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Monografia Acesso aberto Abandono afetivo inverso e exclusão sucessória(2020) Mota, Fernanda MacanThe present essay aims to analyze the need of inclusion of inverse affective abandon among the hypothesis of succession exclusion. In order to reach this goal, bibliographical and documental research was done. It was concluded that there is the possibility of including the inverse affective abandon as a hypothesis of succession exclusion, since the number of elderlies is increasing in Brazil. Besides, the number of abandon and mistreat of elderlies by their own family members, many times by necessary inheritors in case of succession, is also increasing. It was also verified the importance of affectivity in the family relations and it was noticed that the definitive role of institutes of disinheritance and indignity are outdated and need to be updated according to the law projects presented along the study, in order to guarantee legal security to the elderlies.Monografia Acesso aberto O abandono afetivo inverso em relação aos idoso e a responsabilização civil da família(2020) Miranda, Jahine LuizThe elderly have their right enshrined in the Federal Constitution, the Civil Code and the Elderly Statute. Despite being protected by these devices, the elderly person has been the victim of reverse affective abandonment, characterized by abandonment by their children. The present work of conclusion of the course deals with the importance of affection in family relationships, the new principles of the contemporary family, the elderly in society and the obligation to care for children in relation to their elderly parents and, also, about the possibility civil liability for moral damage, with a punitive and pedagogical character, in order to minimize the damage caused to the elderly in the face of emotional abandonment. Bibliographic and documentary research was used. It is concluded that, after the 1988 Constitution, the principle of affectivity and human dignity started to have legal relevance, with that the elderly started to have rights and their children obligatory duties of care in relation to that. Thus, from the research provided, we can see the certainty that affective abandonment is a social reality and that, although children cannot be forced to love their parents, compensation must be made possible for the damage caused as a result of abandonment, thus preventing the inherent rights of the elderly from being harmed.Monografia Acesso aberto Perda de herança em consequência do abandono afetivo inverso(2022-06-22) Pinto, Érica Dal PontO presente trabalho busca observar as relações familiares atuais baseadas no afeto, e, a partir disso, analisar as hipóteses de exclusão sucessória e a necessidade de acrescentar o abandono afetivo inverso como uma de suas causas. Para tanto, a presente pesquisa foi feita pelo método dedutivo, em pesquisa do tipo teórica e qualitativa, com emprego de material bibliográfico e documental, com a finalidade de tratar a respeito da afetividade nas relações familiares, sobre os deveres dos filhos para com seus pais idosos, bem como a possibilidade da perda de herança em situações decorrentes do abandono afetivo inverso, ou seja, quando os filhos abandonam os pais, sobretudo quando idosos. Pôde-se concluir que há a necessidade e a possibilidade de inclusão do abandono afetivo inverso como uma hipótese de exclusão sucessória, juntamente com os institutos da deserdação e da indignidade já previstos no ordenamento jurídico. Tais conclusões foram alcançadas a partir do crescente número de denúncias relacionadas ao abandono afetivo inverso no Brasil, abandono este que, muitas vezes, parte dos próprios familiares, ou seja, de seus herdeiros; e também com base nos projetos de Lei que mostram a necessidade de atualização da legislação atual.