Especialização em Gestão de Alimentos e Bebidas


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  • Monografia Acesso aberto
    Comparação entre os serviços do SESI alimentação com os demais centros de eventos de Curitiba/PR
    (2007) Xavier, Karin Andreia Schuler Felden
    The Office of the Food SESI-unit 816, is provider of all services for food for the FIEP-Federation of Industries of the State of Paraná. To remain competitive with other centers of events from Curitiba, it is necessary to be careful with new trends related meals and formatting of the events. They depend not only on good nutrition to succeed. The attention to the wishes of customers, from a preparation, or highlight the colors in the decor of the company contractor of the event, to a customized table of closure is also needed because there is the provision of more varied products and services in the field of nutrition in city of Curitiba-PR. Flavor of food, preparation and presentation of the menus offered by the Department of Food of SESI, will be evaluated by service providers-15 waiters and garçonetes, as a way to ascertain whether the services offered by SESI Food match to the other centers of events. In order to strengthen the institutional image of the Office of the Food and SESI since the city of Curitiba offers various environments, types of meals and services for their implementation, it was proposed to the application of a qualitative questionnaire with the waiters and garçonetes. Through the responses obtained and recorded, you want to evaluate and compare with the other centers of events, the existing procedures and add value and professionalism in the service of the Food SESI, empowering and recycling services and collaborators.
  • Monografia Acesso aberto
    Padronização dos treinamentos para manipuladores de alimentos e bebidas antes do ingresso nos serviços de alimentação do SESI em Joinville e Jaraguá do Sul/SC
    (2007) Camargo, Ionara Laiz Verdin; Dominoni, Marcelle
    Food security depends on the skill of the handlers of food and drinks (F&D). Currently, over the hiring of new handlers for the Food Service of SESI of the regional Jaraguá do Sul/SC and Joinville/SC is not required professional experience and often the newly hired start its activities without knowing its importance in the prevention of the Diseases Transmitted by Food (DTF’s). To discover which they had been the main difficulties and doubts found for the handlers of foods and drinks contracted up to 2 years behind in these regional ones were basic for the development of this work. For in such a way, a exploratory questionnaire was applied, with questions on professional experience, schooling, personal and ambient hygiene, alimentary security, operational procedures and Equipment of Individual Protection (EIP's), taking in consideration the knowledge of the participants before entering in the Sesi. From the joined results a Manual for the futures contracted for the Sesi was elaborated. The standardization of training before entering the Food Service of SESI through a Manual of Orientation for Beginners, comes mitigate the lack of experience of new hires and start a process of awareness for the prevention of DTF’s, optimizing the time of the professionals involved and making faster the process of quality of products offered to customers.
  • Monografia Acesso aberto
    Proposta de eventos temáticos, viável e inovadora, para as unidades do serviço de alimentação do SESI-SC, no segundo semestre de 2007, visando um diferencial competitivo
    (2007) Rugitzky, Caroline
    Presente trabajo de conclusión de curso tiene como objetivo presentar un estudio sobre “Propuesta de Eventos Temáticos” para las unidades del Servicio de Alimentación del SESI-SC con la finalidad de crear un diferencial en relación a su concorrencia. Estas propuestas serán creadas y elaboradas a partir de un trabajo em conjunto entre la nutricionista del SESI y las colaboradoras de la unidad de Servicio de Alimentación Buettner. Cabe resaltar que la intención de crear estas propuestas innovadoras no fueron para la aplicación exclusiva a la empresa Buettner, en la cual el SESI ofrece sus servicios, tercerizando el sector de alimentación, pero también serán sugeridas a las demás unidades del estado, como un valor agregado visando ampliar el mercado de atuación y conquistar la fidelización de sus clientes. Este trabajo se presenta dividido en 4 (cuatro) estapas distintas, a seguir: en la primera etapa la autora define la línea de pesquisa conteniendo el tema, la justificativa, los objetivos y la metodología aplicada. En la segunda etapa, la caracterización de las empresas (SESI-SC e BUETTNER), bien como sus respectivos sectores de atuación (Alimentación y Textil), fue evidenciada, donde, en la tercera etapa, una revisión constata, a través de un levantamiento histórico sobre los temas abordados y la cultura gastronómica relacionada com cada uno, la influencia en la vida cotidiana de los clientes consumidores, y, finalmente, em la cuarta y última etapa, la autora propone sugerencias viables de “Eventos Temáticos” que sean aplicados en las diversas unidades del SESI-SC. Los temas elegidos fueron: evento gaucho; evento italiano; evento baiano, evento apertura del verano y evento SESI & Usted.
