Especialização em Gestão de Empresas


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  • Artigo Científico Acesso aberto
    A mulher na administração de empresas – suas relações de trabalho
    (2020) Wachholz, Luciana
    Corporate culture is still very masculine. In countries with this type of macho tradition, such as Brazil, the advancement of women's participation in the labor market has yet to reach higher levels due to the problem of division of responsibilities in relation to the family. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the difficulties faced by women for professional advancement in business administration. For this analysis, the applied methodology was used, as it aims to solve concrete problems faced by the female society in the labor market, with a focus on business administration. The current Brazilian socioeconomic scenario is favorable to the rise and professional success of women, but it still experiences some fragility for its evolution due to the challenges and obstacles encountered in the process of career growth, which still sacrifices itself in an attempt to reconcile the work and family, to achieve a better professional level.
  • Artigo Científico Acesso embargado
    A influência da liderança no desenvolvimento e implantação do planejamento estratégico nas pequenas e médias empresas
    (2020) Fernandes, Elizandra
    This research investigated the influence of leadership in order to identify its importance in the development and implementation of strategic planning in small and medium enterprises. Considered an important management tool, strategic planning is now being used by companies as one of the main aids in decision making and achieving competitiveness in the market. Strategic planning concepts and types of leadership researched from experts in the field were relevant factors in the elaboration of an interview script that consolidated the field research conducted with managers of small and medium-sized companies in the city of São José / SC. As a result, it was found that leadership is indispensable for the process of elaboration and implementation of strategies in small and medium enterprises, since the ability of a company to reach its objectives and goals usually depends on the way of acting and the knowledge of a company leader. Through interviews provided by the managers of the companies participating in this field research, we identified the lack of strategic planning in family businesses, however, was not an impediment for them to take advantage of opportunities and stay in the market.
  • Artigo Científico Acesso embargado
    Estratégia de marketing com utilização de aplicativos de terceiros nas empresas
    (2019) Adam, Josiane da Silva
    This article focuses on the use of delivery applications, whose research problem is the use of third-party applications as marketing tools and increased sales in companies in the "X" and "Y" companies of the segments of foods that work with tele delivery in the municipality of São Leopoldo / RS. Its primary purpose is to investigate the use of third-party applications as a means of reducing costs and increasing profitability for the food segments working with tele delivery. As for the objectives of the research, an exploratory research was used, followed by a descriptive, qualitative approach. As for the procedures, we used a field survey, a non-probabilistic sample, whose data collection took place through a structured interview. Among the obtained results it can be pointed out that with the application, it is not necessary to hire more attendants, the orders can be passed directly to the kitchen, and then the deliverers receive information about the address, total price and even a route with map showing the simplest way to reach the destination. The benefits are not limited to costs but are also reflected in convenience, time savings, productivity as well as customer safety and comfort. Given that the modern consumer is more demanding, therefore, offering him facilities is essential. Even through the third-party application it is possible to control the delivery.
  • Artigo Científico Acesso aberto
    Sustentabilidade na construção civil
    (2019) Pereira, Josilene Santana Schulz
    The concern of companies to remain sustainable is becoming more and more relevant. With the demand for buildings that are haring the planet, it is necessary to implement measures that contribute to keep it in habitable conditions. In this sense, this article aims to address the theme of sustainability in civil construction, and in view of this context, intends to answer the following problem: how, sustainable actions undertaken by the company Santa Luzia, can contribute to the Environmental sustainability? In order for the inquiry to be answered, the main objective is to identify the set of actions that the company, in study, develops to contribute to the environment by using recyclable waste in its products. The development of the research was possible through a study of applied nature, with exploratory and descriptive objectives, using the method of data collection by questionnaires, conducting qualitative analysis of the research. The results showed that the actions performed by the company Santa Luzia, when using recycled waste in its products, contribute to relocate the destination of these materials, thus inhibiting them to discard them in nature.
  • Monografia Acesso embargado
    O termo de confidencialidade no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro e a aplicação para a gestão de empresas
    (2018) Lemos, Bruna Pereira de
    A presente pesquisa tem por objeto de análise o termo de confidencialidade segundo o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. O problema que se buscou responder neste estudo foi: O termo de confidencialidade, visto não ser um contrato com disposição no Código Civil brasileiro, tem validade no nosso ordenamento jurídico? Foi utilizada, para tanto, a pesquisa bibliográfica com abordagem descritiva, analítica e explicativa. A análise realizada em doutrina demonstrou que a não determinação legal direta quanto à existência do termo de confidencialidade não altera sua validade ou eficácia jurídica, desde que obedeça aos requisitos básicos legais, e aos princípios norteadores, podendo o mesmo, inclusive ser encontrado em mais de uma forma e em mais de um ramo do Direito.
