A língua inglesa entre a Escola e o YouTube: apagamentos, contradições, deslocamentos
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Linguística, Letras e Artes
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Selhorst, Lucas Alves
Silveira, Juliana da
Tendo como base a Análise de Discurso materialista, essa pesquisa tem o objetivo de compreender algumas posições que sustentam os discursos envolvidos no ensino de língua inglesa na imbricação/sobredeterminação YouTube/Escola. Tomando o YouTube como um espaço enunciativo e, a partir da nossa filiação, considerando a língua como equívoca, heterogênea e incompleta, compomos um corpus a partir de vídeos de ensino de inglês no YouTube, para que possamos analisar esse espaço considerando suas equivocidades e suas temporalidades; analisamos esse corpus (formado, sobretudo, por imagens de capa dos vídeos e de comentários de estudantes/espectadores), atentando para os processos parafrásticos e polissêmicos nas suas relações com a memória discursiva e com as determinações técnicas da plataforma; Além disso, propomos a noção de “currículo algorítmico”, a partir da qual, buscamos delimitar as especificidades do ensino de inglês no YouTube, questionando se surge, nesse espaço, um novo método de ensino de língua inglesa. Deste modo, conseguimos compreender apagamentos, contradições e deslocamentos que envolvem esse processo de ensino no YouTube, refletindo sobre os sentidos de língua inglesa, de professor, de falante nativo, bem como refletir acerca da educação atual, sua relação com as novas tecnologias, com a mercantilização da língua nos espaços enunciativos informatizados e com as relações de poder e legitimação dentro e fora desses espaços.
Based on materialist Discourse Analysis, this research aims to understand some positions that support the discourses involved in English language teaching in the YouTube/School imbrication/overdetermination. Taking YouTube as an enunciative space and, from our affiliation, considering the language as equivocal, heterogeneous and incomplete, we compose a corpus from English teaching videos on YouTube, so that we can analyze this space considering its equivocalities and its temporalities; we analyzed this corpus (formed mainly by video cover images and comments by students/spectators), paying attention to paraphrastic and polysemic processes in their relations with the discursive memory and with the technical determinations of the platform; In addition, we propose the notion of “algorithmic curriculum”, from which we seek to delimit the specificities of teaching English on YouTube, questioning whether a new method of teaching English emerges in this space. In this way, we were able to understand erasures, contradictions and displacements that involve this teaching process on YouTube, reflecting on the meanings of the English language, of teacher, of native speaker, as well as reflecting on current education, its relationship with new technologies, with the commodification of language in computerized enunciative spaces and with power and legitimacy relations inside and outside these spaces.
Based on materialist Discourse Analysis, this research aims to understand some positions that support the discourses involved in English language teaching in the YouTube/School imbrication/overdetermination. Taking YouTube as an enunciative space and, from our affiliation, considering the language as equivocal, heterogeneous and incomplete, we compose a corpus from English teaching videos on YouTube, so that we can analyze this space considering its equivocalities and its temporalities; we analyzed this corpus (formed mainly by video cover images and comments by students/spectators), paying attention to paraphrastic and polysemic processes in their relations with the discursive memory and with the technical determinations of the platform; In addition, we propose the notion of “algorithmic curriculum”, from which we seek to delimit the specificities of teaching English on YouTube, questioning whether a new method of teaching English emerges in this space. In this way, we were able to understand erasures, contradictions and displacements that involve this teaching process on YouTube, reflecting on the meanings of the English language, of teacher, of native speaker, as well as reflecting on current education, its relationship with new technologies, with the commodification of language in computerized enunciative spaces and with power and legitimacy relations inside and outside these spaces.
Análise de Discurso, Ensino de inglês, YouTube, Escola, Currículo Algorítmico