the occurrence of asthma symptoms in six-year-old children. Methods: Cross-sectional study involving 956 six-year-old schoolchildren. Asthma symptoms were assessed through International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood questionnaires. Socio-demographic data, mother-reported infectious diseases during the child's first two years of life, family history of asthma and breastfeeding were included. Multivariate analysis was performed with all significant variables and those with a p-value <0.20 using Poisson Regression with a robust estimator. Results: The reported wheezing or whistling in the chest in the past 12 months prevalence was 18.7%. There was found a 9% higher prevalence of asthma at six years of age in children who had had respiratory infections in the first two years of life. Children with a family history of asthma had a 7% higher and independent prevalence of asthma at six years of age and those breastfed presented 6% lower independent prevalence of asthma at six years of age. Conclusions: Higher prevalence of asthma reports at six years of age was found in children whose mothers reported infectious respiratory diseases during the first two years and with family history of asthma. Lower prevalence was observed in breastfed children in the first two years of life.
  • Artigo completo publicado em periódico Acesso aberto
    Accuracy of abdominal circumference for diagnosing overweight in six-to-seven-years-old children
    (2022-01) Traebert, Eliane; Leão, Graziela; Traebert, Guilherme de Azevedo; Flôres, Altaiana Portella da Rosa; Traebert, Jefferson
    Objective: To estimate the accuracy of abdominal circumference measurement as a method of diagnosing overweight in six-to-seven-years-old children. Methods: A cross-sectional study involving 1026 six-to-seven-years-old schoolchildren in southern Brazil was carried out. Children’s weight and height were collected at schools. Body mass index were calculated and categorized in z-score in eutrophy, overweight and obesity. Abdominal circumference was measured in centimeters with a tape with children in standing position at midpoint between the lower ribs margin and the iliac crest. Correlation between abdominal circumference and body mass index was performed through Pearson's correlation coefficient. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values of abdominal circumference were estimated. The Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve was used to measure the accuracy. Results: A positive linear correlation value of 0.582 and a determination coefficient 0.39 were observed. The accuracy value of 0.859 was observed. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values varied according to each value in centimeters of abdominal circumference. Conclusion: Abdominal circumference measure showed to be an accurate method for detecting overweight and obesity in six-to-seven-years-old children.
  • Artigo completo publicado em periódico Acesso aberto
    A Prática do Profissional de Educação Física com Ênfase nas Pessoas Idosas: ações emergentes nas políticas públicas
    (2021-06-11) Batista, Maique dos Santos Bezerra; Ramos, Tiago de Melo; Nascimento, Mauricio Santana do
    Esse artigo aborda reflexões sobre políticas públicas de atenção às pessoas idosas em sociedade correlacionando o aporte da promoção e prevenção da saúde. O entrelaçamento saúde-idoso acompanha o percurso histórico formalizando-se na Constituição Federal Brasileira e Estatuto do Idoso ampliando-se pelo Sistema Único de Saúde. Emerge, desse contexto, a seguinte pergunta disparadora: Que tipo de ações os profissionais de Educação Física estão desempenhando com as pessoas idosas na perspectiva da promoção e prevenção da saúde? O objetivo é analisar que tipos de ações os profissionais de Educação Física estão desempenhando com as pessoas idosas na perspectiva da promoção e prevenção da saúde. Esse artigo é de cunho bibliográfico analítico-exploratório com aprofundamento do assunto em questão. Quanto à abordagem, tem caráter qualitativo por se ater às interpretações dos dados analisados com descrição detalhada sem apresentação de fenômenos estatísticos. A busca de dados ocorreu a partir de plataformas digitais sendo: PubMed, Scielo, Google acadêmico considerando as seguintes palavras-chaves: envelhecimento ativo, políticas públicas, saúde, profissional da Educação Física, programas de atenção às pessoas idosas, promoção e prevenção da saúde. Consideraram-se artigos e livros publicados entre o ano de 2010 a 2020. Dos 65 (sessenta e cinco) materiais analisados na busca seletiva 5 (cinco) atenderam plenamente aos ideais de análise da pesquisa. Os dados foram analisados a partir de 5 (cinco) categorias correspondentes aos programas direcionados à saúde das pessoas idosas. As categorias foram agrupadas com base nesses programas selecionados a partir de relatos de experiências de profissionais atuantes que materializaram e discutiram os resultados em artigos científicos. A pesquisa mostrou a importância do trabalho coletivo na perspectiva da saúde ampliada bem como a necessidade de fomentar políticas de atenção à saúde que considerem a realidade local.