  • Monografia Acesso aberto
    Implementação de ferramentas no Sistema Genial para a gestão da qualidade e segurança alimentar em unidades de alimentação e nutrição
    (2007) Hermes, Bianca Zucchi; Martins, Paula Alexandra da Cruz Teixeira Corrêa; Tramontini, Kátia Maria
    There are countless challenges in the administrative process of a Catering Service. The management of quality processes guides the client – market – suppliers triad and can be facilitated through the use of Information Technology. The lack of on line data reduces the efficiency and speed of management, and can lead to conditions adverse to the client’s health, such as an increased risk of food poisoning. The objective of this work was to develop an adequate tool to facilitate the management of information in the area of quality with reference to the monitoring of suppliers and performance indicators in the units of the SESI/SC Catering Service. The system for the management of quality and food safety of the units of the SESI/SC Catering Service was analysed from a corporative and efficacious viewpoint as a decision making instrument within the spheres of the corporation. For the use of information technology tools, it was decided to optimise the Sistema Genial, since this is already present in the catering units, facilitating the management of routines by the manager. It is concluded that the introduction of quality management tools in the Sistema Genial, with the on line management of information, aided the SESI/SC Catering Service in making quick and safe management decisions.
  • Monografia Acesso aberto
    Elaboração de um plano de negócio visando analisar a viabilidade, relação custo benefício em lanches transportados
    (2007) Colzani, Aline
    The present work has as its goal to study the contract of a Sesi Feeding Unit, Brusque/Itajaí, that act in the snacks carried branch with intention to point out the negative and positive aspects of the business. To present a business plan aiming the viability, costs and service commercialization. As a intention to reach the goal, it has been done a fulfilled description of unit costs in the period of January to July, 2007. It was elaborated a marketing, investments and financial plan. With the financial plan it could be observed that the current data of the enterprise does not has economic-financier viability, it was elaborated a demonstrative of as it should be a plan to have a positive financial return in the service of carried snacks. The objectives had been reached through bibliographical research, professional experience, the external environment analysis and the itens description for the business functioning. It was found that the viability of the business is associated with negotiation of a good contract and a minimum demand of requests for snacks from the contracted to obtain a positive result for the venture.
  • Monografia Acesso aberto
    Implementação do serviço de alimentação do SESI-SC no setor da merenda escolar: um estudo de viabilidade, no segundo semestre de 2007, visando ampliar sua área de atuação e sustentabilidade
    (2007) Felix, kamile
    The swallow of a good healthy foods since the infancy is very important for the future and also for the development a good human. It´s just in this phase that will develop some alimentary use. This work will discuss and develop a study with the viability to put this program in to the Service de Alimentação do SESI at the second semester of the year 2007. The reason to analyses the food on the schools in Santa Catarina, to look the sustentation of this program. To see the possibility of this program the unit of Sesi School of the Brusque/Itajaí Region will be the support of the search. It realized the making-up of the SESI, a marketing plan with some market analysis, a structure of a financier plan and criterion, to see the financial condition for the third part for the food in to the School. The objectives being reached trough a bibliography search, professional experience, discerning analysis of the internal and external ambient and the description of the necessary activities to put this program into the Service de Alimentação for the School food. The viability of this work stay around of 5% and 9% of profit-making. Offered also for the customer SESI School a the best way to appraise the best form of the service third part. The differentiation of this program stay in a best quality of the food with good criterions and social responsibility.
