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Monografia Acesso embargado Análise da utilização das ferramentas da qualidade em construtoras na região da Grande Florianópolis-SC(2018) Silva, Bruna SimõesThe purpose of this work of quantitative and qualitative stamp, aimed to analyze the application of the tools of the quality in building site companies, in Florianópolis, SC. Besides the tools of the quality, were studied: PBQP-h, to ISO 9001, problems in the building site, planning and administration of returned projects the building site. For the collection and analysis of data were used the documental analysis, accomplished through interview no structured. The study showed that most of the builders have a largest concern regarding to the control of their works being treated of verification, and don't have an effective system of planning and administration of projects. At last, it was proposed that the organizations give larger priority to the planning of projects and the administration of their works, avoiding the need of repairs to be done that are identified in the stages of control of the work.Monografia Acesso aberto Análise da viabilidade da redução dos impactos ambientais na mineração do carvão mineral por meio da aplicação do backfill(2019) Farias, Eduardo Justi deWith the concern of compliance with environmental laws, increasingly clean and economically viable production throughout the mining process, this work aims to investigate the feasibility of the Backfill tool as a treatment of tailings in coal mining. The Backfill is the final disposal of tailings from the beneficiation of the mineral coal, that is, they are deposited in the interior of the galleries already mined. The backfill has as main advantage the significant minimization of the deposition of tailings on the surface. In addition, a description was given of the different types of final disposal of ore beneficiation tailings in Brazil. The research covered the coal mining of the city of Treviso, as well as the mining history in the south of Santa Catarina the importance of the same for the economic and social development of the region. The overall objective of this work is to analyze the feasibility of reducing the environmental impacts of mineral coal mining by applying the backfill.Monografia Acesso fechado Análise das interconexões entre a NBR ISO 14001: 2015, a lei 12.305/10 – política nacional de resíduos sólidos e a lei 4.624/18 – política municipal de gestão integrada de resíduos sólidos do município de Palhoça(2020) Ramos, BrunaThe aim of this study was to research and analyze the existing interconnections between NBR ISO 14001: 2015 and requirements of law 12.305/10 and law 4.624/18 in relation to the destination of solid waste produced by industrial sector in the city of Palhoça in Santa Catarina. A bibliographical review of the theories was carried out and a comparative table was developed that identified the main interconnections existing between them. The analysis took place through an exploratory qualitative research and was carried out based on documentary procedures using the inductive reasoning. It was observed the existence of several interconnections between the laws and the standard. As well as observing that the law practiced in Palhoça is in accordance with the standard implemented in Brazil and around the world.Monografia Acesso fechado Análise das operações logísticas da Blade Energy(2019) Espindula, Luiz HenriqueThe objective of this paper was to analyze the logistic operations and to point out measures to improve Blade Energy's stocks control. The company has been presenting problems with inventory accuracy and product waste, mainly due to the expiration date, which led to the increase in costs and market losses against the competitors from the energy drinks business, located in Florianópolis, Santa Catarina. In order to make its development possible, tools and methodologies for Inventory Management were described. The current flowchart of the logistic processes was analyzed, seeking to understand the current control procedures from the customer's order to its delivery. Then, proposals for a definition of the inventory policy were made. Finally, the study that led to the effectiveness analysis of the suggested proposals was described.Monografia Acesso fechado Análise das operações logísticas de uma indústria farmacêutica visando a adequação do sistema code data matrix em uma linha de medicamentos(2018) Adriano, Diego Rodrigo de OliveiraAnvisa determined in 2016 the National Drug Control System (SNCM), which established several rules for the traceability of medicines. To do so, these new rules require a number of adjustments in the Pharmaceutical Industries, and in addition, the rules have a date set to begin compliance, and industries must be prepared for this. The general objective of this study is to map the current logistics process of the Elofar Pharmaceutical Industry, aiming to adapt this process to the implementation of a traceability process with the use of Code DataMatrix in all medicines. Regarding the methodology, reporting that the work is a field research, has an applied nature, a qualitative approach, and the exploratory objective and procedures of case study, bibliographic and documentary research, and participant observation. Through the results of the research it was possible to verify that the