  • Artigo completo publicado em periódico Acesso aberto
    Adhesive Systems inOrthodontics
    (2021) Claudino, Dikson
    The article by Arinelli and colleagues1 published in the latest edition of your journal provides relevant information about adhesive systems currently used in dentistry. The focus of their study is on the clinical practice of restorative dentistry. However, it is worth mentioning that the development and application of adhesive systems extrapolate the standardized treatment protocols of this specialty, encompassing different management procedures and related clinical difficulties.
  • Artigo completo publicado em periódico Acesso aberto
    Treatment time with self-ligating Orthodontic Brackets: a literature review
    (2021) Claudino, Dikson; Philippi, Victor May
    AIM:)The)aim)of)this)study)was)carry)out)a)literature)review)on)the)selfVligating)brackets)(SLB),)identifying)publications)which)evaluated)the) treatment) time) with) these) systems) comparing) them) to) the)conventional) brackets) (CB).)MATERIAL' AND' METHODS:)The)following)indexing)bases)were)researched:)Medline)(Medicine)online)–)International) Literature) on) Health) Sciences),) LILACS) (LatinVAmerican) and) Caribbean) Literature) on) Health) Science),) IBECS)(Spanish) Bibliographic) on) Health) Sciences),) SciELO) (Scientific)Electronic) Library) Online)) and) Cochrane) Library,) available) on) the)virtual)librarian)web)site)on)Health)of)the)Medicine)Regional)Library)–)BIREME) ( following) describers) were)researched:) orthodontic) brackets) and) selfVligating) brackets) and) its)correspondents)in)Spanish)and)English)languages.)In)this)study)were)covered) the) scientific) researches) published) in) the) last) ten) years,)available) on) their) complete) form.)CONCLUSION:)It) was) concluded)that) the) treatment) time) seems) not) showing) clinical) significant)differences) when) compared) the) SLB)and) CB) systems,) and) that)researches) as) control) case) studies) and) randomized) clinical) trials,)with) rigorous) methodology,) should) be) developed) to) accurate)investigation)of)concepts)and)results)which)involve)the)matter.
  • Artigo completo publicado em periódico Acesso aberto
    HIV and sexually transmitted infections among youths: a brazilian perception
    (2021) Trevisol, Fabiana Schuelter; Silva, Maricele Almeida; Claudino, Dikson; Silva, Helena Caetano Gonçalves; Marcon, Chaiana Esmeraldino Mendes
    Plax et al.1 recently published an article on the activities of their youth center—Supporting Positive Opportunities with Teens (SPOT)— among youths in St. Louis, Missouri, at risk for HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), with a special focus on diagnostic testing services.
