Efeitos da pandemia de Covid-19 na saúde mental de idosos

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Artigo Científico

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Área do conhecimento

Ciências Humanas

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Acesso embargado



Garcia, Marina


Pretto, Zuleica



Interessando-se pela situação da pandemia de Covid-19, que vem acontecendo desde o final de 2019 e foi marcada por importantes crises na saúde pública no Brasil e no mundo, o presente artigo teve como objetivo central compreender os efeitos da pandemia de Covid-19 na saúde mental de idosos. Para isso, de modo específico, buscou: identificar as principais mudanças ocorridas nas vidas de idosos durante a pandemia, investigar os sentimentos gerados pela pandemia, investigar os sentimentos gerados pelo isolamento social, descrever as percepções de idosos acerca de sua saúde mental ao longo da pandemia e investigar o entendimento que idosos têm da pandemia no geral. Foram efetivadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com seis idosos, sendo quatro mulheres e dois homens, com idades entre 71 e 90 anos. A pesquisa demonstra que a pandemia mudou significativamente a rotina da maior parte dos entrevistados, trazendo sentimentos de ansiedade, tristeza, medo, saudade dos amigos e da família, entre outros. O distanciamento social se mostrou a parte mais angustiante desse período, como aponta a literatura. Observou-se também alguns fatores que podem ter sido protetivos para sua saúde mental, como uma boa condição sociomaterial, acesso à informação e convívio com cônjuge e outros membros da família, aspectos que, infelizmente, não são a realidade de grande parte da população idosa brasileira.
Taking an interest in the situation of the Covid-19 pandemic, which is taking place since the ending of 2019 and has been marked by a major crisis on public health matters, in Brazil and worldwide, this article had as its main goal comprehend the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the mental health of the elderly. To do that, in a specific way, it aimed: identify the main changes that occurred in the lives of elderly people during the pandemic, investigate feelings that emerged from the pandemic, investigate feelings that emerged from social distancing, describe the elderly’s perceptions concerning their mental health during the pandemic and investigate the understanding they have concerning the pandemic in general. Semi structured interviews were conducted with six elderly people, four women and two men, aged between 71 and 90 years. The research shows that the pandemic has changed significantly the day to day of most interviewees, generating feelings of anxiety, sadness, fear, and they missed their friends, family, among other things. Social distancing has shown itself as the most harrowing part of the pandemic period, as was pointed out on the literature. Also, there were some factors observed that might have been protective for their mental health, such as a good sociomaterial condition, access to information and living together with spouses and other family members, aspects that, unfortunately, are not the reality of a great part of the elderly Brazilian population.


Covid-19, Idosos, Pandemia, Saúde Mental, Velhice