Pharmaceutical Industry is not prepared for the new Anvisa resolutions, not even for the implementation of the Code DataMatrix bar code, then, a series of adjustments were proposed for Elofar to be performing in this period.Monografia Acesso aberto Análise das operações logísticas visando propor um sistema de gestão de estoques em um almoxarifado(2018) Meurer, OdilonLogistics has a very important role within organizations, providing the flow of materials and information to supply the main processes of the company. Among the activities we have the material storage area, which will be the main point of this study, focusing on the location of materials and warehouse management. Existing systems in the literature related to warehouse management were approached. A survey was made of the current state of the organization's warehouse regarding its current stock management system, location techniques. The organization is a telecommunications company that contains a huge variety of products stocked around five thousand items on shelves. It was diagnosed that it does not have an adequate localization system, essential for agility in the process of storage, location and separation of materials, which increases the cost with materials and time of the professionals who work there looking for a place to store and later to locate the products inside the warehouse. New actions were proposed with a layout and a localization system to facilitate the storage process and its subsequent location in order to make the correct order separation.Monografia Acesso fechado Análise de custos para produto encontrado com não conformidade em empresa de comunicação da Grande Florianópolis(2020) Oliveira, Rafael deThis course conclusion paper presents the survey of data and information to be applied to Quality methods and concepts using the tools of Process Flowchart, Pareto Diagram, Ishikawa Diagram, FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) and Flow Mapping and MFV (Value and for the creation) of a system for structuring any process / product that presents non-quality, being more assertive in the decisions about the company, product and process.Monografia Acesso aberto Análise de opção tributária de construtora: caso Minha Casa, Minha Vida(2018) Junckes, MaiaraThis undergraduate thesis of production engineering aims to verify the profitability of social enterprise, through the program my home my life facing the tributary options. The case study is an enterprise of detached houses, in the city of Palhoça, SC. For this purpose, taxation comparisons were elaborated according each tax option chosen. The elaboration of this work aimed a detailed study in the area of civil construction, aiming the decision making through the viability of the project. Investment decisions in this area should be based on a viability study, not just on the entrepreneur's sensitivity.The present work was also viable due to the facility of sale in the region wherethe project was built. However, it showed that the type of tax regime adopted by the company is not the most appropriate, seeing that the simulation of another regime had greater profit. For this study, information was collected which were later used in the application of economic engineering techniques, in order to obtain the indicators that supported decision-making. A market research was made with the purpose of providing economic data about the enterprise. For this purpose, the sales price and the type of properties with similar area and close to the development were studied.Having the cost and revenue spreadsheets in hand, tax simulations were doneand then the comparative between the three regimes that could be adopted in the case.Monografia Acesso fechado Análise financeira e socioambiental de implementação de um complexo eólico no norte do estado da Bahia(2022-06-23) Ceccato, IagoDesde o primeiro relato de utilização de energia elétrica, já houve diversos avanços no âmbito da geração da energia. À medida que aconteceram os avanços das tecnologias, também se necessitou desenvolvimento relacionado às maneiras de produção da energia. Dito isso, o presente trabalho tem foco na energia eólica, mais especificamente na análise do ponto de vista social, ambiental e financeiro, da implementação de um complexo eólico no norte do estado da Bahia, no ano de 2019. Tem o objetivo de demonstrar a viabilidade do investimento na energia eólica, tipo de energia renovável, e os impactos ambiental, social e financeiros da implementação de um complexo eólico. O estudo utilizou a pesquisa aplicada quanto à natureza, com cunho tanto qualitativo quanto quantitativo em relação à abordagem do problema. Quanto aos objetivos temos uma pesquisa explicativa, e por fim pesquisa bibliográfica e estudo de caso quanto aos procedimentos. O investimento total foi de 2 bilhões de reais e retorno de 6 bilhões em 20 anos. Dito isso, podemos dizer que a partir de todos os pontos supracitados, os objetivos foram alcançados e julga-se viável o investimento na energia eólica.Monografia Acesso aberto Aplicação da modelagem de negócio Canvas e modelo de análise 7S em uma cervejaria artesanal(2018) Weinmann, Matheus Eduardo GodoyThe following term paper aims to apply the 7S strategic analysis and the Business Model Canvas to the Weinmann Brewery, in order to offer mechanisms for a more professional management. Methodologically, it was used applied