  • Artigo completo publicado em periódico Acesso aberto
    Enamel evaluation by scanning electron microscopy after debonding brackets and removal of adhesive remnants
    (2018) Claudino, Dikson; kuga, Milton Carlos; Belizário, Lauriê; Pereira, Jefferson Ricardo
    Background: The bonding of accessories in the dental crown during the orthodontic treatment creates microporosities, thus promoting micromechanical retention of the adhesive to the enamel structure. After debonding brackets, at the end of the active orthodontic treatment, a certain amount of adhesive remnants must be mechanically removed from the enamel. The objective of this study was to compare, by means of scanning electron microscopy, three different methods to remove the adhesive remnants after orthodontic bracket removal. Material and Methods: An experimental analytical study was conducted on human premolar specimens, extracted within a year or less. The preparation of the enamel was carried out with the application of 35% phosphoric acid and Transbond XT Light Cure Adhesive Primer® adhesive. Edgwise Standart prescription brackets, slot .022 “(Morelli Orthodontia) were glued to the enamel using Transbond XT® bonding resin. The brackets were placed on the center of the vestibular face of the clinical crown, and a 300-gram pressure was exerted against the surface of the enamel, measured with an orthodontic dynamometer. The brackets were debonded with adhesive removing pliers, and the samples were divided into groups, according to the protocol used for adhesive remnant removal: high-speed multi-laminated drill bit, low-speed multi-laminated drill bit, and low-speed glass fiber. After removal of the adhesive remnants, the samples went through scanning electron microscopy, obtaining electro micrographs with a magnification range of 150 X, 500 X, and 2,000 X. Results: The tested method showed that the best effectiveness for the removal of the adhesive remnants after bracket debonding was the use of a tungsten carbide multi-laminated high speed, followed by the use of a tungsten carbide multi-laminated, low-rotation drill. The use of fiberglass drill alone has proved to be inefficient for clinical use, given the large amounts of adhesive remnants it leaves on the enamel Conclusions: All methods evaluated in this study proved to be inefficient for total removal of adhesive remnants from the enamel.
  • Artigo completo publicado em periódico Acesso aberto
    The use of mini-implant in pre-prosthetic orthodontic treatment
    (2018) Claudino, Dikson; do Valle, Caio Vinicius Martins; Valle-Conti, Karina Martins; Peres, Cristiano Duarte; Pereira, Jefferson Ricardo
    The use of skeletal anchorage through mini-implants has been widely widespread in orthodontic treatment today, detaching therapies with complex orthodontic movements and need for maximum anchorage. The aim of this article is to describe an orthodontic treatment case report using mini-implant, in order to the preparation for prosthetic rehabilitation in clinical situation of multiple dental losses in an adult patient. Partial bonding of brackets edgewise prescription in maxilla was carried out, also the alignment and leveling with sequence of nickel-titanium and stainless steel arches. Posteriorly, a mini-implant with 8 millimeters length was inserted for movement and retraction with maximum control of anchorage in the right superior region hemi-arch, together with elastics and mechanic springs. Orthodontic mechanics proposed reached satisfactory alignment and leveling of teeth involved, recovering space for an appropriate prosthetic rehabilitation. The treatment demonstrated very acceptable itself, with maintenance of face balance and patient’s satisfaction with the result obtained. The use of mini-implant to help orthodontic treatment showed efficiency in the clinical case presented. Its handling was easy with low cost, the different possibilities of configuration for load vectors and elimination of anchorage losses in complex orthodontic movements are some characteristics which made the mini-imp
  • Artigo completo publicado em periódico Acesso aberto
    Osseointegrated implant as an auxiliary of orthodontic leveling in case of asymmetric vertical skeletal discrepancy - case report
    (2019) Bernardini, Gustavo Dal Bem; Claudino, Dikson; Pereira, Jefferson Ricardo
    Objective: To present a case report that used an osseointegrated implant as skeletal anchorage unit in association with fixed orthodontic appliance for the treatment of an adult patient with vertical asymmetric skeletal discrepancy. Case report: In this case, the pre-existing osseointegrated implant in the region of element 21 was used as an auxiliary of skeletal anchorage for leveling the upper occlusal plane. This was performed with the straight wire technique, Capelozza prescription pattern I, .022” slot, using the sequence of thermal- -activated nickel-titanium arches of .014”, .016”, .017”X.025” and .019”X.025”, followed by the steel arch of .019” X.025”. Final considerations: The results presented in this report showed the osseointegrated implant as a good option when used as a resource of auxiliary anchorage in orthodontics, providing better comfort and aesthetic conditions to the treatment and simplifying the technique.
