O estelionato digital no e-commerce
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Almeida, Thábata Clezar de
Haro, Diego Archer de
A fraude da loja virtual fantasma, objeto do presente estudo, constitui-se na venda fraudulenta pela internet, através de um comércio virtual inidôneo, destinado a ludibriar aqueles que procuram produtos a preços mais baixos do que o mercado oferta e que pagam antecipado, mas nunca recebem que compraram. Isso gera problemas jurídicos quejustificam o presente trabalho, tais como: a discussão sobre a possibilidade de aplicação do crime de estelionato a esse ato delituoso; se seria, outrossim, fato atípico ou, ainda, se seria necessário, em razão desse segundo argumento, tratamento criminal diferenciado, a fim de evitar a impunidade dos agentes. Nesse contexto, o presente estudo, baseando-se em julgados dos tribunais estaduais mais recentes e na doutrina sobre o tema, objetivou estudar a possibilidade da aplicação da lei penal já existente a essa fraude, sem a necessidade de novo tratamento criminal diferenciado. Para isso, partindo-se do método de abordagem dedutivo, utilizou-se da pesquisa exploratória para alcançar o objetivo proposto. Ainda, no tocante à coleta de dados, aplicou-se os tipos de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, uma vez que foi feita a análise de livros, revistas, jornais, doutrinas e jurisprudências sobre o tema. Como resultado, foi possível descobrir que, hoje, é possível aplicar a lei penal existente, consubstanciada no crime de estelionato, como forma de persecução criminal para punir os agentes que cometam a fraude da loja virtual fantasma.
The virtual ghost fraud of store, object of the present study, constitutes in the fraudulent selling by the Internet through an untrusted virtual commerce, intended to deceive those who seek products at lower prices than the market offers and who pay anticipated, but they never receive what they bought. That generates legal problems that justify the present work, such as the discussion on the applicability of the crime of stellionate to that criminal act, if it would, moreover, atypical, or even if it would be necessary, because of that second argument, criminal differentiated treatment in order to avoid the impunity of the agents. In this context, the present study, based on state judged of the courts and the latest doctrine on the subject, aimed at studying the possibility of the application of criminal law existing to this fraud, without the need for new differentiated criminal treatment. For that, starting from the deductive approach it was used exploratory research to achieve the proposed objective. As far as the collection of data, it was applied the types of bibliographic and documental research, because the analysis was of books, magazines, newspapers, doctrines and jurisprudence on the subject. As a result, it was found that today it is possible to apply existing criminal law, consubstantiated in the crime of stellionate, as a form of criminal prosecution to punish agents who commit the virtual ghost fraud of store.
The virtual ghost fraud of store, object of the present study, constitutes in the fraudulent selling by the Internet through an untrusted virtual commerce, intended to deceive those who seek products at lower prices than the market offers and who pay anticipated, but they never receive what they bought. That generates legal problems that justify the present work, such as the discussion on the applicability of the crime of stellionate to that criminal act, if it would, moreover, atypical, or even if it would be necessary, because of that second argument, criminal differentiated treatment in order to avoid the impunity of the agents. In this context, the present study, based on state judged of the courts and the latest doctrine on the subject, aimed at studying the possibility of the application of criminal law existing to this fraud, without the need for new differentiated criminal treatment. For that, starting from the deductive approach it was used exploratory research to achieve the proposed objective. As far as the collection of data, it was applied the types of bibliographic and documental research, because the analysis was of books, magazines, newspapers, doctrines and jurisprudence on the subject. As a result, it was found that today it is possible to apply existing criminal law, consubstantiated in the crime of stellionate, as a form of criminal prosecution to punish agents who commit the virtual ghost fraud of store.
Fraude, Comércio eletrônico, Marketing na internet