researching, qualitative, descriptive, besides a case study. As data collection technique, bibliographical and documentary research was used at first, followed by interviews, questionnaires and participant observation. The results obtained with the 7S was the definition of company´s strategy, chart of positions and their description, skills sought for the company´s participants, styles adopted by the managers, training sought for the company´s members, more efficient activities of the company´s daily routine, values and organizational culture. The visual framework of the Canvas business model was also created, visually organizing the company's customers segment, value proposals, ways of relationship with the consumer, as well as channels for delivery of the proposed by the brewery, resources and key activities to be carried out by the organization, partners, sources of income and costs structure.Monografia Acesso fechado Avaliação de desempenho na gestão de doações em cadeias de suprimentos humanitárias: um estudo de caso(2017) Varella, LeonardoA logística é um componente essencial para o sucesso de operações humanitárias: questões relacionadas a Logística Humanitária estão, no Brasil, ainda em estágio de desenvolvimento. Um desafio complexo que se faz presente dentro dos processos logísticos pertinentes a operações humanitárias tange quanto a tomada de decisão sobre a aquisição, recebimento e destinação dos suprimentos e materiais necessários, sejam estes realizados através de materiais regulares (adquiridos e previstos para aquisição) ou não-regulares (oriundos de doações e de armazéns próximos). Este trabalho busca apresentar um estudo de caso e a proposta de políticas de governança para a Gestão de Doações e indicadores de desempenho para operações logísticas humanitárias referentes ao fluxo de materiais não-regulares, buscando promover ferramentas para a tomada de decisão, agregando maior eficiência na movimentação de materiais em localidades com baixa resiliência a desastres, levando em consideração o contexto brasileiro de desastres e de comportamento das pessoas e dos materiais nos fluxos analisados, as dificuldades de implementação e os obstáculos e gargalos nos processos logísticos que estes podem ocasionar, resultando por fim em instruções e ferramentas que forneçam a possibilidade de avaliação de cenários dentro de operações humanitárias considerando a questão da convergência de materiais, em especial no que tange as doações.Monografia Acesso aberto Avaliação do processo de redução de pressão na sopradora Sidel Universal SBO16/20: aplicação em uma indústria de bebidas(2018) Souza, Camilla Fagundes deThe transformation of preforms into bottles (blow) is a very detailed and detailed process, which works as a construction: it must first have a good base that supports the structure and an optimal distribution of material to be a resistant and quality bottle. A good process gives blown bottles good structure, mechanical resistance and good barrier properties for gases (CO2 and O2). Based on this assumption, this Work of Conclusion of Course proposes a study on the blowing of PET bottles (Polyethylene Terephthalate), presenting technologies in the market, evaluating the pressure reduction process used in a Sidel Universal SBO16/20 blowing machine of the year of 2007 and verifying possible opportunities for quality improvement and reduction of energy consumption. Applying quantitative analysis, this case study evaluates the wind parameters and energy consumption currently used in the Beta company. It also evaluates the impacts of process modifications over the last seven years (bottle weight reductions). The demonstration of viability of pressure reduction in a Sidel Universal SBO16/20 blower occurs through cases presented that apply the proposed study, making possible initial actions without investment. Keywords: Blow; Pressure Reduction; Blower; PET Bottles (Polyethylene Terephthalate); Grammage; Weight.Monografia Acesso aberto Certificação florestal: uma proposta de agregar valor ao produto através de uma ação estratégica e sustentável na indústria gráfica(2019) Espindola, EduardoThis paper presents a conceptual model for sustainable and economically viable practices in the printing industry, with the purpose of creating business strategies while remaining competitive in the market. Therefore, a model of adding value to the product is presented, focusing on the customer, product and business. Based on this systematization, the Value Proposition Canvas model is presented to identify a customer's pains and gains for a given product, obtaining Forest Certification to add value to the product, and the principles of Cleaner Production in the production process. In addition, it will present the procedures for becoming a certified forest management certified company as part of the FSC Chain of Custody, and some methods for reducing the environmental impacts on the production process from the Cleaner Production concept.Monografia Acesso embargado Contribuições da logística reversa aos restaurantes(2020) Barreto, Amanda Blanco GomesFood waste is present in restaurants, as well as the generation of other waste resulting from the process. The responsibility for the generation of waste includes manufacturers, importers, distributors, traders, individuals and service providers for the management of municipal solid waste, in