  • Artigo completo publicado em periódico Acesso aberto
    Malocclusion, dental aesthetics sef-perception and quality of life in a 18 to 21 year-old population: a cross section study
    (2021) Claudino, Dikson; Traebert, Jefferson
    Background: Aesthetic alterations in the face can be self-perceived and can affect quality of life. For young people, physical attractiveness is an important factor affecting social relationships. The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of malocclusion, identify the most common types and test its association with oral aesthetic self-perception in 18 to 21 year-old population of male young adults. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out involving 138 Brazilian Army soldiers. Data collection included socio demographic profile, malocclusion status through the Dental Aesthetic Index (DAI) and oral aesthetic self-perception as indicated by the Oral Aesthetic Subjective Impact Scale (OASIS). The chi-square and Fisher’s exact test were used to test for homogeneity of proportions. The stepwise multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to test for the relationship between the poorer oral aesthetic self-perception and parental and soldier’s education, per capita income, history of caries in all teeth and only on anterior teeth, dental trauma, previous orthodontic treatment and malocclusion. Results: The prevalence of malocclusion was 45.6%. Incisor teeth crowding and misalignment of lower incisors were the most common types of malocclusions. A statistically significant and independent association between malocclusion and poorer oral aesthetic self-perception in the multivariate analysis was observed. Subjects with severe malocclusion conditions showed 88% higher prevalence [prevalence ratio =1.88 (95% CI, 1.30 – 2.72); p = 0.001] of poorer aesthetic self-perception comparing to those with minor malocclusion. Conclusions: A high prevalence of malocclusion was observed. The young adults presenting severe malocclusion had a higher and independent prevalence of poorer oral aesthetic self-perception.
  • Artigo completo publicado em periódico Acesso aberto
    Epidemiologia do Traumatismo dentário em Crianças: A Produção Científica Brasileira
    (2021) Claudino, Dikson; Traebert, Jefferson
    Introdução: A publicação de dados epidemiológicos sobre traumatismo dentário no Brasil é recente, sendo a primeira datada do ano 1983, com o relato de aspectos epidemiológicos do traumatismo na dentição decídua. Objetivo: Identificar e rever a literatura indexada e a produção de dissertações de mestrado e teses de doutorado acerca de dados epidemiológicos sobre traumatismo dentário obtidos em populações brasileiras. Métodos: As seguintes bases de indexação foram pesquisadas: Medline, LILACS, ADOLEC e BBO, além do banco de dissertações e teses da CAPES. Foram utilizados os seguintes descritores: traumatismo, trauma, injúria traumática, dental, dentário, epidemiologia e seus correspondentes nos idiomas espanhol e inglês. Os anos de abrangência foram os seguintes: Medline, 1966-2010; LILACS, ADOLEC e BBO, período não especificado nas bases; banco de dissertações e teses da CAPES, 1987-2009. Foram incluídos nesta pesquisa todos os artigos científicos e dissertações/teses relacionados a aspectos epidemiológicos do traumatismo dentário em populações brasileiras. Resultados: Foram identificados 39 artigos, sendo 29 baseados em amostras populacionais; e 10, em amostras obtidas a partir de serviços, principalmente os prestados por escolas de Odontologia. Foram ainda identificadas 15 dissertações de mestrado ou teses de doutorado cujos temas foram relacionados à epidemiologia do traumatismo dentário. Destas, 10 foram baseadas em amostras populacionais; e 5, em serviços. Conclusão: É extremamente difícil comparar os resultados dos estudos disponíveis envolvendo populações brasileiras, principalmente pelo fato de utilizarem metodologias diversas, estarem baseados em grupos etários específicos ou envolverem pacientes que procuram por atenção nos diversos tipos de serviços.