  • Monografia Acesso aberto
    Análise de custos dos insumos: um estudo de caso na unidade do SESI alimentação Renaux View, no segundo semestre de 2007, visando melhorar o resultado líquido financeiro
    (2007) Bronislawski, Simone
    The base of all economic management of a company is the real knowledge of its costs. For this, the detailed demonstration of the expenses incurred into the production, the prescription acquired in the same period and, consequently, the final liquid result is necessary. The Service of Feeding of the Sesi possesss diverse monitored expenditures monthly. This work was carried through in order more at great length to know the expenditures with the costs of the insumos of the vendidos products (CPV), being this, the expenditure of bigger impact in the final liquid result. From this study, the author, considered itself to identify the reasons to it that take the unit of the Sesi feeding of the regional Itajaí-Brusque, Renaux View (contracting company of the Service of Feeding of the Sesi), to work with these expenditures above of the daily pay-established goal, suggesting action to revert this situation. The research was developed of the following form: first one arose the description of the involved companies, Sesi and Renaux View, and its main characteristics. In function of the date of beginning of the activities of the services given for the Sesi in the Renaux View ((June of 2006), the search of information became necessary on the planning of the CPV for the opening of the together service the management and sub-management of the regional Itajaí-Brusque. In one second stage one became fulfilled the diagnosis of the presented situation and the analysis of the data gotten in relation to the financial controls and results of CPV, front to the daily pay-established goal. It was evaluated, also in this stage, the effective application of the administrative and financial controls, for the collaborators of the Sesi, with the purpose to identify the reasons that take this unit to work above of the goal daily payestablished in relation to the expenditures of CPV and considering new strategies to minimize the differences.
  • Monografia Acesso aberto
    Proposta de um plano de ação, visando controle dos custos do sistema de qualidade do SESI alimentação na unidade Royal Ciclo, Rio do Sul/SC: um estudo de caso, no segundo semestre de 2007
    (2007) Silva, Vanessa Cristina da
    This research has as main focus the Management of the Quality. One perceives today that the organizations are each time more adopting this type of management to remain itself in the competitive market. Amongst these organizations, they are of the sector of services, that in turn, have its sufficiently heterogeneous activities and clienteles. The present work has as case study the SESI Feeding in the Royal Ciclo unit in Rio do Sul/SC, in as the semester of a 2007, that it is fit in that sector, objectifying diagnosis how much to its management of the quality. First, a bibliographical revision became sucinta regarding the Management of the Quality and its costs and Quality in Services, later to make a diagnosis how much to the development of this system of management in the related unit and as it comes developing its activities in the search for the quality. Leaving of this diagnosis, one presented some recommendations of possible actions to be applied complementing those already implanted, aiming at to the improvement of the quality in its costs and services.
  • Monografia Acesso aberto
    Análise da implantação de um sistema cook and chill em refeições transportadas no serviço de alimentação do SESI - São José
    (2007) Faria, Cleci Rauen; Blom, Juliana Bacca
    Trough this analysis of the implantation of the Cook and chill system in foodborne of the Food Services of SESI – São José is emphasized the search for a unique service creating a new concept in food production in this unit routine, facing the advantages and the odds of this system and the traditional.The analysis of the cost-benefit was not possible for the impossibility of implanting the system in the unit, but the conclusion that emerges trough the bibliographic references is that the cook and chill system saves space, electric energy, residues, administrative costs and improves food safety. Among the handicap is the implantation of the cook and chill system in satellite units which would increase the coasts in relation to the necessary investment in adaptations, equipments, transportation, training and workmanship. In relation to the food safety requirements in the cook and chill system is verified the superiority comparing to the traditional system, indicating the improvement of safeness, indicating an improvement of reliability in food production in a sanitary perspective, where the new technologies helps to reduce the risks of food poisoning.
  • Monografia Acesso aberto
    Comportamento pró-ambiental em unidades de alimentação e nutrição
    (2007) Küster, Michele Karoline
    The global warming, the ozone layer depletion, the deforestation, the extinction of species, the decrease of drinking water supply, the population growth, the acid rain and the toxic air and water pollution have been pointed as the main threats to terrestrial environment. However, the global warming is not a natural phenomenon rather a problem created by the men. In this context, the presentation of this subject derives from the world wide discussion regarding environmental programs that promotes effective changes in groups and person's behavior, having the environment preservation as the main goal. The methodological procedure used is based on a qualitative approach where a questionnaire was applied to the workers of a nutrition unit localized in Itajaí city (Santa Catarina State). In the present study, it was identified the need of pursuing a strategy that aims at increasing the efficiency of natural resources usage and minimize, as much as possible, the residue generated. In this way, an innovation process is started (in the unit/company) and it relies on the involvement and participation of employees from all different levels, from management to workers, in order to contribute to more a sustainable development and less harmful to the environment. It´s necessary to not only predict the environmental behavior of those involved in the research but also plan intervention strategies that can tackle the growing environmental problems. Total quality in the nutrition sector is not restricted to a meal with good nutritional value and hygienic conditions. It has a bigger and broader scope, demonstrating concerns regarding employees´, customers and environment's quality of life.