accordance with the National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS). In this way, it is essential to understand the socio-environmental, legislative and economic issues in order to seek alternatives towards the prevention, reduction and correct disposal of this waste. Reverse logistics is an instrument that aims to reuse waste that negatively impacts the environment and company costs, and when applied to restaurants it has the ability to minimize a portion of waste generated. Therefore, the objective of this work is to study reverse logistics as a strategy to minimize and enhance restaurant waste. The methodological procedures point the research as exploratory, involving field research in a restaurant located in Florianópolis. It is believed that the elaboration of the guiding board in the present work contributed to the identification of the important points to be analyzed in the study of the restaurant, as well as assisted for proposals in the direction of reverse logistics. In addition, the work also contributed to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (2015), highlighting here SDG 2 and 12, zero hunger and sustainable agriculture and responsible consumption and production.Monografia Acesso fechado Desafios na cadeira logística de importação de produtos perigosos - enfoque em baterias/pilhas de lítio(2023-06-22) Moreira, KauanaO presente trabalho sobre o processo de importação de cargas perigosas de íons de lítio aborda os procedimentos, documentos e normas necessários para garantir a segurança no transporte de baterias de íons de lítio durante o processo de importação. No que diz respeito às legislações nacionais, é abordada a Resolução ANTT nº 5.947/2021, que Atualiza o Regulamento para o Transporte Rodoviário de Produtos Perigosos e aprova as suas Instruções Complementares, e dá outras providências, incluindo as baterias de íons de lítio. Já no contexto internacional, a monografia destaca as normas estabelecidas pela International Air Transport Association (IATA) e pelo International Maritime Organization (IMO), que regulamentam o transporte aéreo e marítimo de produtos perigosos, incluindo as baterias de íons de lítio. A monografia também discute os procedimentos específicos de importação de baterias de íons de lítio, incluindo a documentação necessária, as responsabilidades das partes envolvidas, os requisitos de embalagem e rotulagem, e as provisões especiais as quais as baterias de Lítio podem se enquadrar. No geral, a monografia destaca a importância da conformidade com as normas e regulamentações nacionais e internacionais para garantir a segurança no transporte de baterias de íons de lítio durante o processo de importação, bem como apresenta um diagrama para fácil classificação das baterias em provisão especial para carga marítimas e na instrução de embalagem para cargas aéreas.Monografia Acesso fechado Desenvolvimento conceitual e estratégico de produto com base no PDP(2017) Matos, MárciaThe current work presents the application of the strategic product planning method with the use of three methodologies that target the client, the product and the business with the creative economy. With the composition of these methodologies it was possible to build the strategic plan of the product studied and be more assertive so that the application to the product, the application that the technological development company is developing. Because the company is new and is looking for developing a new product, it is important to think about a strategic plan to meet the customer, the product and the business needs similarly. Using the integration of the three methodologies, client, product and service for the elaboration of the plan, it is possible to make the company more assertive and competitive in the creative economy era. This study comprehends a bibliographical review regarding the methodology that will be applied in the construction of the planning, and this theoretical reference provided elements that supported the study. After this, we structured the research classification, the characterization of the company that was carried out the study of action research and finally the construction based on the detailed development of the methodologies studied and the results that were obtained.Monografia Acesso embargado Desenvolvimento do projeto informacional e conceitual de um manipulador robótico colaborativo(2017) Worlitz, Diego RodriguesThe present work main objective is an application of the PRODIP – Integrated Product Design methodology in the development of the informational and conceptual design phases for a collaborative robotic manipulator. The robotic manipulator, known as a collaborative robot, is an equipment capable of performing pick and place operations, dispensing the need of complex safety features such as fences, proximity sensors and among others external security systems around its operation cell. This class of robots are essential for future improvements of most industrial production lines, turning them to be more efficient and at the same time a safer place for humans to work. The torque sensing technology plays the key role enabling the collaboration between man and machine which promotes humanization in industrial process. Such technological achievements are results of intense scientific research and applications of systematic methods in academic and professional institutions. The