  • Artigo completo publicado em periódico Acesso aberto
    Avaliação de solução à base de NaOCl 0,2% na desinfecção das tubulações de água dos equipos odontológicos
    (2021) Claudino, Dikson; Lima, Amanda de Moraes Teixeira; Botega, Talita Anacleto; Serratine, Ana Claudina Prudêncio
    Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito do hipoclorito de sódio a 0,2% na desinfecção da tubulações de água de equipos odontológicos, previamente contaminadas. Método: Foram obtidas amostras de água dos reservatórios, das mangueiras que suprem as turbinas de alta-rotação e das seringas tríplice de 34 equipos com tubulações desinfetadas com hipoclorito de sódio a 0,2% e de 31 equipos do grupo controle. As amostras foram semeadas em “Plate Count Agar” (ACOMIDIA® ) e incubadas em aerobiose a 35o C, durante 48 horas, para avaliar a presença e contagem das unidades formadoras de colônias (UFC) de bactérias heterotróficas por mililitro de água.Utilizou-se como parâmetro para a avaliação das amostras as normatizações do Ministério da Saúde referentes à presença dessas bactérias na água de consumo para humanos. Foram comparados os níveis de contaminação da água dos diversos pontos de coleta e entre os equipos com e sem sistema de desinfecção, através do teste qui-quadrado de Pearson com significância de 5%. Resultados: Nos equipos que sofreram desinfecção das tubulações de água, as amostras estavam contaminadas em 41,2% dos reservatórios, 67,7% das mangueiras alta-rotação e 64,7% das seringas tríplices. Não houve diferença significativa na contaminação entre os diversos pontos de coleta e entre os equipamentos com e sem sistema de desinfecção (p>0,05). Conclusão: O método proposto foi ineficaz na desinfecção das tubulações de água de equipos odontológicos, previamente contaminadas. Com base nos resultados obtidos, sugere-se novos estudos para o desenvolvimento de um protocolo padrão para a desinfecção das tubulações de água de equipos odontológicos.
  • Artigo completo publicado em periódico Acesso aberto
    Cobertura do serviço público de saúde bucal na Estratégia de saúde da Família no sul do Estado de Santa Catarina
    (2019) Claudino, Dikson; Kasten, Clarissa
    Objetivo: realizar uma verificação da cobertura do serviço de saúde bucal na estratégia de saúde da família nos municípios da região sul do estado de Santa Catarina. Método: foi realizado um estudo transversal por meio de dados quantitativos relacionados ao número de cirurgiões-dentistas e de habitantes dos municípios de interesse, utilizando como base de dados informações do Cadastro Nacional de Estabelecimentos de Saúde e do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. Resultados: Foram identificados 235 Cirurgiões-dentistas na região avaliada, sendo a cobertura média identificada de um CD para cada 4041 (+ 2666) habitantes. Verificou-se que 40% dos profissionais atuam em municípios com menos de 20 mil habitantes, 23% em municípios com população entre 20 e 40 mil habitantes, 9% em municípios entre 40 e 50 mil habitantes e 28% nos municípios acima de 50 mil habitantes. Conclusões: Vinte e oito por cento dos municípios avaliados apresentaram proporção habitantes/Cirurgião-dentista superior a 4 mil habitantes. Dos municípios com população acima de 50 mil habitantes, 80% dos profissionais atuam nos municípios de Criciúma e Tubarão, sendo neste último encontrada a mais ampla cobertura.
  • Artigo completo publicado em periódico Acesso aberto
    Adenovirus 36 prevalence and association with human obesity: a systematic review
    (2021-03) da Silva Fernandes, Jaime; Schuelter-Trevisol, Fabiana; Lobor Cancelier, Ana Carolina; Gomes de Sousa, Daiana; L. Atkinson, Richard; Trevisol, Daisson José
    ntroduction Obesity has numerous etiologies and includes biological factors. Studies have demonstrated that the human adenovirus subtype 36 (Adv36) is an adipogenic agent and causes metabolic alterations. Study results on the prevalence of Adv36 and clinical effects in humans vary substantially. This was a systematic review to summarize the studies on the prevalence of Adv36 infection and its association with human obesity. Methods A systematic literature review was conducted using the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta analysis (PRISMA). Observational or experimental studies found in the Medline, Embase, LILACS, Science Direct and SciELO databases that presented results on the prevalence of Adv36 in humans were included. Results Thirty-seven studies were screened. A total of 10,300 adults aged 18–70 years and 4585 children and adolescents aged 3–18 years were assessed. The average prevalence of Adv36 among adults was 22.9%, ranging from 5.5% to 49.8%. Among children and adolescents, the average prevalence of Adv36 was 28.9%, ranging from 7.5% to 73.9%. There was a positive statistical relationship between Adv36 and weight gain, obesity, or metabolic changes in 31 studies. However, in four studies there was no association with obesity, and in one, no association was described. One of the studies showed an inverse correlation, i.e., Adv36 was a protective factor against obesity. Conclusion Strong evidence suggested a positive association between viral infection and obesity. However, due to the multi causality of obesity and heterogeneity of studies, diagnostic tests should be standardized and easily accessible by the population to estimate the overall prevalence of Adv36 infection and its association with obesity.