  • Artigo Científico Acesso embargado
    Treinamento e desenvolvimento profissional através de uma universidade corporativa como diferencial competitivo: um estudo de caso na empresa hoteleira Club Med
    (2018) Bueno, Célio
    This article presents the theoretical knowledge about the importance of applying training and development in companies and has, as purpose, demonstrate the advantages of these tools in the current competitive market, showing that organizations will only succeed if they know how to choose the right method to develop their intellectual human potential. Nowadays, many companies are introducing the Corporate University, as training and development tools within their organizations with the objective of achieving in a more effective way, with optimized resources, the objectives proposed by the company's strategic plan. This research is classified as bibliography, an descriptive and qualitative study type with the objective of demonstrating through a case study of a hotel company the benefits that an organization can achieve when it introduces Corporate University as a tool to raise intellectual capital and retain their talents. The results are notorious when it can be observed the professionals reports who work in the training and development processes of the company studied.
  • Artigo Científico Acesso embargado
    Planejamento estratégico como ferramenta de sustentabilidade em empresas de pequeno porte de Belo Horizonte
    (2018) Calabria, Mara
    The theme addresses the use of Strategic Management in small companies in Belo Horizonte with the objective of identifying the influence of strategic planning on their sustainability. The study used a descriptive qualitative approach, a non-probabilistic sample, the size of which was 15 (fifteen) interviews in companies from the branches - services, commerce and civil construction. Thus, the profile of small Brazilian companies, as well as the existing literature on the subject, was searched for content to investigate the characteristics, profile, management model they use, and the interest of these mining entrepreneurs in search of improvement. It was observed as a result in the research that most of the companies interviewed need to use practical methods for strategic management. In this way, it is believed that this limits the opportunity to perfect and expand your business.
  • Artigo Científico Acesso aberto
    O planejamento estratégico, suas escolas, seus tipos e diferenças e sua elaboração
    (2017) Garcia, Alexandre
    Expõe sobre o planejamnto estratégico
  • Artigo Científico Acesso aberto
    Diagnóstico e viabilidade de serviços de gestão para propriedades rurais
    (2017) Lermen, Vanessa Kelly
    O presente trabalho visa a analisar uma dimensão específica da gestão do agronegócio brasileiro, considerando que nos últimos 50 anos, sua cadeia produtiva passou por uma profunda reestruturação e saiu da condição de “agricultura de subsistência” para a de “produção rural”, profissionalizando a forma de produzir em escala para atender à crescente demanda mundial por commodities. Entretanto, os produtores rurais tornaram-se eficientes em produzir, mas não em gerir recursos do processo produtivo. Dessa maneira, por intermédio da coleta e análise de dados, junto à produtores rurais de três Estados da Federação, com propriedades rurais de diferentes tamanhos e exploração agropecuária diversa, objetiva-se diagnosticar a realidade da gestão de propriedades e selecionar as melhores ferramentas da administração que possam ser direcionadas ao agronegócio, permitindo estabelecer a padronização de atividades, e a definição de planejamento estratégico de curto, médio e longo prazo, permitindo o crescimento sustentável da propriedade rural como empresa.
  • Artigo Científico Acesso aberto
    Marketing de relacionamento: uma análise para retenção e fidelização dos clientes de uma agência bancária de Fortaleza
    (2017) Martins, Lucácia Lotif
    O estudo tem como objetivo geral identificar os fatores relacionados ao marketing de relacionamento que contribuem para satisfação e fidelização de clientes no setor de serviços bancários, em uma agência bancária localizada em Fortaleza/CE. Seus objetivos específicos foram: investigar a satisfação dos clientes quanto ao atendimento prestado em uma empresa do setor de serviços bancários; identificar as variáveis que fidelizam os clientes em uma empresa de serviços bancários; e, avaliar a importância do marketing de relacionamento para fidelização do cliente em uma empresa de serviços bancários. A metodologia utilizada baseia-se em uma pesquisa bibliográfica e com pesquisa de campo com dados secundários e primários, cujo principal instrumento de coleta foi um questionário estruturado com perguntas fechadas. Ao final da pesquisa constatou-se que no geral os clientes estão satisfeitos com o atendimento prestado e que o relacionamento entre cliente e instituição financeira é determinante para a fidelização do mesmo.
  • Artigo Científico Acesso aberto
    Gestão da temperatura na distribuição de medicamento em cadeia fria
    (2017) Remor, Lucas Mendes
    This article used theoretical foundations based on several authors of scientific articles published in magazines and newspapers. The distribution of drugs and pharmaceuticals that require constant cooling is a major concern of the pharmaceutical industries. Several products, called labile term, require a controlled temperature control so that the medicine does not lose its stability and with that it does not lose its effectiveness, this control must be done from the exit of the industry until the delivery to the pharmacy and later to the final consumer, this is considered cold chain or cold chain.The methods available today are very limited, the vast majority use technologies that use radio waves to monitor temperatures. That way it is important to explain about the use of these technologies, to keep the whole process even more secure. Currently, we have basically three types of temperature control forms, the graphic appliances, which measure the temperature and print a graph paper, color indicators, and electronic devices also known as RFID. New studies and technologies must be created to make this temperature management more and more effective.