main goal of this development is to design a new collaborative manipulator by applying the integrated product design method and tools in the engineering department of a target study case company. This study presents the informational and conceptual design phases step by step as proposed by the given methodology. Accordingly, the product development will be based on theoretical details and functional characteristics collected from customers insights, team members past-experience and market research. These factors play an important role in contributing to a healthier, systemic and less risky development process. Therefore, the use of a solid development process intends to give to the company a higher chance in developing a reliable and competitive new product, enabling them to thrive and succeed in the robotic market.Monografia Acesso aberto Desenvolvimento do projeto informacional e conceitual de uma mini fresadora CNC para pequenas empresas(2021) Effting, EduardoO presente estudo tem como objetivo a aplicação da metodologia de processo de desenvolvimento integrado de produtos industriais para o desenvolvimento de uma mini fresadora CNC. As fresadoras CNC são máquinas capazes de executar a usinagem operada através de comando numérico computadorizado, comunicável através de softwares CAD e CAM, proporcionando a fabricação de peças com relativa rapidez. As fresadoras CNCs compactas, tem se tornado uma tendência mundial, devido aos seus benefícios e acessibilidade, tornando-a máquina ideal para compor espaços educacionais, pequenas empresas e ambientes de prototipagem como os Fab Labs. A tendência e procura por estas máquinas tem crescido, mas não há uma definição certa sobre qual modelo ideal de fresadora compacta poderia compor e suprir as necessidades de pequenas empresas tendo em vista o grande número de combinações e aplicações possíveis para máquinas operadas por comando numérico. O objetivo deste trabalho é desenvolver as etapas de projeto informacional e conceitual da metodologia de processo integrado de produtos industriais de uma mini fresadora CNC ideal para utilização em pequenas empresas, ressaltando os aspectos e necessidades essenciais para o sucesso desse produto.Monografia Acesso aberto Desenvolvimento estratégico para uma empresa de marketing digital(2017) Silva, Laís FelicianoO presente trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um planejamento estratégico para a empresa Logus Marketing Digital baseado no Modelo Canvas de Negócios, de Osterwalder e Pigneur (2011). O marketing digita cresce exponencialmente no Brasil, pela busca constante em modernização. A Logus Marketing Digital necessitava de uma estruturação em seus serviços, processos, indicador e conhecimento bibliográfico, tendo em vista que era gerida apenas com conhecimento empírico. A modelagem de negócios é cada vez mais importante para estruturar uma empresa e viu-se no Modelo Canvas de Negócios uma importante ferramenta para avaliar possíveis decisões e caminhos a serem seguidos. Objetivou-se a estruturação da empresa de marketing digital com base em bibliografias atuais e atendendo indicadores para empresa e clientes. Após a revisão bibliográfica, descreve-se a classificação da pesquisa e caracterização da empresa, onde foi possível realizar o estudo de caso e aplicação do mesmo a partir do desenvolvimento sistemático da metodologia de planejamento estratégico e apresentação dos resultados obtidos.Monografia Acesso aberto Economia Circular em Foco na Industria da Construção Civil(2022-06-28) Chagas, RafaelAtualmente, a degradação do planeta Terra junto com seu meio ambiente vem se tornando um desafio cada vez maior para as nações do globo, ao ponto de pesquisas elaboradas pelos mais diversos pesquisadores ambientalistas chegarem a conclusões alarmantes. Diante desse cenário, cresce a preocupação sobre a escassez de materiais, sobre o aumento dos preços, sobre os impactos no meio ambiente, os impactos na sociedade e etc.. Nesse sentido, a economia circular vem se destacando exponencialmente nos últimos anos em decorrência da valorização não apenas ambiental, mas também econômica, ou seja, auxiliando as organizações a crescerem economicamente enquanto se atrelam à sustentabilidade. Nesse cenário, o presente estudo visa alcançar o objetivo de contribuir em pró da sustentabilidade a partir do levantamento da compreensão teórico-prático local das construtoras de Florianópolis, no que estende as estratégias, desafios, benefícios e oportunidades em relação à economia circular. Os procedimentos metodológicos, apontam o trabalho como pesquisa qualitativa, quanto aos objetivos, a pesquisa se classifica como exploratória e descritiva. Nesse sentido, a pesquisa foi realizada em construtoras da região da grande Florianópolis, as quais foram selecionadas por tamanho de pequeno-médio porte e que tem como foco de atuação, serviços realizados na capital catarinense. A pesquisa de campo contou com um roteiro de entrevista elaborado a partir da literatura, que foi aplicado aos gestores das construtoras. Os resultados atingidos, levantaram informações sobre a realidade do segmento da construção civil. Por fim, estratégias foram mencionadas, como os métodos praticados de reciclagem, reutilização e redução de resíduos, além de destacarem as principais limitações do segmento da construção civil
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