  • Artigo de Periodico Acesso aberto
    Cálculo da taxa de reprodutividade (R0) através da simplificação do modelo SIR aplicado à epidemia de influenza A (H1N1) ocorrida em 2009 no Brasil
    (2021) Kock, Kelser de Souza; Tavares, Estevan; Traebert, Jefferson; Silva, Rosemeri Maurici
    Justificativa e Objetivos: A pandemia de influenza A (H1N1) de 2009 atingiu mais de 200 países com graus variados de morbimortalidade, fomentando diversas pesquisas na área, com objetivo de auxiliar futuras estratégias epidemiológicas. O uso de modelos matemáticos de infecções pode propiciar melhor compreensão deste fenômeno e fornecer subsídios para intervenções em saúde pública. O presente estudo teve como objetivos descrever a taxa de reprodutividade R0 através da simplificação de modelo matemático epidemiológico, estimar o valor de R0 na pandemia de influenza de 2009 no Brasil e nos estados brasileiros e comparar R0 com a população infectada. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo ecológico, utilizando um banco de dados público com notificações de influenza pandêmica ocorrida no Brasil em 2009. Foi proposta uma análise simplificada do modelo compartimental (suscetível (S), infectado (I), recuperado (R)) para comparação da taxa de reprodutividade viral nos estados brasileiros. Também foi correlacionado o valor de R0 com o percentual de infectados. Resultados: Em 12 estados e no Brasil como um todo foi configurado um surto epidêmico, e em cinco estados além do Distrito Federal ocorreu mais de um surto epidêmico. A correlação entre R0 e o percentual de infectados apresentou-se forte e positiva (r = 0,74), demonstrando que uma maior taxa reprodutiva está associada a maior contágio viral. Conclusões: A simplificação matemática realizada neste estudo demonstra outra maneira de identificar epidemias, sendo uma ferramenta básica e de pouca complexidade nas implementações computacionais.
  • Artigo de Periodico Acesso embargado
    Potential Psychotropic Drug Interactions among Drug-dependent People
    (2020) Nascimento, Diego Zapelini do; Marques, Gabriela Moreno; Schuelter-Trevisol, Fabiana
    Using psychiatric drugs to treat drug dependence and its comorbidities is very common. The objective of this study was to analyze the interactions between prescribed drugs for patients treated at a specialized mental health-care center for persons who use drugs, located in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. A cross-sectional study was conducted on secondary data collected from 2010 to 2018. We reviewed the medical records of patients aged 18 years or older who took psychotropic drugs and had any type of substance dependence. The analysis of psychotropic drug interactions was conducted in three databases: Medscape, Drug Interactions Checker, and Micromedex. We included 1,022 of the 2,322 patients attending the care center during the study period. Psychotropic drug interactions were found in 779 (76.4%) study participants, and they presented 2,292 (100%) interactions, out of which 136 (6.0%) had minor clinical risk, 537 (23.4%) had moderate risk, and 1,619 (70.6%) had major risk for the patient, totaling 172 incompatible combinations between two psychotropic drugs. Of the total number of interactions, 128 were pharmacokinetic and 44 were pharmacodynamic. The high number of psychotropic drug interactions is a serious public health issue. Psychopharmacological treatment should be carefully addressed to be safe for the patient.